Search results

  1. oldman

    $10 Million Worth of Porsche Parts & Accessory's

    Same user name comes up on Bloodydecks fishing site, But I'm not a member to see anything.
  2. oldman

    $10 Million Worth of Porsche Parts & Accessory's

    It's BS,
  3. oldman

    $10 Million Worth of Porsche Parts & Accessory's

    You just joined, you have 7 posts you claim to have this treasure trove of shit. post pics or move on. I call BS. My offer stands treefiddy for your junk
  4. oldman

    $10 Million Worth of Porsche Parts & Accessory's

    I'll give you Tree fiddy for all of it. 😝
  5. oldman

    22 Daytona On The Beach

    How do they determine fault? Meaning what put your neighbor at fault and not the jet skier? How does your neighbor lose everything having to beach a boat to avoid a jet ski that is breaking the law but the jet ski wins the claim? Not starting a fight, just asking the question. If both parties...
  6. oldman

    Trabuco canyon fire

    Thank you for setting the record straight, And I will read the document, We spend a lot of time in all of the areas burning. And we tend to feel we are mindful. Weather arson or natural causes we always worry about losing access. I'm quick to point at state government.
  7. oldman

    Oddball tools and assorted whatizzits

    Folding rule and file card are possible tools of the lineman trade, but could be anything.
  8. oldman

    Rick Hendrick, baller extreme, guitars in the floor

    Will look him up.
  9. oldman

    Rick Hendrick, baller extreme, guitars in the floor

    good to know, I have something to look forward to.🍻
  10. oldman

    Rick Hendrick, baller extreme, guitars in the floor

    I can't find it for the life of me, but he bought the very first of a generation and the very last corvette of that generation, and I can't find the article. He has also bought VIN #001 of many corvettes and other cars, he is a more prolific collector than Ron Pratt the home builder. If anyone...
  11. oldman

    Rick Hendrick, baller extreme, guitars in the floor

    60's? 😝 😝
  12. oldman

    Trabuco canyon fire

    This, tree huggers refusing to touch the forest under the guise of green. clear some brush, cull the forest, Do managed burns. Do we sue the state for the giant smoke cloud they let loose? we never had huge million acre fires when we did forest management. Of course every fire is a fire storm...
  13. oldman

    Truck Gear Ratio's For Towing

    Sensor location, and I have seen 1250*at that location. Not towing, and not sustained.
  14. oldman

    Presidential Debate is on Tonight

    She seemed calm He seemed intense, I think he really has the country first, but tonight was not his night. his points were good, but he looked like a sweaty Nixon. Some may not get this. And moderators were in her camp.
  15. oldman

    Truck Gear Ratio's For Towing

    Is this what your trying to do???
  16. oldman

    Trabuco canyon fire

    Victorville headed home from topock In n out. Barstow.
  17. oldman

    Trabuco canyon fire

    So I have a nephew in Running springs and a brother in Portola hills both in the path of fire.
  18. oldman

    Trabuco canyon fire

    Brothers house Portola hills
  19. oldman

    Truck Gear Ratio's For Towing

    Especially on 35's 4th gear may even put it closer to where stock would be,
  20. oldman

    Truck Gear Ratio's For Towing

    I've been over 1250 for a breath or two, And it still runs, I was told 1450 is death.