Wonder if this is Gabby?

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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OJ walked because of an idiot judge that allowed the trial to become a circus. Combine that with an idiot jury, an idiot detective who lied on the stand and two idiot prosecutors going up against the best attorneys in the business and you have the perfect formula for the acquittal of a murderer.

You’re making my case.
They all had to lie.
OJ isn’t smart enough to pull off a double homicide, with a blade, and walk.
Killing 2 people with a knife, outside, as a first homicide is ludicrous to believe.
It’s the work of a seasoned killer, who later was arrested for multiple murders of women with a knife. A guy that hung out with both him and Nichole, and Faye Resnick for weeks before the crime, even did drugs with Faye.
Anyway, it is what it is, OJ sent the dude in to get those earrings and shit went sideways fast.
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Looking Glass

1 = Well = Known = Member
Jan 6, 2020
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You’re making my case.
They all had to lie.
OJ isn’t smart enough to pull off a double homicide, with a blade, and walk.
Killing 2 people with a knife, outside, as a first homicide is ludicrous to believe.
It’s the work of a seasoned killer, who later was arrested for multiple murders of women with a knife. A guy that hung out with both him and Nichole, and Faye Resnick for weeks before the crime, even did drugs with Faye.
Anyway, it is what it is, OJ sent the dude in to get those earrings and shit went sideways fast.

You have me thinking back to what a "Soap Opera". There is Kato Kalin, The Cab Driver, the Barking Dogs and you know well and more. OH, the Bronco with his Football Buddy driving down the Freeway with "?" Police Cars in pursuit.

The News Conference with Garcetti announcing O.J. Simpson is a Fugitive from Justice.:rolleyes:

Shrub Lurker

Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2018
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Sorry but all young liberals, teens to early 30s, that I’ve met have some kind of mental issues either from nature or nurture or both. Tends to be the same type of people who quit their jobs and drive around hiking out of their vans.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

See “Snowflake” under google


Wrenching Dad
Sep 20, 2007
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A YouTube Vlogging couple went back over their dash cam videos and saw they passed Gabbys van parked along side the rd. Aug 17.

They contacted the Leo’s and Gabbys body was found nearby that parked spot.

Dirty Laundry arrived in the van at his parents days later.

Here's that video:


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2009
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The past several weeks, I have either read or watched articles that are saying the FBI has lost all Respect and the Honor they once held. Case after Case of someone in Command pulling Flat Out Illegal Actions.

They are protecting Hillary and many other "DIM's" that is proven. Hunter, :rolleyes:
I worked with several back in the day. Famous But Incompetent.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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You have me thinking back to what a "Soap Opera". There is Kato Kalin, The Cab Driver, the Barking Dogs and you know well and more. OH, the Bronco with his Football Buddy driving down the Freeway with "?" Police Cars in pursuit.

The News Conference with Garcetti announcing O.J. Simpson is a Fugitive from Justice.:rolleyes:

Meet Glen Rodgers.
He is a serial killer with bodies from CA to Florida.
He was familiar with OJ and Nichole, was doing handyman work for Nichole and other home owners on her street. He grew close to Faye Resnick as well, who as we know spent a lot of time on Nicholes couch.
My archive has pics of Rodgers drinking with OJ.
None of them knew he was an active serial killer.
The morning of, an eyewitness walking his dog saw the truck parked on the street.
Thats where OJ was watching from. He had no idea he had turned a serial killer loose on Nichole.
But he learned very quickly.
Rodgers timelines the entire event in a letter that was actually forwarded to prosecutors...who ignored it.

From just the wiki page on “my brother the serial killer”.

“When the murder case was under process, Deputy District Attorney of Van Nuys Lea D'Argostino came to know about a letter Glen had written[when?][to whom?] revealing he had met Brown. The information was forwarded to O.J. Simpson's prosecutors, but it was ignored.”

If one digs even slightly below the surface it quickly becomes apparent that this entire tragedy was blown from the word go.

Basically it comes down to this.
Who is more likely to slaughter 2 adults with a blade on the front porch of a house in an upscale la neighborhood?

An egomaniacal bully who punches women and who’s face is known to everybody in the world and has never killed a single person, let alone the mother of his children?
Or a seasoned serial killer who hangs out with them and has strangled and knifed women for years?

Rodgers was convicted of 2 murders, they declined to prosecute 3 more, he has bragged about up to 70 but that is not seriously considered true, but is suspected of over a dozen.

Looking Glass

1 = Well = Known = Member
Jan 6, 2020
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Meet Glen Rodgers.
He is a serial killer with bodies from CA to Florida.
He was familiar with OJ and Nichole, was doing handyman work for Nichole and other home owners on her street. He grew close to Faye Resnick as well, who as we know spent a lot of time on Nicholes couch.
My archive has pics of Rodgers drinking with OJ.
None of them knew he was an active serial killer.
The morning of, an eyewitness walking his dog saw the truck parked on the street.
Thats where OJ was watching from. He had no idea he had turned a serial killer loose on Nichole.
But he learned very quickly.
Rodgers timelines the entire event in a letter that was actually forwarded to prosecutors...who ignored it.

From just the wiki page on “my brother the serial killer”.

“When the murder case was under process, Deputy District Attorney of Van Nuys Lea D'Argostino came to know about a letter Glen had written[when?][to whom?] revealing he had met Brown. The information was forwarded to O.J. Simpson's prosecutors, but it was ignored.”

If one digs even slightly below the surface it quickly becomes apparent that this entire tragedy was blown from the word go.

Basically it comes down to this.
Who is more likely to slaughter 2 adults with a blade on the front porch of a house in an upscale la neighborhood?

An egomaniacal bully who punches women and who’s face is known to everybody in the world and has never killed a single person, let alone the mother of his children?
Or a seasoned serial killer who hangs out with them and has strangled and knifed women for years?

Rodgers was convicted of 2 murders, they declined to prosecute 3 more, he has bragged about up to 70 but that is not seriously considered true, but is suspected of over a dozen.

WTG!! That is incredible, and from someone from the Midwest and only had the main stream Media to rely on. This sure changes my entire feeling of this incredible story and now reinforces my Total Disgust of the Legal System.

I guess the Sensational Prosecution of O.J. looked better on someone's resume'.

Once again, THANKS!!

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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WTG!! That is incredible, and from someone from the Midwest and only had the main stream Media to rely on. This sure changes my entire feeling of this incredible story and now reinforces my Total Disgust of the Legal System.

I guess the Sensational Prosecution of O.J. looked better on someone's resume'.

Once again, THANKS!!

I get ridiculed for it. But it is so obvious.
When I say the prosecution mischarged and ignored reality I’m not making it up.
This isn’t conspiracy, it’s real life.
Why didn’t OJ tell the truth??
Well duh, he’d get prosecuted for murder for real.
The prosecution tried the entire time to put the knife in his hand instead of solving the crime.

I can’t say it’s what happened 100%
But it is 1000x more likely than the notion that OJ cut the head off his ex.
It’s why he was liable in civil court.
It’s why he never looked for any killer.
It’s why he fled yet didn’t flee.
He saw it, and in true OJ low IQ zero integrity fashion his only concern afterwards was himself.

My point in all this OJ tangent is that things are not always what they seem...no matter what media influences say.
We don’t have the slightest idea yet what really happened with those 2 crazies, and I for one am not going to call for the lynching of anyone based on presumption and media hype.

Looking Glass

1 = Well = Known = Member
Jan 6, 2020
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I get ridiculed for it. But it is so obvious.
When I say the prosecution mischarged and ignored reality I’m not making it up.
This isn’t conspiracy, it’s real life.
Why didn’t OJ tell the truth??
Well duh, he’d get prosecuted for murder for real.
The prosecution tried the entire time to put the knife in his hand instead of solving the crime.

I can’t say it’s what happened 100%
But it is 1000x more likely than the notion that OJ cut the head off his ex.
It’s why he was liable in civil court.
It’s why he never looked for any killer.
It’s why he fled yet didn’t flee.
He saw it, and in true OJ low IQ zero integrity fashion his only concern afterwards was himself.

My point in all this OJ tangent is that things are not always what they seem...no matter what media influences say.
We don’t have the slightest idea yet what really happened with those 2 crazies, and I for one am not going to call for the lynching of anyone based on presumption and media hype.

When, people say O.J. is Not the Brightest Dude around I keep thinking of the Judge in Vegas who had him in front of her after his Arrest for forcing his way into the Hotel Room to retrieve his Collectables.

She said to him that Either he is the Most Arrogant SOB she had ever had in front of her OR he is the most Stupid SOB on Earth.

I always wondered what was going through his mind to have to sit and listen to that Verbal Thrashing?

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
When, people say O.J. is Not the Brightest Dude around I keep thinking of the Judge in Vegas who had him in front of her after his Arrest for forcing his way into the Hotel Room to retrieve his Collectables.

She said to him that Either he is the Most Arrogant SOB she had ever had in front of her OR he is the most Stupid SOB on Earth.

I always wondered what was going through his mind to have to sit and listen to that Verbal Thrashing?

There’s that notion of mutual exclusion.
Id suggest that he is both the most arrogant and the most stupid.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2008
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I get ridiculed for it. But it is so obvious.
When I say the prosecution mischarged and ignored reality I’m not making it up.
This isn’t conspiracy, it’s real life.
Why didn’t OJ tell the truth??
Well duh, he’d get prosecuted for murder for real.
The prosecution tried the entire time to put the knife in his hand instead of solving the crime.

I can’t say it’s what happened 100%
But it is 1000x more likely than the notion that OJ cut the head off his ex.
It’s why he was liable in civil court.
It’s why he never looked for any killer.
It’s why he fled yet didn’t flee.
He saw it, and in true OJ low IQ zero integrity fashion his only concern afterwards was himself.

My point in all this OJ tangent is that things are not always what they seem...no matter what media influences say.
We don’t have the slightest idea yet what really happened with those 2 crazies, and I for one am not going to call for the lynching of anyone based on presumption and media hype.
It’s an interesting theory but there is the matter of the fresh bleeding injury to his hand which he claimed was from him breaking a glass in his hotel room when he was informed by telephone of the murders.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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It’s an interesting theory but there is the matter of the fresh bleeding injury to his hand which he claimed was from him breaking a glass in his hotel room when he was informed by telephone of the murders.

Yep, he lied, he got cut when he entered the melee. He also left blood on a fence.
Read closer. He entered the crime scene for sure.
Footprints show a second person entering and placement is on top of pooling blood so it seems clear that a second person entered during or near the end of the killings. This would be OJ.
Whatever transpired between the two men at that point is speculation, but it’s clear they went separate ways with OJ fleeing home with some of the evidence and trying to get rid of it. (There’s your second luggage bag, the glove, the noise, the limo, etc.) There is actually other trace evidence to suggest OJ was at the crime scene, but as you know much of it got dismissed due to dream team proving that the scene was compromised by the cops...which was true.

I’m on your side. OJ caused their deaths. But it wasn’t the way they tried to prove it and subsequently those lawyers were easily able to demonstrate that. As you said, the entire thing was stupid, and he walked.
It should have been a slam dunk accessory or higher for OJ, but instead he skated.
To me it’s important to follow evidence and not buy into media hype. Social media included.
OJ’s trial is the textbook example.
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The Asset..
Sep 20, 2007
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I think if I had to spend weeks on end with her in that van like he did, she would have gotten wacked. Sure he snaped.

WTF? :oops: I read yesterday that the 911 call that reported the abuse said they saw him, slap and shove her. Now, I'm not saying women can't be abusive... 😏 I'll straight shank you if I have to, however in this case, I truly feel he manipulated her and made it seem like she was the nut job. Happens all the time. I do hope they find this guy, he's not missing he's fucking hiding. And his parents need a good stint in jail as well.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Well said.

If one ever finds themself in a position of suspicion I guarantee they’ll want someone to listen to them.
I got pulled over years ago at 4 in the morning in Anchorage while delivering my newspaper motor route. Had a 71 elcamino, red with a bed cover, kind of rusty. Had hundreds of newspapers rolled in bags and more bundles in the back.
Pulled out of a quick stop and a dozen APD cars swarmed me. On the ground cuffed, tossed into a car. They searched the car, newspapers everywhere. They said there was a guy robbing quick stops in a red Camino, same color, partial plate match, and he was using a semi auto pistol.
Hadn’t shot anyone, but it was an armed robber.
I vehemently denied any knowledge and
after about 30 minutes or more they let me go. I went straight home, crawled in the front and got my .32 Luger out from its hiding spot under the seat and put it in the house.
If they had found that gun I would have been arrested and the only way I would have ever been cleared is if they could not pick me out of a line up, or say “no that’s not him”.
I was out at night every night, with a handgun, from 3-6 AM, in a matching car, with a partial plate match, and concentrated all my movements exactly where the robberies were happening.
Thays a lot of circumstantial evidence, and the mob would seemingly gavel me accordingly.

They ended up catching the guy the next week.
His car had a little more rust than mine and no bed cover...

Universal Elements

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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WTF? :oops: I read yesterday that the 911 call that reported the abuse said they saw him, slap and shove her. Now, I'm not saying women can't be abusive... 😏 I'll straight shank you if I have to, however in this case, I truly feel he manipulated her and made it seem like she was the nut job. Happens all the time. I do hope they find this guy, he's not missing he's fucking hiding. And his parents need a good stint in jail as well.

His Parents need a good ass kicking too for raising a piece of shit kid like that.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2010
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Just curious on all this, why the massive media coverage? I know its a bad deal and the whole situation is ugly but why is this case story number one on every news outlet for weeks now? Fox and CNN have been carrying it as the headline story on line for the past few weeks, before Afghanistan, Biden, or any of the other fuctardery going on this country these days.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Just curious on all this, why the massive media coverage? I know its a bad deal and the whole situation is ugly but why is this case story number one on every news outlet for weeks now? Fox and CNN have been carrying it as the headline story on line for the past few weeks, before Afghanistan, Biden, or any of the other fuctardery going on this country these days.

This case finished first in the media checklist for ratings.
It has the social media connection so that’s automatic circulation/ viewership for EVERY outlet covering it.
There is also the very real agenda to draw the sheep away from focusing on being herded down the path with shiny knives and more focused on the feed trough.
Emotion aside, there is nothing special about this case or this death as far as murder goes. It’s as plain Jane as it comes.
A person gets shot every hour and fifty minutes in Chicago. Zero news.
Cuomo killed 10,000 people, he had to resign for allegedly pinching a nipple.
I don’t know if this guy is actually charged with anything yet and really don’t care.
But I do know that, thanks to the media, people are calling for the deaths of his parents for raising a piece of shit even though, at least at that point, they had committed no crime at all.
Being a piece of shit is not a capital offense.
I hate sounding like the defender of criminals, and believe me when I say that I’m more likely to end up dying on a martyr hill than most, but if and when I do it won’t be because of the stupid news cameras telling me to.

PS- anyone doubting the influence of 3 letter agencies paying off media nationwide to run what they are told to run, watch the program
“Unacknowledged” on prime.
It starts out about UFO’s but then delves into black funding and former agents speaking openly about paying cash to “news” agencies for influence. It’s real and always has been.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2010
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This case finished first in the media checklist for ratings.
It has the social media connection so that’s automatic circulation/ viewership for EVERY outlet covering it.
There is also the very real agenda to draw the sheep away from focusing on being herded down the path with shiny knives and more focused on the feed trough.
Emotion aside, there is nothing special about this case or this death as far as murder goes. It’s as plain Jane as it comes.
A person gets shot every hour and fifty minutes in Chicago. Zero news.
Cuomo killed 10,000 people, he had to resign for allegedly pinching a nipple.
I don’t know if this guy is actually charged with anything yet and really don’t care.
But I do know that, thanks to the media, people are calling for the deaths of his parents for raising a piece of shit even though, at least at that point, they had committed no crime at all.
Being a piece of shit is not a capital offense.
I hate sounding like the defender of criminals, and believe me when I say that I’m more likely to end up dying on a martyr hill than most, but if and when I do it won’t be because of the stupid news cameras telling me to.
You have to feel for everyone involved, but there are alot worse things going on in the world these days that should be at the top of the evening news.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
You have to feel for everyone involved, but there are alot worse things going on in the world these days that should be at the top of the evening news.

I do have empathy, but I also recognize the false frenzy.
With Peterson it was a pregnant wife that whipped up the frenzy. Not sure what the media sees as so special about this one, except the social media presence.


Lower level functionary
Jan 1, 2008
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If one ever finds themself in a position of suspicion I guarantee they’ll want someone to listen to them.
I got pulled over years ago at 4 in the morning in Anchorage while delivering my newspaper motor route. Had a 71 elcamino, red with a bed cover, kind of rusty. Had hundreds of newspapers rolled in bags and more bundles in the back.
Pulled out of a quick stop and a dozen APD cars swarmed me. On the ground cuffed, tossed into a car. They searched the car, newspapers everywhere. They said there was a guy robbing quick stops in a red Camino, same color, partial plate match, and he was using a semi auto pistol.
Hadn’t shot anyone, but it was an armed robber.
I vehemently denied any knowledge and
after about 30 minutes or more they let me go. I went straight home, crawled in the front and got my .32 Luger out from its hiding spot under the seat and put it in the house.
If they had found that gun I would have been arrested and the only way I would have ever been cleared is if they could not pick me out of a line up, or say “no that’s not him”.
I was out at night every night, with a handgun, from 3-6 AM, in a matching car, with a partial plate match, and concentrated all my movements exactly where the robberies were happening.
Thays a lot of circumstantial evidence, and the mob would seemingly gavel me accordingly.

They ended up catching the guy the next week.
His car had a little more rust than mine and no bed cover...
And posi traction!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Missing White woman syndrome. I cannot believe this cunt!!

Is she fucking kidding???!!!
24,000 black abortions annually in NYC, over 600 black homicides in Chicago to date this year.
But she’s bemoaning no attention to missing black women??

That’s some damned funny shit!!!

Looking Glass

1 = Well = Known = Member
Jan 6, 2020
Reaction score
Just curious on all this, why the massive media coverage? I know its a bad deal and the whole situation is ugly but why is this case story number one on every news outlet for weeks now? Fox and CNN have been carrying it as the headline story on line for the past few weeks, before Afghanistan, Biden, or any of the other fuctardery going on this country these days.


I guess you do not realize that Afghanistan is the Direct result of an "Election" and only happened in this disastrous manner is because of Who is in the White House.

The Major News Channels, will Not report on any item that shows this Pathetic Loser in a Bad Light, so they grab on to anything to divert attention. I understand you and some others felt that "ELECTIONS" do not have consequences and do Not Matter, as long as You just "Put Your Head Down" and work harder.:rolleyes: BUT!! here is to clue you in that we are only 8+ Months into something never seen in this country before. The Worst id yet to come.
FOX, has Not been running this as their Top Story for weeks.

Alll of a sudden you are concerned with the National News or ANY NEWS, is a total suprise. Usually it is worrying about your latest purchase how to fix the things wrong with them.;)

There may Or May not be more important things to be concerned with, especially in the National Scene, BUT maybe it is Way too late to be worrying about that shit now as many did Not Care who "Got In" and many others helped this Disgrace to be into office in the first place.

Only 3+ years of more "Afaghnistan's" to survive., Until then there will be more of these Not Important Stories to Suffer through.:oops:


Wrenching Dad
Sep 20, 2007
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15 years of marriage and when the wife gets her fuse lit (only happened twice, all women do) I hit the start button and head to Vegas.
Dad taught me you STFU, turn around and leave when it gets heated. I taught my kids the same.

Best sex ever when I return home.

Laundrie's either committed suicide and further committed himself to the gators, or the parents are helping him lay low with smokescreens.
Parents may have never liked her and think she is culpable.


Wrenching Dad
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Is she fucking kidding???!!!
24,000 black abortions annually in NYC, over 600 black homicides in Chicago to date this year.
But she’s bemoaning no attention to missing black women??

That’s some damned funny shit!!!
If an attractive black woman had a Vlog on YouTube & Tic Toc with a cache of daily followers and this happened it would get the same attention, probably more.


Wrenching Dad
Sep 20, 2007
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Just confirmed:
Body found is Gabby and ruled a homicide.
No cause of death reported yet.


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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Google Andrew Luster. This guy had it made,heir to Max Factor Cosmetics. 30 mil. You can see the house he lived in for years coming out Ventura on the 101 @ La Conchita right on the Beach. Picked up young girls in Santa Barbara brought them home and spiked the cocktails with camera running. Moron jumped bail went to Mexico,Luster was doing ok till he screwed up and that Dog Character found him brought him back for trial. Sentenced to 124 years. I believe his mother lost the 1 mil bail.She did’nt care about the money,just wanted her son get lost in Mexico and he screwed that up. Sentence might have been reduced a few years awhile back, but doubt he sees the life he had again.
Oh I remember that dude..... what a run he had while pulling the UCSB tail! Too easy....

Long Way Home

Dog Days of Summer!
Jan 8, 2008
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Autopsy confirms remains found in Wyoming are Gabby Petito's, FBI says
By Jason Hanna, Madeline Holcombe and Steve Almasy, CNN

Updated 7:26 PM ET, Tue September 21, 2021

A photo of Gabby Petito taken from her Instagram account

Social media gives glimpse inside Petito, Laundrie's road trip

(CNN) Autopsy results have confirmed that the remains found Sunday in the Bridger-Teton National Forest are those of Gabby Petito, a 22-year-old woman who disappeared while on a trip exploring national parks with her fiancé, Brian Laundrie, according to the FBI in Denver.
The FBI tweeted that Teton County Coroner Dr. Brent Blue ruled the manner of death a homicide in his preliminary findings.
"The cause of death remains pending final autopsy results," the FBI said.
"Anyone with information concerning Mr. Laundrie's role in this matter or his current whereabouts should contact the FBI," Special Agent in Charge Michael Schneider said.

The FBI in Denver said the agency would like information from anyone who may have had contact with Petito or Laundrie or who visited the Spread Creek Dispersed Camping Area between August 27-30 or may have seen their vehicle.
Petito's remains were found Sunday in an undeveloped camping area in Bridger-Teton National Forest on the eastern edge of Grand Teton National Park, officials have said.
Authorities in Florida are searching for Laundrie, who has not been seen in a week.
Petito's family said through an attorney earlier Tuesday that they need time to grieve.
"We will be making a statement when Gabby is home," attorney Richard Benson Stafford said in a statement obtained by CNN affiliate KSL.
Search for fiancé continues
The police search for Laundrie continued Tuesday at a Florida nature reserve where his parents reportedly said he indicated he was going last week. Laundrie's parents told investigators he left their home in North Port with a backpack September 14 to go to the T. Mabry Carlton Jr. Memorial Reserve near Venice.
"A weekend ground search and aerial search Monday of the 25-thousand-acre preserve has yet to yield any answers, but we must press on," North Port Police said on Facebook. Police indicated the search picked up Tuesday in a different part of the reserve.
It concluded Tuesday evening around sundown and will resume Wednesday, authorities said.
Before his parents told police Laundrie left the home September 14, he had refused to talk to investigators, and the family had directed them to their attorney, police said.
Authorities also have searched the family home, including on Monday. FBI agents removed a number of items from the home Monday, and a Ford Mustang convertible was also towed away.
Brian Laundrie, Gabby Petito's fiancé, has been missing for a week. Here's why it's been so hard to find him

Brian Laundrie, Gabby Petito's fiancé, has been missing for a week. Here's why it's been so hard to find him

Social media posts stopped in late August
Petito, 22, and Laundrie, 23, had been road-tripping in a white van from New York through the US West over the summer, regularly posting photos and stories to their social media pages with the hashtag #vanlife.
Those posts abruptly stopped in late August, and Laundrie returned to his North Port, Florida, home on September 1 in their van without Petito, whose family reported her missing September 11.
The case has become an obsession for many, spurring digital detectives to comb through the couple's online trail. The story has also further highlighted the tens of thousands of unsolved missing persons stories.
A timeline of missing 22-year-old Gabby Petito's case

A timeline of missing 22-year-old Gabby Petito's case

Relationship appeared to undergo strain, documents say
Before Petito disappeared, her conversations with her mother appeared to reveal she had "more and more tension" with Laundrie, a police affidavit for a search warrant indicates.
Petito sent multiple text messages and had many talks with her mother via cell phone during her trip, Florida police wrote in an application filed last week for a search warrant for an external hard drive found in the couple's van.
In those conversations, there "appeared to be more and more tension between her and Laundrie," the affidavit reads. On August 27, Petito's mother received one last communication from her daughter, which she called an "odd text," the affidavit says.
The message read: "Can you help Stan, I just keep getting his voicemails and missed calls." Because the text message referred to Petito's grandfather as Stan, her mother was concerned that something was wrong, the warrant states.
Following that text message, Petito's phone was no longer operational and she stopped posting anything on social media about their trip, the warrant says.
One more text came on August 30 that read, "No service in Yosemite," but her family doubts she wrote it, Stafford said.
Police called after witnesses saw physical dispute
Other evidence of tension between Petito and Laundrie also has emerged. A 911 audio recording in Utah sheds new light on a now-well-publicized incident in which police confronted the pair on August 12.
In the 911 recording from the Grand County Sheriff's Office in Moab, Utah, a caller reports what he called a "domestic dispute" between a couple.
Bodycam footage from the Moab Police Department shows them talking with Brian Laundrie.

Bodycam footage from the Moab Police Department shows them talking with Brian Laundrie.
"We drove by and the gentleman was slapping the girl," the caller says. "Then we stopped. They ran up and down the sidewalk. He proceeded to hit her, hopped in the car, and they drove off."
Another person told police: "They were talking aggressively at each other, and something seemed off."
In a handwritten sworn statement, Chris -- whose last name was redacted in a report obtained by CNN -- said it appeared that the two were arguing over control of Petito's phone. "At one point she was punching him in the arm and/or face and trying to get into the van."
The witness said he heard Petito say, "Why do you have to be so mean?" although Chris added that he couldn't be sure whether the comment was meant to be taken seriously.
Police later stopped the couple, and previously released police documents and body-camera video reveal what followed that day.
A timeline of missing 22-year-old Gabby Petito's case

A timeline of missing 22-year-old Gabby Petito's case

Although the Petito and Laundrie are described in a police report as getting into a physical fight following an argument, "both the male and female reported they are in love and engaged to be married and desperately didn't wish to see anyone charged with a crime," Officer Eric Pratt wrote in the report.
At the suggestion by police, the couple separated for the night, the report said, which described Petito as "confused and emotional."
A National Park Service ranger who also responded to the call interacted with Petito for about 90 minutes, and warned her that her relationship with Laundrie had markings of a "toxic" one, the ranger told the Deseret News of Utah.
"I was imploring with her to reevaluate the relationship, asking her if she was happy in the relationship with him, and basically saying this was an opportunity for her to find another path, to make a change in her life," ranger Melissa Hulls told the Deseret News.
CNN has sought comment from Hulls.
Woman says she picked up Laundrie hitchhiking last month in Wyoming
A woman has said she and her boyfriend gave Laundrie a ride on August 29 in Wyoming -- and that Laundrie claimed he'd been camping by himself for multiple days while Petito was back at their van working on social media posts.
In a series of videos posted on TikTok, Miranda Baker said she and her boyfriend picked up Laundrie that evening while he was hitchhiking in Colter Bay, Wyoming. That's not far from where Petito's remains were found.
Laundrie offered to pay $200 for the ride before he even got into the vehicle, Baker said.
Laundrie, who was wearing a backpack, pants and hiking boots, "looked clean and didn't smell bad," and was very polite, Baker said. Laundrie told them he had been camping "basically in the middle of nowhere" at a site outside the Grand Teton National Park, near the Snake River, she said.
Laundrie claimed to have hiked for days along that river, and that all he had was a tarp to sleep on, she said.
Once Laundrie found out Baker and her boyfriend were going to Jackson Hole instead of Jackson, he got agitated, asked that the vehicle stop, and got out near the Jackson Dam, according to Baker. She said they dropped him off less than 30 minutes after picking him up.
FBI agents remove possible evidence Tuesday from the family home of Brian Laundrie in North Port, Florida.

FBI agents remove possible evidence Tuesday from the family home of Brian Laundrie in North Port, Florida.
Baker said she has spoken to law enforcement about their reported interaction with Laundrie.
North Port police confirmed to CNN that Baker spoke with the department before posting the videos on TikTok.
"Her account is plausible, it appears," North Port police spokesperson Josh Taylor said.
CNN has not been able to independently verify Baker's claims. The FBI has not returned CNN requests for comment.


Honorary RDP Inmate #160 Emeritus - R.I.P. Mark 😢
Sep 28, 2007
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Sounds like It’s kind of like that guy from St George that killed his wife on that Alaska cruise ship ,he just snapped because she would-not stop laughing at him . Sad deal 🙁


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2010
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I guess you do not realize that Afghanistan is the Direct result of an "Election" and only happened in this disastrous manner is because of Who is in the White House.

The Major News Channels, will Not report on any item that shows this Pathetic Loser in a Bad Light, so they grab on to anything to divert attention. I understand you and some others felt that "ELECTIONS" do not have consequences and do Not Matter, as long as You just "Put Your Head Down" and work harder.:rolleyes: BUT!! here is to clue you in that we are only 8+ Months into something never seen in this country before. The Worst id yet to come.
FOX, has Not been running this as their Top Story for weeks.

Alll of a sudden you are concerned with the National News or ANY NEWS, is a total suprise. Usually it is worrying about your latest purchase how to fix the things wrong with them.;)

There may Or May not be more important things to be concerned with, especially in the National Scene, BUT maybe it is Way too late to be worrying about that shit now as many did Not Care who "Got In" and many others helped this Disgrace to be into office in the first place.

Only 3+ years of more "Afaghnistan's" to survive., Until then there will be more of these Not Important Stories to Suffer through.:oops:
That reminds me, I need a boat project.

And Fox News top story now



We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score

I guess you do not realize that Afghanistan is the Direct result of an "Election" and only happened in this disastrous manner is because of Who is in the White House.

The Major News Channels, will Not report on any item that shows this Pathetic Loser in a Bad Light, so they grab on to anything to divert attention. I understand you and some others felt that "ELECTIONS" do not have consequences and do Not Matter, as long as You just "Put Your Head Down" and work harder.:rolleyes: BUT!! here is to clue you in that we are only 8+ Months into something never seen in this country before. The Worst id yet to come.
FOX, has Not been running this as their Top Story for weeks.

Alll of a sudden you are concerned with the National News or ANY NEWS, is a total suprise. Usually it is worrying about your latest purchase how to fix the things wrong with them.;)

There may Or May not be more important things to be concerned with, especially in the National Scene, BUT maybe it is Way too late to be worrying about that shit now as many did Not Care who "Got In" and many others helped this Disgrace to be into office in the first place.

Only 3+ years of more "Afaghnistan's" to survive., Until then there will be more of these Not Important Stories to Suffer through.:oops:

Keeping it classy in here too I see.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
Best movie ever 👍
That movie was perfectly cast.
I can watch anything with Fred Gwynne in it, Pet Cemetery was only as watchable as it was because of him, great actor. I used to say that guy would be a blast around a campfire telling ghost stories.
You may now return to who killed Gabby. :p
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