A sad observation.....


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2010
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During the 9/11 era, it was nice to see most people put away their knives and largely come together as a country. Patriotism was on full display and for the most part, we stood together with a common goal. As our country became more and more divided post 9/11, reaching an all time low during the Trump years, I don't think I was alone in hoping we could once again come together and unite around a common cause. Then came Covid, a true world wide crisis that would surely pull people together. The exact opposite has happened, we are more divided now than ever. The pro-lockdown Fauci lovers vs. the people who can actually read and decide for themselves. Throw in the immigration debacle and we are a completely divided country, China is going to take over the world without firing a shot, we are killing the USA all by ourselves. I truly feel sorry for all you folks with kids, these days must be terrifying.


Floatin Dirty
Feb 15, 2008
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This is why I feel the time has come to completely separate territory as a nation and manner of governance. We can still have a unified national defense agreement and commerce agreements but let the socialist party live in their utopias like California. new York and Chicago, etc..


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2015
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During the 9/11 era, it was nice to see most people put away their knives and largely come together as a country. Patriotism was on full display and for the most part, we stood together with a common goal. As our country became more and more divided post 9/11, reaching an all time low during the Trump years, I don't think I was alone in hoping we could once again come together and unite around a common cause. Then came Covid, a true world wide crisis that would surely pull people together. The exact opposite has happened, we are more divided now than ever. The pro-lockdown Fauci lovers vs. the people who can actually read and decide for themselves. Throw in the immigration debacle and we are a completely divided country, China is going to take over the world without firing a shot, we are killing the USA all by ourselves. I truly feel sorry for all you folks with kids, these days must be terrifying.
It scares me to death. I have a 4 year old daughter and we would like to have another, but I cannot wrap my head around this....actually I can.

Our government is too deep, with too many people on the take. If Trump couldn't punch through it, I fear who can? Nancy Pelosi, 80, Biden, 78.....these are supposed to be our leaders of this country? The USA has now turned into soft, woke, cancel culture kids and young adults. Me, me, me, me,, what are my issues, and if I don't like you for standing up for yours I will contact your employer.
All I think about is my daughter, and how she will navigate this cesspool as she gets older. I made a thread a month or so ago about one of my biggest fears with Joe in charge is the border. It was odd that nobody really responded to it, but unless it effects you directly, or at least close to it, you don't care. The whole country is like that now.
Remember in school when the teacher asked what you wanted to be when you grew up? I put scientist, with all others saying policeman, firefighter, doctor, etc. All kids want to do now is be like Kim Kardashian, Cardi B, or Lil Pump, a "influencer" with half a brain but cool as shit in 99% of the generations eyes.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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This is why I feel the time has come to completely separate territory as a nation and manner of governance. We can still have a unified national defense agreement and commerce agreements but let the socialist party live in their utopias like California. new York and Chicago, etc..

That’s called surrendering.
I’ll never concede.
I would, however, gladly fight along side of you!


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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We remain divided in America while the two camps of big government supporters, Biden supporters and Trump supporters, argue about who should be in charge of big government as opposed to arguing for less government.

Truly sad what we have become and there is unfortunately no turning back.