Hold The Line.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
After watching the shit show with Robinhood yesterday I’m convinced everything is rigged. This is their world we are just living in it. I learned that last time I was in a court room.

it absolutely is.. that said you can ride through the ranks and be top tier.. or you can cruise through life low tier.
Make no mistake we are all low tier. Very few people break into the upper crust..

America and the modern world is different in the fact that the middle class is a comfortable low tier.

being a millionaire is still pretty low tier FYI..


cobra performance boats
May 24, 2014
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it absolutely is.. that said you can ride through the ranks and be top tier.. or you can cruise through life low tier.
Make no mistake we are all low tier. Very few people break into the upper crust..

America and the modern world is different in the fact that the middle class is a comfortable low tier.

being a millionaire is still pretty low tier FYI..
I like the way you put that. I agree 100%


Fixes Broken Stuff
Jul 25, 2012
Reaction score
More hope porn.

I'll take it any day over the realization that we are actually going to have to take up arms to right the mounting tremendous grievances against the citizenry.

It's plain as day, this is the home stretch for them, they already looked at you and laughed while they stole the presidency.

They don't fear us at all.


How Far Off Was I?
Jun 24, 2019
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Cleaning the outhouse on a global scale.
Used the same same dominion machines.
Drip, drip, drip......
Tick, tock, tick, tock....

What's suh matter?
Getting nervous?
You better be.


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2008
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Last edited:


Fixes Broken Stuff
Jul 25, 2012
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Why the FUCK are we interfering with another country's election?


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2012
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it absolutely is.. that said you can ride through the ranks and be top tier.. or you can cruise through life low tier.
Make no mistake we are all low tier. Very few people break into the upper crust..

America and the modern world is different in the fact that the middle class is a comfortable low tier.

being a millionaire is still pretty low tier FYI..
Yup, think about it, just about everybody contributes to their retirement accounts every year, which means guaranteed money every single year for the fund companies to invest or use in God knows what. Hell, they even know when we will start taking our money out, knowing that we most likely won't come for it until we're 65. Crazy.


Floatin Dirty
Feb 15, 2008
Reaction score
Why was General Charles Flynn just put in charge of US Army Pacific Command?

Who authorized this promotion?

Where are the servers captured in the Frankfurt CIA operations center raid?

Was Gina Haspel captured in that raid and is she now singing and/or did she sing like a bird in Gitmo?

Where are the pictures of the Bidens at the White House?

Why does ground intel say th he WH has been dark since 1/20? And what's with all the buses coming in and out of DC?
Why is the city state District of Columbia surrounded by troops who signed on to stay for another three months?
Is it possible we could have another capital somewhere else running a parallel government?
Is it possible the city state of the District of Columbia will never be the true center of power again in the near future?

Why does Trump still have the Football and the launch codes?

Why is "team biden" still not allowed in certain areas of the Pentagon?

Is the CCP being taken down?
Is this why the One China policy was changed recently?
Was it to allow for the acknowledgement of Taiwan's sovereignty as well as official denial of recognition of the CCP?

Would one ever think that all time and focus spent on and breathing life and legitimacy into joe bidens actions as "president" could be better spent inquiring into the many anomalies that are real and profound?
Or is this part of the plan to show all people the horrors of what the NWO criminals will do to all of us and to wake up more brainwashed people?

Will Saturday be the end of the "ten days of darkness"?

Feel the pain yet?

Biden is not president.

Trump 2020 MAGA/KAGA.

If you have direct contact with the Kraken can you please ask him when he is making his appearance? Bidens EO's are killing us and we really could use the Kraken about now.


Fixes Broken Stuff
Jul 25, 2012
Reaction score
If you have direct contact with the Kraken can you please ask him when he is making his appearance? Bidens EO's are killing us and we really could use the Kraken about now.

I would like to think you speak for all of us!

However, we're along for the ride at this point, pedo and the whore are not in the WH, so much fuckery still happening, HOLD THE LINE!


How Far Off Was I?
Jun 24, 2019
Reaction score
Why?, his job is done there, mission complete more or less.
Okie dokie.
If you say so.
Who am I to argue?


Tritoon Racing
May 4, 2012
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Floatin Dirty
Feb 15, 2008
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Why?, his job is done there, mission complete more or less.

Yea why work when your the richest man in the world right? Spend more time with the hot wife and not be bothered with day to day Amazon concerns.


Fixes Broken Stuff
Jul 25, 2012
Reaction score
Yea why work when your the richest man in the world right? Spend more time with the hot wife and not be bothered with day to day Amazon concerns.

He's not even on the radar of the richest men in the world. It's a paper media stunt.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2011
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8000 CEO's and 200,000 indictments still remain sealed 😎
Life as we know it, or thought we knew it, is heading for the meat grinder...horrible analogy considering.


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2008
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He just bought a 225 million dollar house but you think hes not rich? He has a space ship business and owns the Washington post to. Amazon grossed 100 billion per quarter. I'd say he is doing ok.

I think he means compared to the real rich families who secretly run the show and allow these guys like Bezos to exist until his ticket gets pulled by them...

years ago couple of my buddies were telling me about the secret families who ran the world and i used to laugh at them

the bankers like Rothscild, Bildenburgs etc. that owned trillions and would lend money to the world and start all the conflicts (wars).. spelled wrong maybe

the families WTG is constantlly talking about. now its not so funny to me as they are being exposed


Floatin Dirty
Feb 15, 2008
Reaction score
I think he means compared to the real rich families who secretly run the show and allow these guys like Bezos to exist until his ticket gets pulled by them...

years ago couple of my buddies were telling me about the secret families who ran the world and i used to laugh at them

the bankers like Rothscild, Bildenburgs etc. that owned trillions and would lend money to the world and start all the conflicts (wars).. spelled wrong maybe

the families WTG is constantlly talking about. now its not so funny to me as they are being exposed

Well ok, that I can agree with but Bezos would be like a local administrator for the NWO then.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
After watching the shit show with Robinhood yesterday I’m convinced everything is rigged. This is their world we are just living in it. I learned that last time I was in a court room.

it is rigged.. lol. That doesn’t mean red one / mark 5 BS is ever coming to fruition


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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After watching the shit show with Robinhood yesterday I’m convinced everything is rigged. This is their world we are just living in it. I learned that last time I was in a court room.

If you look carefully, pretty much everything in life is rigged in one way or another. Even who gets to sit in the front pew at Christmas mass......

If you happen to be born to parents in a richer neighborhood, you get better schools not available to others. If you happen to have access to capital, you can open a business. If you happen to get into a union with limited jobs, like a fire department for example, you get high wages and an excellent retirement system not available to others while your children are more likely to get into that union than those from the outside. The list of examples goes on forever.

You don't think the moneyed railroads, large mining companies and big industry didn't rig the system from LE to judges to screw the shit out of the settlers and the natives when Western Europeans marched West across America? Of course they did.

As another example, if there is anyone who knows what a rigged system looks like, it's Donald Trump and George Bush, who were able to evade the draft during the height of the Vietnam War when the U.S. was losing on average 1,000 troops every month. That system was clearly rigged in favor of young men from politically influential families, but Donald Trump and George Bush never complained about that.

Humans want a rigged system, its why if we are playing pick up basketball, each team has to alternate picks otherwise a group would get together and hold the floor for the entire evening and no other pick up team could beat them or have a fair shot. It is not normal for a human to say, lets make a couple really equal teams.........that sounds like fun......

The Question for me remains. As flawed as the US may be, is it better than others? And quite frankly I haven't found a better one yet. The beauty of our system is that anyone can go from the poorest and most screwed, to the richest and the one who gets to write the rules. And then equally fall back down to the bottom. It certainly isn't perfect, but find that in any other country?


Fixes Broken Stuff
Jul 25, 2012
Reaction score
If you look carefully, pretty much everything in life is rigged in one way or another. Even who gets to sit in the front pew at Christmas mass......

If you happen to be born to parents in a richer neighborhood, you get better schools not available to others. If you happen to have access to capital, you can open a business. If you happen to get into a union with limited jobs, like a fire department for example, you get high wages and an excellent retirement system not available to others while your children are more likely to get into that union than those from the outside. The list of examples goes on forever.

You don't think the moneyed railroads, large mining companies and big industry didn't rig the system from LE to judges to screw the shit out of the settlers and the natives when Western Europeans marched West across America? Of course they did.

As another example, if there is anyone who knows what a rigged system looks like, it's Donald Trump and George Bush, who were able to evade the draft during the height of the Vietnam War when the U.S. was losing on average 1,000 troops every month. That system was clearly rigged in favor of young men from politically influential families, but Donald Trump and George Bush never complained about that.

Humans want a rigged system, its why if we are playing pick up basketball, each team has to alternate picks otherwise a group would get together and hold the floor for the entire evening and no other pick up team could beat them or have a fair shot. It is not normal for a human to say, lets make a couple really equal teams.........that sounds like fun......

The Question for me remains. As flawed as the US may be, is it better than others? And quite frankly I haven't found a better one yet. The beauty of our system is that anyone can go from the poorest and most screwed, to the richest and the one who gets to write the rules. And then equally fall back down to the bottom. It certainly isn't perfect, but find that in any other country?

What no mention of Clinton or Biden's draft dodging?

You disappoint me, you are plainly all talk, and no spine, or you would have included your closet demoshit butt buddies.

In a nation without a rule of law anymore, you are nothing more than a target of opportunity.

Welcome to pedo/whore America.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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What no mention of Clinton or Biden's draft dodging?

You disappoint me, you are plainly all talk, and no spine, or you would have included your closet demoshit butt buddies.

In a nation without a rule of law anymore, you are nothing more than a target of opportunity.

Welcome to pedo/whore America.

Yes both Clinton and Biden used a rigged system to dodge going to Vietnam.

But you miss the point where I acknowledged that the “rigged” system is used constantly by people on a daily basis.

With respect to the rule of law, I’m not aware where the rule of law has not been applied in this election. You may not like the rule of law in this country but it is what it is and I challenge you to find a country with a better one and back it up by moving there?


Fixes Broken Stuff
Jul 25, 2012
Reaction score
With respect to the rule of law, I’m not aware where the rule of law has not been applied in this election. You may not like the rule of law in this country but it is what it is and I challenge you to find a country with a better one and back it up by moving there?

When the DOJ has been missing an entire presidency, and the Presidential Election was stolen from the citizens in plain view, with the support of the DOJ and the media, even Ray Charles can see there is no law for us taxpayers.

As to leaving my cherished America, you can go ahead and fuck off to your island/canada whatever the fuck you stated if shit ever goes down.

I'll defend her to my death, even for you. In Spite of you. As someone who could actually DO something, you will continue to hedge bets, make money off us serfs, and skip paying any tax as much as possible...because capitalism right?

You cannot be so jaded as to see if we fall so do you. You are not nearly high enough in the food chain to prevent your own assets/property/weapons from being removed at their wish. I would think since you have much more than us to loose you would be a champion for freedom?

Making money is awesome and allows almost unrestricted freedom.....until America goes down. Then you are just another loot pinata for someone to pop.


Jan 9, 2010
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Lol... just can't help himself. I picutre the oracle as being The Tiger King and his nemesis is Donald Trump. 😂


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Lol... just can't help himself. I picutre the oracle as being The Tiger King and his nemesis is Donald Trump. 😂

Realizing 530's unpopularity on this site, I'd really enjoy hearing or reading a debate or exchange of ideas between them. This, not to decide a winner or loser, simply to listen to one businessman's opinions versus another's, purely pragmatic, all emotions aside.


Jan 9, 2010
Reaction score
Realizing 530's unpopularity on this site, I'd really enjoy hearing or reading a debate or exchange of ideas between them. This, not to decide a winner or loser, simply to listen to one businessman's opinions versus another's, purely pragmatic, all emotions aside.
You can be the most knowledgeable person on the face of the planet, but if you act like an ass most of the time, nobody cares or wants to listen to you. He knows this and simply doesn't care. Been that way for years now.


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2008
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boy oh boy what a beautiful , eloquent and sugar coated way to justify thievery and treason... 530

you cant fight em join em and not only that perfect it . On top of that screw it work with the enemy and hand over the keys...

surely you would do that with yore own home ?

at one point we were fighting communism / socialism heck now were embracing it...

and putting cute little labels and explanations on it...

tell you what before you know it WE aint gonna be the best system around cause Chinas gonna have their say of it...

I wonder why ? gee they own everything thats why


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2009
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You can be the most knowledgeable person on the face of the planet, but if you act like an ass most of the time, nobody cares or wants to listen to you. He knows this and simply doesn't care. Been that way for years now.
You mean like the media has portrayed Pres. Trump and turned the sheep against him?


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2012
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Realizing 530's unpopularity on this site, I'd really enjoy hearing or reading a debate or exchange of ideas between them. This, not to decide a winner or loser, simply to listen to one businessman's opinions versus another's, purely pragmatic, all emotions aside.
You're about 5 years late.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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You can be the most knowledgeable person on the face of the planet, but if you act like an ass most of the time, nobody cares or wants to listen to you. He knows this and simply doesn't care. Been that way for years now.
You just know his parents went through a shit load of pork chops...


Well-Known Inmate #'s 2584 & 20161
Jul 19, 2017
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Humans want a rigged system, its why if we are playing pick up basketball, each team has to alternate picks otherwise a group would get together and hold the floor for the entire evening and no other pick up team could beat them or have a fair shot. It is not normal for a human to say, lets make a couple really equal teams.........that sounds like fun......

You should stick to baking or flower arranging. You clearly haven't played pick-up basketball


Jan 9, 2010
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In one respect, yes, but I'd really rather hear his candid views when he's not self-promoting.
LOl... I actually thought for a moment he was doing that, then he just couldn't help himself for throwing a jab in his usual fashion. I bet he wakes up with President Trump on his mind.