Make Sure You're Protected

Chili Palmer

Master of My Domian
Jan 7, 2010
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I went inside the In-N-Out in Glendora yesterday evening to order to go and as I sat waiting for my number to be called I watched an Asian lady, probably in her early 60's wearing a mask and gloves go to the sanitizer and put a couple of squirts on her gloved hands and rub it in. WTF???

Then I'm looking at the soda fountain machines - only employees can use them, why are these closed off to the public, nobody is sticking their mouths on the spigots? And what does no refills have to do with this Covid BS?

There is no logic in any of this.....🤬

Ragged Edge

Man in the Box
May 4, 2011
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I just got my full body condom delivered yesterday. I might die from asphyxiation but I won't get covid and the good news is I won't look any more ridiculous than the other covidiots out there. 😆 And yes, none of this makes any sense from the prevent the spread of a virus standpoint.


Sep 26, 2007
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I have to wear a mask in every customer home I enter ( I personally am in on average 3 homes a day). We are also requiring all employees to wear them when in the building. I refuse to wear one in my private office though. I figure I’m “masked up” 6 hours a day. All I’m the name of remaining “essential”

What makes me smack my head is those that are wearing them in their cars by themselves. 🤦‍♂️


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2011
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The fear created by social media is unbelievable. Imagine if the same amount of energy were spent on telling people the truth. You know, like the fact that you could get this virus, but that the survival rate is over 98% IF they were to become infected. People have just been told over and over again that they're going to die if they walk outside. And people believe that shit. 🙄


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
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Just saw a guy, maybe early 30's in Target have a double layer mask on AND. a face shield with his glasses. The scared idiots are all over....

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I saw a lady walking down Tampa Ave yesterday with a cloth mask covering her mouth an N95 covering that and another cloth mask covering the N95, so 3 masks total. SMH

liquid addiction

^ 78 DiMarco Flat
Feb 3, 2016
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I saw a guy in the grocery store before thanksgiving with a full on respirator mask. WTF?


Feb 19, 2008
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stop and think about that for a minute, she will eat the burger with her gloves ON. so same as sanitizing your bare hand before eating the burger. and those gloves hard to come by maybe she keep as long as she can......

So then why even wear the fucking gloves? That's the issue, there's no rhyme or reason. The point of gloves is to trash them every time they are contaminated (think working on a greasy part and then scratching your face), keeping your hands clean. If you're going to use the same set of gloves for everything they do nothing.

I would say 90% of what is being requested of the public and what people are doing is ONLY to make people feel like they are doing something. They don't even care if it's actually doing anything as long as it makes them feel good. That seems to be a lot of progressive policy though... All feeling based, not analytical.


What is right and what is wrong these days!
Jun 25, 2018
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Yeah, it is great to sit back and watch the stupidity of others. From the Uber Eats guy all masked up cross contaminating to Lady walking with one glove but touching everything with the unloved hand. Funnier than you would think. Someone could sit back a write a book about it. It would be best if it was a picture book becuase these idiots must not be able to read. LOL

74 spectra20 v-drive

74 spectra20 v-drive
Nov 27, 2008
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You can 100% tell the people who sit and only watch network news, they are the ones in complete melt down. What were the results of a survey in several battel ground states for the election that showed nearly 40% of democrats had never heard of the Hunter Biden lap top issues...


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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I went inside the In-N-Out in Glendora yesterday evening to order to go and as I sat waiting for my number to be called I watched an Asian lady, probably in her early 60's wearing a mask and gloves go to the sanitizer and put a couple of squirts on her gloved hands and rub it in. WTF???

Then I'm looking at the soda fountain machines - only employees can use them, why are these closed off to the public, nobody is sticking their mouths on the spigots? And what does no refills have to do with this Covid BS?

There is no logic in any of this.....🤬
Stop your bleating and get back in the pasture with the rest of the sheep!


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2007
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Its fucked up.

I went to in-n-out and ate in. They bring your order to your table.

Here’s the fucked up part. The same guy that brings out food is bussing tables, as in taking away used napkins and drink cups and straws then goes up and gets someone’s food for them.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2007
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And the biggest ass prize goes to our AZ Senetor for really making a difference by dressing like this on the senate floor in “solidarity for social distancing.”

LOL Democrats have always known how to implement solutions that solve problems


Looking Glass

1 = Well = Known = Member
Jan 6, 2020
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Get used to it, biden just anounced that from the minute he is sworn in he is going to ask All Americans to wear a Mask everywhere. P.S. the Loser mark kelly is All IN with it. Funny after these Clowns get elected Then the real Platform is revealed. I am still confident IF the Courts hear the Cases, that This is not over.


Dreaming of the lake
Feb 13, 2008
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I was out sick the last 2 days from work with some really bad shits. I am now waiting for the brain tickler due to diarrhea being a supposed symptom of this bullshit, yet I wasn't knowingly exposed. But since its a stupid symptom I have to get tested to go back to work.

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Baja 252

Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2009
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Here at LOTO, central MO, very few people wear masks unless your at a big national chain store like Lowe’s or HD and then it’s not really enforced.
Yesterday a guy in a bass boat by himself trolls by the dock fishing and wearing a mask. That’s Biden stupid.


Coffee makes me poop.
Sep 24, 2007
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I met with a customer who didn't have any symptoms, and got infected. It didn't take much. Just a normal conversation...and not even that close to each other. I agree masks in your car is silly, but this virus is very contagious.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2007
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I have seen several people on Sea Do's riding by themselves and wearing masks. I guess they think the virus lives in the river.


Dreaming of the lake
Feb 13, 2008
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I met with a customer who didn't have any symptoms, and got infected. It didn't take much. Just a normal conversation...and not even that close to each other. I agree masks in your car is silly, but this virus is very contagious.
Its not always very contagious. We have had several guys at work get it and yet their spouces don't. Others that work very close with them and don't get it either. Overall, it's not nearly as contagious as MSM leads on.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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I have to wear a mask in every customer home I enter ( I personally am in on average 3 homes a day). We are also requiring all employees to wear them when in the building. I refuse to wear one in my private office though. I figure I’m “masked up” 6 hours a day. All I’m the name of remaining “essential”

What makes me smack my head is those that are wearing them in their cars by themselves. 🤦‍♂️

I've seen the single masked driver deal, thought WTF, but then it dawned on me, could this be some sort of Uber or Lyft requirement ??


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2010
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I have seen several people on Sea Do's riding by themselves and wearing masks. I guess they think the virus lives in the river.

Is that self induced waterboarding when the mask gets wet?🤔🙄


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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Cray Cray.... just got in from beach.... lots of folks walking the shoreline wearing masks. Gavin Effect


I will not let them take me🤣🤣
Aug 28, 2018
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Experienced my first KAREN on Tuesday. The wife and I went to Walmart to get Christmas ornaments. One lady looking Christmas lights blocking the isle, another lady walks up trying to get by her. The first lady starts yelling "6' get back", the other lady says "I'm just trying to get by". Lady starts yelling again "6' RULE GET BACK YOU COULD INFECT ME". Other lady backs up a little, she yells again "6' ITS THE LAW". I couldnt take it anymore as I was waiting to look at lights also. So me being me, I pipe up, "quit fukn yelling nobody wants to listen to you". She yells at me "you have to be 6' it's the law". Me "show me the law, your full of shit! If your that fukn scared why are you here, stay home!" She says, "I need to shop." Me, "no you dont, call, they will deliver this shit, or curbside pick up." She starts yelling again. I raise my voice, pretty loud, "listen lady, if your that worried stay home, nobody wants to listen to your shit, the virus isnt going to kill you and the 6' is bullshit, keep your muzzle on that should make you safe, the rest of us are over this bullshit!" Everyone around starts to clap a cheer! My wife grabs my arm and said let's go look at ornaments. So we walk a couple isles over. I'm standing with the cart at the end of the isle. And here she comes. She walks about 3' away from me, turns around, sees me, she says "oh I'll go around." I tell her "it's ok, you can go by. I'm not going to yell and make scene like you." She starts going off on me on how she had it 3mo ago and is still on oxygen cause of it! I called bullshit and asked where her tank was. She got pissed and stormed off.. this is all within about a 5min window. As she is walking off the lady that she was originally yelling at comes up and thanks me and shakes my hand along with a bout 10 others that came over and said "thanks, I really wanted to say something to her, I'm glad you actually did!" Needless to say my wife is just shaking her head..🤣

Sometimes my "outloud" voice gets the best of me. I can only keep quiet so long..lol
Last edited:

Ace in the Hole

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
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Yeah, it is great to sit back and watch the stupidity of others. From the Uber Eats guy all masked up cross contaminating to Lady walking with one glove but touching everything with the unloved hand. Funnier than you would think. Someone could sit back a write a book about it. It would be best if it was a picture book becuase these idiots must not be able to read. LOL

Did you see lord caldwell's press conference today? He got told to fuck off again....his response showed how out of touch these damn politicians are.


Feb 19, 2008
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I met with a customer who didn't have any symptoms, and got infected. It didn't take much. Just a normal conversation...and not even that close to each other. I agree masks in your car is silly, but this virus is very contagious.
But did you die? :)

Andy B.

Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2011
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I was out sick the last 2 days from work with some really bad shits. I am now waiting for the brain tickler due to diarrhea being a supposed symptom of this bullshit, yet I wasn't knowingly exposed. But since its a stupid symptom I have to get tested to go back to work.

Sent from my SM-G781V using Tapatalk

Shit I have a runny shit after too much kale and spinach the first shit of the day is runny the second solid if that's a symptom I should be tested every day!🤣

Andy B.

Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2011
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Its not always very contagious. We have had several guys at work get it and yet their spouces don't. Others that work very close with them and don't get it either. Overall, it's not nearly as contagious as MSM leads on.

Sent from my SM-G781V using Tapatalk

Yep was around a coworker same office touched the same stuff keyboard etc he got sick,not bad and I was fine. I wash my hands every time when I leave or get home, unless someone spits or sneezes on you and you wipe your mouth or eyes your fine. Some people get sick when the wind blows though.

Andy B.

Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2011
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Experienced my first KAREN on Tuesday. The wife and I went to Walmart to get Christmas ornaments. One lady looking Christmas lights blocking the isle, another lady walks up trying to get by her. The first lady starts yelling "6' get back", the other lady says "I'm just trying to get by". Lady starts yelling again "6' RULE GET BACK YOU COULD INFECT ME". Other lady backs up a little, she yells again "6' ITS THE LAW". I couldnt take it anymore as I was waiting to look at lights also. So me being me, I pipe up, "quit fukn yelling nobody wants to listen to you". She yells at me "you have to be 6' it's the law". Me "show me the law, your full of shit! If your that fukn scared why are you here, stay home!" She says, "I need to shop." Me, "no you dont, call, they will deliver this shit, or curbside pick up." She starts yelling again. I raise my voice, pretty loud, "listen lady, if your that worried stay home, nobody wants to listen to your shit, the virus isnt going to kill you and the 6' is bullshit, keep your muzzle on that should make you safe, the rest of us are over this bullshit!" Everyone around starts to clap a cheer! My wife grabs my arm and said let's go look at ornaments. So we walk a couple isles over. I'm standing with the cart at the end of the isle. And here she comes. She walks about 3' away from me, turns around, sees me, she says "oh I'll go around." I tell her "it's ok, you can go by. I'm not going to yell and make scene like you." She starts going off on me on how she had it 3mo ago and is still on oxygen cause of it! I called bullshit and asked where her tank was. She got pissed and stormed off.. this is all within about a 5min window. As she is walking off the lady that she was originally yelling at comes up and thanks me and shakes my hand along with a bout 10 others that came over and said "thanks, I really wanted to say something to her, I'm glad you actually did!" Needless to say my wife is just shaking her head..🤣

Sometimes my "outloud" voice gets the best of me. I can only keep quiet so long..lol

Awesome this needs to happen more often fuck the sheep good for you!!!


Well-Known RDP Inmate #211
Oct 4, 2007
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Experienced my first KAREN on Tuesday. The wife and I went to Walmart to get Christmas ornaments. One lady looking Christmas lights blocking the isle, another lady walks up trying to get by her. The first lady starts yelling "6' get back", the other lady says "I'm just trying to get by". Lady starts yelling again "6' RULE GET BACK YOU COULD INFECT ME". Other lady backs up a little, she yells again "6' ITS THE LAW". I couldnt take it anymore as I was waiting to look at lights also. So me being me, I pipe up, "quit fukn yelling nobody wants to listen to you". She yells at me "you have to be 6' it's the law". Me "show me the law, your full of shit! If your that fukn scared why are you here, stay home!" She says, "I need to shop." Me, "no you dont, call, they will deliver this shit, or curbside pick up." She starts yelling again. I raise my voice, pretty loud, "listen lady, if your that worried stay home, nobody wants to listen to your shit, the virus isnt going to kill you and the 6' is bullshit, keep your muzzle on that should make you safe, the rest of us are over this bullshit!" Everyone around starts to clap a cheer! My wife grabs my arm and said let's go look at ornaments. So we walk a couple isles over. I'm standing with the cart at the end of the isle. And here she comes. She walks about 3' away from me, turns around, sees me, she says "oh I'll go around." I tell her "it's ok, you can go by. I'm not going to yell and make scene like you." She starts going off on me on how she had it 3mo ago and is still on oxygen cause of it! I called bullshit and asked where her tank was. She got pissed and stormed off.. this is all within about a 5min window. As she is walking off the lady that she was originally yelling at comes up and thanks me and shakes my hand along with a bout 10 others that came over and said "thanks, I really wanted to say something to her, I'm glad you actually did!" Needless to say my wife is just shaking her head..🤣

Sometimes my "outloud" voice gets the best of me. I can only keep quiet so long..lol
Lol I'm currently banned from 2 Salem Walmart's and was just threatened to have the police called on me at the Lebanon one for no mask. I told the hostile employee let the cops know I will be in the feminine hygiene aisle getting her some overdue Midol. I've been way past done with this Rona shit especially with all the rule makers partying and enjoying life. Fuck all of them.

And for the record I am very respectful 99.945% of the time but when someone comes at me with both guns blazing and a BLM mask on I instantly escalate

Looking Glass

1 = Well = Known = Member
Jan 6, 2020
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I have seen several people on Sea Do's riding by themselves and wearing masks. I guess they think the virus lives in the river.

I don't understand the mocking/shaming some people. Everyone takes their Health differently. I wear a mask when going into stores and although do not enjoy it, I do Respect others. I have no clue what some others are going through or who knows just High risk. I from being a former business owner, this is MY Business I want your Business but here are the Rules. Please obey them or do Not come in. There are so many that have the attitude when going to businesses that I'm Not doing this or that. Really? Then, don't be all Pissy when someone comes up and puts you in an embarrassing situation Telling you Put it on or Get Out.

This really comes down to Respect and there is so very little of it. Everyone is stressed, and there are some who are Grandmothers and Grandfathers, Uncles, Aunts and they may be very At Risk. Honestly it just shows that you are an Adult and understands that at times this what it is, and for sure if you have Children with you. They do learn by example. I feel this is going to be a Long Run here, so you can accept it and get in and get out and try to enjoy life along with Live and let Live.


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2020
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We could very well still be required to wear masks the next couple years. This is not going away quietly. Better get used to it


Feb 19, 2008
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I don't understand the mocking/shaming some people. Everyone takes their Health differently. I wear a mask when going into stores and although do not enjoy it, I do Respect others. I have no clue what some others are going through or who knows just High risk. I from being a former business owner, this is MY Business I want your Business but here are the Rules. Please obey them or do Not come in. There are so many that have the attitude when going to businesses that I'm Not doing this or that. Really? Then, don't be all Pissy when someone comes up and puts you in an embarrassing situation Telling you Put it on or Get Out.

This really comes down to Respect and there is so very little of it. Everyone is stressed, and there are some who are Grandmothers and Grandfathers, Uncles, Aunts and they may be very At Risk. Honestly it just shows that you are an Adult and understands that at times this what it is, and for sure if you have Children with you. They do learn by example. I feel this is going to be a Long Run here, so you can accept it and get in and get out and try to enjoy life along with Live and let Live.
I’m with you to a certain extent but take it in a different direction. I have two ideas that I think if everyone followed would fix 90% of the worlds problems.
1-Have personal accountability
2-Mind your own business

In your hypothetical situation, I think many businesses are forced to do the mask thing because they are worried about lawsuits. So when I come in, if they ask me to put on a mask or leave, I will happily leave and take my business elsewhere. All we can do is ‘vote’ with our wallets in this instance. I’m taking my choice and being accountable for it, you want me out, no problem I’ll leave with a smile. As for the people that want to wear masks, that’s fine too, not me, not my problem. Don’t like that the owner hasn’t kicked me out, go somewhere else. It’s that simple and goes both ways.

I’m NOT ok with “this is how’s it going to be so just get over it”. Why do I have to submit to ‘their’ desires (the Karen’s, not the business owner). If it is the actual owner’s decision then I don’t want to do business there anyway...

Looking Glass

1 = Well = Known = Member
Jan 6, 2020
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I’m with you to a certain extent but take it in a different direction. I have two ideas that I think if everyone followed would fix 90% of the worlds problems.
1-Have personal accountability
2-Mind your own business

In your hypothetical situation, I think many businesses are forced to do the mask thing because they are worried about lawsuits. So when I come in, if they ask me to put on a mask or leave, I will happily leave and take my business elsewhere. All we can do is ‘vote’ with our wallets in this instance. I’m taking my choice and being accountable for it, you want me out, no problem I’ll leave with a smile. As for the people that want to wear masks, that’s fine too, not me, not my problem. Don’t like that the owner hasn’t kicked me out, go somewhere else. It’s that simple and goes both ways.

I’m NOT ok with “this is how’s it going to be so just get over it”. Why do I have to submit to ‘their’ desires (the Karen’s, not the business owner).

O.K. so what if every business does comply with a Mandate, and enforces it to the letter of the Law? biden is talking about a 100 day Nationwide Mask deal. I have no idea how it will be enforced but it all comes down to the Business Management and that goes for hiring Illegals. When the Business is held responsible for the Enforcement or face severe penalities IMO they will comply. I at this point in my life I am Not going to get all worked up and make things More Stressful than they already are. This Covid deal is so far above and beyond Submitting than everything else, that I understand that this is not about me but about others. I want at the end of the day be able to say, Hey I did my part to hopeully come to an End of this Nightmare and get back to Normal if that will ever be. The Poor Business owner is going to be the one who suffere one way or another,I want to try to help him out in this situation that is the last thing he could ever imagine. What is the saying in here? "You do you and I'll do me"

Chili Palmer

Master of My Domian
Jan 7, 2010
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This is all so much politicized BS, every few years a bad flu strain comes out and every year people die - it’s a fact if life from it. This flu strain has a worst case scenario of a 95% rate of survival and that’s for people in their 80’s, but yet we shut the country down and impose restrictions. On the other hand cancer and AIDS have much lower rates of survival, but yet life goes on, business as usual.
The people have had it and need to fight back. One way is a group of people go to a restaurant and order food to go then sit a a table, tell them you are protesting by eating inside - protesting is allowed and you can’t be arrested for that, the riots proved that. Go after the politicians that impose these restrictions, but don’t follow their own rules like Newscum, Pelosi, Kuel. Start going after Flipping Fauci the fraud - he’s on the democrats payroll to make things difficult while Trump is still the president. When Biden steps in (I hope not), he will be replaced.


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2007
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I wish there was a 20' separation guideline, I really hate most people and there are way too many of them nowadays. Also I don't mind the the masks, it help with me smelling people's fucked up breath.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2010
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I am just going to follow the fine example set by our political leaders.🙄


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2009
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How many of you guys have wanted to throw on your welding helmet and walk around with that on?
I know I've considered it just for shits and giggles!

What would be funny is seeing someone wearing one of those deep sea diving helmets..


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2009
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I am just going to follow the fine example set by our political leaders.🙄
And Biden is already pushing a 100 day mask-up. I will not comply, unless it’s at the barrel of a gun. And if they go to that extreme, we’ve lost the country already. I guarantee you, 100 day “voluntary” will morph into mandatory. This is a total conditioning set-up.


Older Member
Sep 24, 2007
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Most the the crazy BS is driving me crazy.... I hate masks, gloves and eye protection BUT when I get paged out to a medical call on a breathing issue I damn well do wear the PPE....we have had several fire fighters in our area required to go through quarantine and I have fire fire fighters on my crew test positive. The whole thing is a MAJOR PIA


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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And Biden is already pushing a 100 day mask-up. I will not comply, unless it’s at the barrel of a gun. And if they go to that extreme, we’ve lost the country already. I guarantee you, 100 day “voluntary” will morph into mandatory. This is a total conditioning set-up.

Lol.. you forgot one option