Biden’s Saigon


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2013
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With our new open border policy I wonder how many Taliban will be rehomed here as interpreters?


President, Dallas Chapter
Aug 5, 2009
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Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2020
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With our new open border policy I wonder how many Taliban will be rehomed here as interpreters?
I was thinking the same thing. Pelosi said never let a crisis go to waste. They don't seem to care who is able to get to a plane. Just get the body here. There are millions in that country who want out. C 130 trips for months?


Aug 6, 2017
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I know the policy is to give weapons that I can’t own to our sworn enemy for free.. but any chance you got any surplus rifles and Ammo fir us citizen types? :D
NO, you get nothing !!! Thanks for paying your taxes. Now go away.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2019
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Obama was good to a few industries however it looks like Biden will take the cake!!!!
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Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2019
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Ok tried again


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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Maybe that fucking idiot will fly over and take them out for ice cream. I’m sure they would like him to hang around for awhile.🖕🏻
Tell him there's lots of nipples to pinch and they encourage it...


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2017
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I know the policy is to give weapons that I can’t own to our sworn enemy for free.. but any chance you got any surplus rifles and Ammo fir us citizen types? :D
No. All of the items that are turned over to us to sell on their behalf or items that are not restricted or have mild restrictions. Certain items will require an end-user certificate to be filled out that certifies to the department of state that you will not export said restricted item under ITAR regulations. Anything with armor or any kind of weapon or explosive never gets turned over to us. Typically DLA sells these items through a program called FMS for foreign military sales. That would be like to foreign governments sometimes we get those items away but typically they are actually sold


Aug 6, 2017
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Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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Things are spiraling.

During a Wednesday afternoon press conference Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin made a stunning admission on the situation in Kabul which immediately came under fire from the press pool: "We don't have the capability to go out and collect large numbers of people."

While he was responding to the avalanche of criticism aimed at the White House and Pentagon for essentially abandoning to the Taliban the tens of thousands of local Afghan translators and staffers who spent years helping US and NATO forces, the further alarming reality remains that thousands of Americans are still trapped in and around Kabul international airport. A CBS News foreign correspondent posted the below video showing the still chaotic situation as Americans are trying to access the airport under extremely dangerous circumstances, through barbed wire and blockaded military checkpoints. "Get us!" one woman is heard screaming and pleading with the American troops standing on the other side of the blockaded North Gate entrance to the airport.




Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2014
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In July 2010 I was working in Tikrit Iraq. Around noon one day a letter was circulated throughout the country. The Iraqi government was going to inspect all contractor passports for work visas. Anyone without was going to be arrested and or deported. I was still on terminal leave having just retired from the Marines so I knew my fate. That afternoon/ evening most of the contractors left for Turkey. They didn't turn lights or generators off or anything, they just left. My potential plan was the same but my company got me to Afghanistan early instead. What the US military did when they left Afghanistan in the middle of the night not too long ago was the inverse to what I experienced.
I've been thinking about all of this a lot lately, if I had gotten up in the morning and was alone on a foreign base with no military support I would most likely be in prison right now because once I got home these politicians would have paid a deep price for doing that to me.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
In July 2010 I was working in Tikrit Iraq. Around noon one day a letter was circulated throughout the country. The Iraqi government was going to inspect all contractor passports for work visas. Anyone without was going to be arrested and or deported. I was still on terminal leave having just retired from the Marines so I knew my fate. That afternoon/ evening most of the contractors left for Turkey. They didn't turn lights or generators off or anything, they just left. My potential plan was the same but my company got me to Afghanistan early instead. What the US military did when they left Afghanistan in the middle of the night not too long ago was the inverse to what I experienced.
I've been thinking about all of this a lot lately, if I had gotten up in the morning and was alone on a foreign base with no military support I would most likely be in prison right now because once I got home these politicians would have paid a deep price for doing that to me.



Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2011
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In July 2010 I was working in Tikrit Iraq. Around noon one day a letter was circulated throughout the country. The Iraqi government was going to inspect all contractor passports for work visas. Anyone without was going to be arrested and or deported. I was still on terminal leave having just retired from the Marines so I knew my fate. That afternoon/ evening most of the contractors left for Turkey. They didn't turn lights or generators off or anything, they just left. My potential plan was the same but my company got me to Afghanistan early instead. What the US military did when they left Afghanistan in the middle of the night not too long ago was the inverse to what I experienced.
I've been thinking about all of this a lot lately, if I had gotten up in the morning and was alone on a foreign base with no military support I would most likely be in prison right now because once I got home these politicians would have paid a deep price for doing that to me.

When I first went to AFG as a civilian they didn’t require visas, 2015 they started, basically just a big money grab. Being in country for a month without a passport was fun.

Iraq eventually started making contractors pay Iraqi taxes even, that made those jobs less appealing. AFG attempted that, and I think some contractors that worked around Kabul did pay them.

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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2014
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When I first went to AFG as a civilian they didn’t require visas, 2015 they they started, basically just a big money grab. Being in country for a month without a passport was fun.

Iraq eventually started making contractors pay Iraqi taxes even, that made those jobs less appealing. AFG attempted that, and I think some contractors that worked around Kabul did pay them.

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I did my entire middle east contracting tour 2010-2011 in DOD orders. When I first started I was on Qatar. They asked me if I wanted to send my passport back for all of the visas and I said he'll no. I didn't trust being there without it. None of what you posted looks inviting at all.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
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Can anyone name a single ally we have left in the world?

But really? Great Britain, Canada, Israel, Japan, South Korea, France (I hear ya), Australia, Germany, Spain, India.

Frankly as a 30 year old male who is married, self employed in CA and hasn’t given up on old glory I’m lost. You log on here and the USA is all but lost. Not the way I see it but maybe I’m wrong.

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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
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I did my entire middle east contracting tour 2010-2011 in DOD orders. When I first started I was on Qatar. They asked me if I wanted to send my passport back for all of the visas and I said he'll no. I didn't trust being there without it. None of what you posted looks inviting at all.

This is going to come off as an asshole remark. And I truly don’t mean it that way.

You’re RDP name says USMC2010 which I assume credits your service and I deeply thank you and appreciate what you’ve done for this country as well as the sacrifices you’ve made for your family.

Signing up to go into Afghanistan/Middle East as a “contractor” you had to know there were risks?

I’m not saying you shouldn’t have been evacuated at a moments notice.

But Isn’t you’re prior job , black water, etc all based upon the USA circumnavigating the “rules” to be USA while not being the official

Which I think is a bigger issue. We made it financially appealing to operate that way. But it’s at a cost.

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was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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But really? Great Britain, Canada, Israel, Japan, South Korea, France (I hear ya), Australia, Germany, Spain, India.

Frankly as a 30 year old male who is married, self employed in CA and hasn’t given up on old glory I’m lost. You log on here and the USA is all but lost. Not the way I see it but maybe I’m wrong.

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This admin is making an enemy of every country you mention.
You are a young man, I admire your optimism.
At the risk of sounding like a grumpy old man, I see things as being on the precipice...globally, not just this country.
The thing is this...our enemy list is growing, and the list of those who actually want to destroy us is growing. It takes a strong hand to keep this Nation (and your business and family and safety) viable.
Where is that strong hand today?

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
This is going to come off as an asshole remark. And I truly don’t mean it that way.

You’re RDP name says USMC2010 which I assume credits your service and I deeply thank you and appreciate what you’ve done for this country as well as the sacrifices you’ve made for your family.

Signing up to go into Afghanistan/Middle East as a “contractor” you had to know there were risks?

I’m not saying you shouldn’t have been evacuated at a moments notice.

But Isn’t you’re prior job , black water, etc all based upon the USA circumnavigating the “rules” to be USA while not being the official

Which I think is a bigger issue. We made it financially appealing to operate that way. But it’s at a cost.

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Welcome to the real world.
I just got off the phone with my MIL
(I still call her that even though I’m widowed)
She’s 86 YO and still sharp.
She asked “why are there even Americans in Afghanistan? Why would they even go there?”

Well, you hit the nail on the head. This is how things work. Our government employs contractors to do what the government can’t do directly.
Because of my Dads military career and subsequent “private” work I've realized this most of my life. It’s nothing new, and certainly not out of the ordinary.
My time as a civilian DoD employee was an eye opener for me. Civilians always run the show...always.
Look at the president. It’s actually a temporary civilian government job yet the president is the commander in chief...over all generals, admirals etc.
That’s why many (if not most) pentagon, DoD, black ops, and long term ongoing operations are withheld from the office.


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2014
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This is going to come off as an asshole remark. And I truly don’t mean it that way.

You’re RDP name says USMC2010 which I assume credits your service and I deeply thank you and appreciate what you’ve done for this country as well as the sacrifices you’ve made for your family.

Signing up to go into Afghanistan/Middle East as a “contractor” you had to know there were risks?

I’m not saying you shouldn’t have been evacuated at a moments notice.

But Isn’t you’re prior job , black water, etc all based upon the USA circumnavigating the “rules” to be USA while not being the official

Which I think is a bigger issue. We made it financially appealing to operate that way. But it’s at a cost.

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I don't take it that way at all. I knew the risks I signed up for but they are not what it sounds like. I did satellite communications support so I wasn't an outside the wire, door knocker, trigger puller. I was not allowed to have a weapon and my favorite knife of 10 years was almost confiscated when I went home on vacation but I convinced the airman to leave me be and I wouldn't bring it back. When that letter was distributed in Iraq, I immediately called my boss in VA and discussed options. It's one thing to take the risks outside of the wire but I was hired to provide support on the base which I knew also had it's risks. I have no idea how many mortars I have heard go over my head and more than once the perimeter was attempted breach. I'm just relating my contracting experience seeing the civilians bailing in Iraq to what our military did recently in Afghanistan. I've had this conversation with a few people lately. Those young soldiers were on the planes going "finally, we are out of this shithole" and at the same time saying "fuck me, I can't believe we are leaving this way". Unless you are blackwater or one of the "cool kids" your safety is depending on others. I hated it but it was what it was. Biden and anyone else directly involved in causing this clusterfuck needs to swing for it. It was wrong and every single American death directly related to what is happening now is on them and they should pay.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
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This admin is making an enemy of every country you mention.
You are a young man, I admire your optimism.
At the risk of sounding like a grumpy old man, I see things as being on the precipice...globally, not just this country.
The thing is this...our enemy list is growing, and the list of those who actually want to destroy us is growing. It takes a strong hand to keep this Nation (and your business and family and safety) viable.
Where is that strong hand today?

Truthfully I think you and @regor are a little nuts. But I listen to every word and know there’s a grain of salt and wisdom

My brother and I were raised in a “soft” upbringing. We both knew how to fire guns by 10 and learned stick on an 82 Toyota 22r at 8.

And it could be our upbringing but we were always taught to take care of others.

We lost dad in 2016 and there was a lot
Left to be taught.

I married the women of my dreams based on a promise to always protect her and our children. We, my family and hers are loaded to the gills if that day ever comes.

What I struggle with is that the RDP Politics attitude comes across as if this is the end. While a lot of us have started or are trying to start a family


Hallett21 +4 beers [emoji16]

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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
Reaction score
Welcome to the real world.
I just got off the phone with my MIL
(I still call her that even though I’m widowed)
She’s 86 YO and still sharp.
She asked “why are there even Americans in Afghanistan? Why would they even go there?”

Well, you hit the nail on the head. This is how things work. Our government employs contractors to do what the government can’t do directly.
Because of my Dads military career and subsequent “private” work I've realized this most of my life. It’s nothing new, and certainly not out of the ordinary.
My time as a civilian DoD employee was an eye opener for me. Civilians always run the show...always.
Look at the president. It’s actually a temporary civilian government job yet the president is the commander in chief...over all generals, admirals etc.
That’s why many (if not most) pentagon, DoD, black ops, and long term ongoing operations are withheld from the office.

And I’m really not trying to be an ass. But isn’t that why you do these jobs. Military pays 50k a year a private contract pays 150k a year.

I chose inside wireman as an apprenticeship and career. I could have gone lineman and made more money.

Part of the value in these private contracts is the “sketchiness” of it.

Not saying I agree with one second of it, but it is the reality.

What we’re talking about is an entire revamp of how the USA does “war business “

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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
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I don't take it that way at all. I knew the risks I signed up for but they are not what it sounds like. I did satellite communications support so I wasn't an outside the wire, door knocker, trigger puller. I was not allowed to have a weapon and my favorite knife of 10 years was almost confiscated when I went home on vacation but I convinced the airman to leave me be and I wouldn't bring it back. When that letter was distributed in Iraq, I immediately called my boss in VA and discussed options. It's one thing to take the risks outside of the wire but I was hired to provide support on the base which I knew also had it's risks. I have no idea how many mortars I have heard go over my head and more than once the perimeter was attempted breach. I'm just relating my contracting experience seeing the civilians bailing in Iraq to what our military did recently in Afghanistan. I've had this conversation with a few people lately. Those young soldiers were on the planes going "finally, we are out of this shithole" and at the same time saying "fuck me, I can't believe we are leaving this way". Unless you are blackwater or one of the "cool kids" your safety is depending on others. I hated it but it was what it was. Biden and anyone else directly involved in causing this clusterfuck needs to swing for it. It was wrong and every single American death directly related to what is happening now is on them and they should pay.

I appreciate you’re insight. Honestly without it most of us wouldn’t even know what you experienced.

Pretty damn sickening to me that you as a Marine had to worry about getting out of a base if you needed to.

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Universal Elements

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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I appreciate you’re insight. Honestly without it most of us wouldn’t even know what you experienced.

Pretty damn sickening to me that you as a Marine had to worry about getting out of a base if you needed to.

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War is a dirty, dirty business.


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2008
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very dirty business...

it goes way beyond dirty just follow the money and who funds the wars.... starts with an R ends with a S

Hallett21 this is not the end but possibly the beginning of the end...

theres alot of people who want to see the US no longer on top...

by God the election was just stolen from the American people and we just stood by and watched...

half the country dont care the others say its constitutional so its ok...


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
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very dirty business...

it goes way beyond dirty just follow the money and who funds the wars.... starts with an R ends with a S

Hallett21 this is not the end but possibly the beginning of the end...

theres alot of people who want to see the US no longer on top...

by God the election was just stolen from the American people and we just stood by and watched...

half the country dont care the others say its constitutional so its ok...

I gotta be honest. Other than logging into here I can’t see how it was stolen.

I still drive a 3500 diesel to work. And if you need to see our stance there’s plenty of fire power. We did not vote for Biden.

My biggest issue is that I had an incredible teacher who taught WW2 in my high school. Man was truly a legend.

There’s members here who’s kids went to the same class (that’s up them to disclose). Also anyone who’s heard of this guys class knows who this is.

And he taught us WW2 from both sides. And honestly from the 3 sides (USA, Germany, Japan).

The entire class was history as it happened. We got to listen to veterans from all sides. The rules were to shut up and listen

The follow up was having veterans from USA, Germany, Japan tell their stories of what WW2 was to them, with no comment or interjection.

I’ve watched a SS and American shakes hands. At 15 it was a truly a tearful moment.

I’ve watched a USA vet tell me he’d kill a Jap and save a nazi.

Truthfully a wild education that I cannot get back.

This teacher still teaches but he has left CA. I’ll add his wife was and is an incredible educator.

All i can say about him. He’s a true American who touched what this country stands for. [emoji1303]

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was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Truthfully I think you and @regor are a little nuts. But I listen to every word and know there’s a grain of salt and wisdom

My brother and I were raised in a “soft” upbringing. We both knew how to fire guns by 10 and learned stick on an 82 Toyota 22r at 8.

And it could be our upbringing but we were always taught to take care of others.

We lost dad in 2016 and there was a lot
Left to be taught.

I married the women of my dreams based on a promise to always protect her and our children. We, my family and hers are loaded to the gills if that day ever comes.

What I struggle with is that the RDP Politics attitude comes across as if this is the end. While a lot of us have started or are trying to start a family


Hallett21 +4 beers [emoji16]

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You may notice that I usually say “as we know it”.

Given the events of the past 18 months, and disregarding whether I’m nuts or you’re naive or maybe it’s both (lol), how long do you think we as a nation can continue on this path?
If I had told you 2 years ago where we would be today you would have thrown a net on me and marched me straight to the puzzle factory...yet here we are.

War is never a neatly wrapped package. And yes, contractors generally take on a certain set of risk parameters for that WG or WS civilian check versus active duty pay.
But NEITHER automatically assumes that you will be discarded by your Country. In fact, as a civilian it can be argued that you actually have more stroke than an equivalent active duty peer because you are not an owned asset.

Edit: Are you aware of just how many allies Biden fucked straight up the ass with this move?
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