What is happening to Havasu?


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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It’s allowed here. This thread proves it!
Weird to me that I got banned for posting about a stupid car. But the amount of racist posts on this threads have not flagged anything from the moderators to even the owner. Weird as fuck…

Mexicans are convenient to all that fancy houses, pools and boats you guys have but for anyone to be proud of there culture or things they like it’s not okay. Cause they can’t afford the best of the best they are trash. It showed when Dave posted the eliminator shop tour or a thread where they had the Mexican flag up. The site went on to talk so much shit about them. But they said we are happy to support the people that make our company run. The jobs are out there for any race. But Mexicans are the only ones who are willing to actually work and not cry. But fuck them for wanting to be proud is seeking a better life for them selves. Oh but look at my sick as boat that Mexicans built. Fuckin hypocrites.

Please read the post directly above this.. I’m about the farthest thing from Racist.

I do support the idea of people being able to talk about things without the PC Card being played every five minutes though.

I grew up in a time when everyone wasn’t so sensitive though.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2010
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No matter what you say or do
You will be called a racist
Speaking the truth is now racist

It’s not just havazoo
Go to a ball game the amount of trash. That people leave .is astonishing . Pick up your trash you filthy fucks.
Went to Blythe thinking I’m on this beautiful sandy beach by myself
Just over the little bank. I thought I was at a trash dump .
Parts of Los Angeles is like third world country
Trash. homeless , drug abuse , pos cars
Been to the airport lately .
People wearing pajamas , snoopy slippers and fat fucks everywhere .
If you don’t think Society has changed
Your head is up your ass.
And it has not changed for the better .

So you want to call me a racist
It don’t bother me
I’m racist against a lot of shit
Trash, drugs homeless , bums , democrat voters , scum bags , criminals , fat Fucks,
Ugly people , and so much more lol


Supercharged MOTORBOAT!!!
Dec 19, 2007
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Lol...It still trips me out when people wanna blame a whole entire race when there are turds, idiots, and filth inside EVERY race. Some of you mother fuckers hate Mexicans until you want some good ass tacos or need some cheap labor that most aren't willing to do. FYI, no one owns the river, Channel, or these places. If you don't like these places, stay home.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2020
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Lol...It still trips me out when people wanna blame a whole entire race when there turds, idiots, and filth inside EVERY race. Some of you mother fuckers hate Mexicans until you want some good ass tacos or need some cheap labor that most aren't willing to do. FYI, no one owns the river, Channel, or these places. If you don't like these places, stay home.
This is the truth.

99% of people I encounter from Mexico are awesome loving fun people who enjoy a good time and take pride in working hard to get where they are.

I see plenty of young white kids and older ( trying to look young ) white guys blasting gangster rap so loud from their $200K wake boats you can still hear it all the way across Thompson bay.

Race is irrelevant ! There are several Hey LAM and my micro fallace idiots that rep every race.


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2020
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A general decline in society is fair to converse about. Blaming it on one particular race is not truth, it's generalizing and racist. There are great people and bad people in every race. The term white trash or trailer trash isn't associated with Hispanics.

The Irish and Italians didn't exactly get a warm welcome to this country. Just like Hispanics today.

Anyway, I'm gonna continue to enjoy the river like I have been


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2019
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Anyway, I'm gonna continue to enjoy the river like I have been

This is one comment all that read the thread really need to think about. The river isn’t anyones. Even the bigg money guys. Bigger money then the ones the frequent here with there own planes and multiple compound. Grasp the fact that no one owns it!
If you want to try and teach someone common decency, try at that moment, don’t come on here and act like your tough. Because those thugs you’re scared of, will get fed up and they will turn your “river” into something you will not want to be apart of.

My parents always said, don’t ever say something that you won’t say to someone’s face.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2008
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I have a random idea -
Don’t hang out on the channel or pirates channel. Problem solved. Endless beaches and coves to chill out in. Lots of boating to do away from the crowds. I’d say im
On havasu or upper river pretty often. Haven’t had these problems. I maaaaaaaay post up
In the channel or pirates for a little bit every now and again to watch the craziness. But then, out! Onto less crowded areas. Easy peasy.


We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
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I have a random idea -
Don’t hang out on the channel or pirates channel. Problem solved. Endless beaches and coves to chill out in. Lots of boating to do away from the crowds. I’d say im
On havasu or upper river pretty often. Haven’t had these problems. I maaaaaaaay post up
In the channel or pirates for a little bit every now and again to watch the craziness. But then, out! Onto less crowded areas. Easy peasy.

“But I like the Channel” - RDP
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Old Guy
Dec 20, 2007
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Yeah right bro! Everyone here is tough as fuckin nails! There was someone that works at a gun store looking for extra mags because someone with tattoos came in his store? He was going to unload the clips on dem bitches!

This guy wanted to make it rain bullets
You clearly don’t know me if that is what you read.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2008
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All I know is the Irish never get upset when people bag on them !


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2010
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Seven pages deep, I felt compelled to drive down to the channel this evening to investigate all the commotion and hate towards Raider fans, Tattoos and Mexicans.

So I put on my chanklas (sandals) hopped in the car and headed to Rotary Park in search of riffraff and an evening stroll. Arrived, parked the car and headed toward the London bridge. First stop was Havasu's finest harassing a overloaded boat full of of Caucasians getting inspecting for life vest. I guess the boat did not have a maximum amount of people sticker on board. 🤣. Shook my head and proceeded down the path.

At stop two I witnessed another Caucasian family super-soaking boaters passing by. Who does that? Shook my head. Still no Raider fans, Tattooed head to toe folks or Mexicans doing stupid shit 🤔

My stroll finally reached the London bridge where I turned back toward the car. This field trip was a bust. All I witnessed tonight was non courteous irresponsible Caucasians doing dumb shit ruining it for other channel goers. It would appear halfwits come in all races, creeds and colors frequenting Lake Havasu 😉. Carry On.


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2007
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Seven pages deep, I felt compelled to drive down to the channel this evening to investigate all the commotion and hate towards Raider fans, Tattoos and Mexicans.

So I put on my chanklas (sandals) hopped in the car and headed to Rotary Park in search of riffraff and an evening stroll. Arrived, parked the car and headed toward the London bridge. First stop was Havasu's finest harassing a overloaded boat full of of Caucasians getting inspecting for life vest. I guess the boat did not have a maximum amount of people sticker on board. 🤣. Shook my head and proceeded down the path.
View attachment 1143894
At stop two I witnessed another Caucasian family super-soaking boaters passing by. Who does that? Shook my head. Still no Raider fans, Tattooed head to toe folks or Mexicans doing stupid shit 🤔
View attachment 1143893
My stroll finally reached the London bridge where I turned back toward the car. This field trip was a bust. All I witnessed tonight was non courteous irresponsible Caucasians doing dumb shit ruining it for other channel goers. It would appear halfwits come in all races, creeds and colors frequenting Lake Havasu 😉. Carry On.
What about the boat load of Irish ? What were they up to ?


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2019
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@HALLETT BOY see post number 327 for your answer. I’m sure there’s some Irish descendent in thos pictures…

Looking Glass

1 = Well = Known = Member
Jan 6, 2020
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The biggest racist i know are minori

The biggest racist i know are minorities.

While in Vegas at the Airport waiting for an arrival, there was a family of? "Pick a Term", (Afro Americans, Black, Negros") and they all were wearing "Black Lives Matter":oops:Now I don't give a shit what they wear or raise their children, but if these people, "Pick A Race", (Hispanic, Oriental, ETC) think that this is going to help whatever their complaint is, News For Them!. I saw people Flipping them off, talking shit, and laughing behind their backs. I have no idea how bad it is in the Deep South, but I am confident that Blacks breed this Racism, just as bad as the Whites do and it is not going to change or get any better. The Coast To Coast Riots, Looting, and Burning of Cities after the George Floyd deal, IMO did massive damage to the "BLM" movement and Blacks in general, as many see what they did as nothing to do with George Floyd, and a reason to Riot, Steal, and create Massive damage.
I saw all I need to make up my mind about the "BLM" and those who started, promoted, and profited off a bunch of Trashing, Racist Criminals. Where is the "IRS"?🤔


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2007
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While in Vegas at the Airport waiting for an arrival, there was a family of? "Pick a Term", (Afro Americans, Black, Negros") and they all were wearing "Black Lives Matter":oops:Now I don't give a shit what they wear or raise their children, but if these people, "Pick A Race", (Hispanic, Oriental, ETC) think that this is going to help whatever their complaint is, News For Them!. I saw people Flipping them off, talking shit, and laughing behind their backs. I have no idea how bad it is in the Deep South, but I am confident that Blacks breed this Racism, just as bad as the Whites do and it is not going to change or get any better. The Coast To Coast Riots, Looting, and Burning of Cities after the George Floyd deal, IMO did massive damage to the "BLM" movement and Blacks in general, as many see what they did as nothing to do with George Floyd, and a reason to Riot, Steal, and create Massive damage.
I saw all I need to make up my mind about the "BLM" and those who started, promoted, and profited off a bunch of Trashing, Racist Criminals. Where is the "IRS"?🤔
BLM = Buy Large Mansions !


Aug 18, 2008
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I didn't bother going through 7 pages of bullshit about so called racism. I do agree there's all kinds of garbage in the channel now, "insert whatever tattoo and skin color you want here!" It would help by getting rid of the dumb fucking party cabanas that are filled with crap of all kinds every weekend now.


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2012
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There were 4 people shot in Mission Beach last night, what used to be a normal beach, tourist, partying place but last few years thugs are everywhere. And before people start preaching how people with tats, and people without money need to be accepted, we're talking about thugs, gang banging, white, black or brown, tattoos or no tattoos, POS's. Big difference between thugs & people who just aren't the norm.

There were several shootings at the Coaster on the boardwalk not too long ago. They harass, talk shit & cause trouble every day. Had a dude last week who looked straight out of Compton, walking down the boardwalk, blasting a 3 foot long boom box as loud as he could, chomping on a cigar, top hat, & looking straight into every persons eyes as he walks by them looking for some shit. This is the new norm & anybody saying we need to be tolerant is a dumbass.

Time to put these Mofos back in place. I'd be cool with the gangsters if they wouldn't cause shit & shoot people, but....

Looking Glass

1 = Well = Known = Member
Jan 6, 2020
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I didn't bother going through 7 pages of bullshit about so called racism. I do agree there's all kinds of garbage in the channel now, "insert whatever tattoo and skin color you want here!" It would help by getting rid of the dumb fucking party cabanas that are filled with crap of all kinds every weekend now.

Never Happen!! Being "Connected" has its benefits.o_O


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2009
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ReMinds me of the last time I cruised through Lakewood, CA. 🤣
No shit !!! I was born and raised in Lakewood went to Lakewood high School etc back then was an amazing little city I live in Long Beach now a couple miles from Lakewood and drive through on occasion and just shake my head in disgust how my hometown turned out to be


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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Seven pages deep, I felt compelled to drive down to the channel this evening to investigate all the commotion and hate towards Raider fans, Tattoos and Mexicans.

So I put on my chanklas (sandals) hopped in the car and headed to Rotary Park in search of riffraff and an evening stroll. Arrived, parked the car and headed toward the London bridge. First stop was Havasu's finest harassing a overloaded boat full of of Caucasians getting inspecting for life vest. I guess the boat did not have a maximum amount of people sticker on board. 🤣. Shook my head and proceeded down the path.
View attachment 1143894
At stop two I witnessed another Caucasian family super-soaking boaters passing by. Who does that? Shook my head. Still no Raider fans, Tattooed head to toe folks or Mexicans doing stupid shit 🤔
View attachment 1143893
My stroll finally reached the London bridge where I turned back toward the car. This field trip was a bust. All I witnessed tonight was non courteous irresponsible Caucasians doing dumb shit ruining it for other channel goers. It would appear halfwits come in all races, creeds and colors frequenting Lake Havasu 😉. Carry On.
Pinche Gabachos!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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While in Vegas at the Airport waiting for an arrival, there was a family of? "Pick a Term", (Afro Americans, Black, Negros") and they all were wearing "Black Lives Matter":oops:Now I don't give a shit what they wear or raise their children, but if these people, "Pick A Race", (Hispanic, Oriental, ETC) think that this is going to help whatever their complaint is, News For Them!. I saw people Flipping them off, talking shit, and laughing behind their backs. I have no idea how bad it is in the Deep South, but I am confident that Blacks breed this Racism, just as bad as the Whites do and it is not going to change or get any better. The Coast To Coast Riots, Looting, and Burning of Cities after the George Floyd deal, IMO did massive damage to the "BLM" movement and Blacks in general, as many see what they did as nothing to do with George Floyd, and a reason to Riot, Steal, and create Massive damage.
I saw all I need to make up my mind about the "BLM" and those who started, promoted, and profited off a bunch of Trashing, Racist Criminals. Where is the "IRS"?🤔
It's Burn Loot Murder...
Change my mind.


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2011
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It’s allowed here. This thread proves it!
Weird to me that I got banned for posting about a stupid car. But the amount of racist posts on this threads have not flagged anything from the moderators to even the owner. Weird as fuck…

Mexicans are convenient to all that fancy houses, pools and boats you guys have but for anyone to be proud of there culture or things they like it’s not okay. Cause they can’t afford the best of the best they are trash. It showed when Dave posted the eliminator shop tour or a thread where they had the Mexican flag up. The site went on to talk so much shit about them. But they said we are happy to support the people that make our company run. The jobs are out there for any race. But Mexicans are the only ones who are willing to actually work and not cry. But fuck them for wanting to be proud is seeking a better life for them selves. Oh but look at my sick as boat that Mexicans built. Fuckin hypocrites.
This is the biggest bullshit racist post on here…


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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It’s allowed here. This thread proves it!
Weird to me that I got banned for posting about a stupid car. But the amount of racist posts on this threads have not flagged anything from the moderators to even the owner. Weird as fuck…

Mexicans are convenient to all that fancy houses, pools and boats you guys have but for anyone to be proud of there culture or things they like it’s not okay. Cause they can’t afford the best of the best they are trash. It showed when Dave posted the eliminator shop tour or a thread where they had the Mexican flag up. The site went on to talk so much shit about them. But they said we are happy to support the people that make our company run. The jobs are out there for any race. But Mexicans are the only ones who are willing to actually work and not cry. But fuck them for wanting to be proud is seeking a better life for them selves. Oh but look at my sick as boat that Mexicans built. Fuckin hypocrites.
whats your point????? I've read this over and over and over and over.... and all I come up with is you either missed the point.... or you just decided to head off in a differant dirrection... no body doesn't like a person just because they are mexican.... the post was about the lawlessness in the channel...I'm not a cop, so I can't police the area... but like said.... they have their hands full.... people in groups act differant when they are together.. push limits when someone has their back,... and act differant when they are alone.... as far as mexicans go.... do yuo live , or would you live where there is only mexicans.... like do you or would you buy a house on 19th street in vegas, right by the school so your kids could grow up with only mexicans?????


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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Fine line between free speech and political correctness.. I don’t think the problem is the Mexicans anymore than I think it’s white trash people or any other race..

I think it’s just the lower class of America has changed..

It used to be the lower class did everything in their power to move up.. now they revel in it and it’s the new cool.

Poor is the new cool and I Just can’t dig it - Tim
hope I got this right.... but what you are saying is lawless groups seem to be popping up everywhere,....????


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
Reaction score
It’s allowed here. This thread proves it!
Weird to me that I got banned for posting about a stupid car. But the amount of racist posts on this threads have not flagged anything from the moderators to even the owner. Weird as fuck…

Mexicans are convenient to all that fancy houses, pools and boats you guys have but for anyone to be proud of there culture or things they like it’s not okay. Cause they can’t afford the best of the best they are trash. It showed when Dave posted the eliminator shop tour or a thread where they had the Mexican flag up. The site went on to talk so much shit about them. But they said we are happy to support the people that make our company run. The jobs are out there for any race. But Mexicans are the only ones who are willing to actually work and not cry. But fuck them for wanting to be proud is seeking a better life for them selves. Oh but look at my sick as boat that Mexicans built. Fuckin hypocrites.
you'll get my respect when you say you live in the 89101 zip.....