At 1:30 am, AZ time, when I finally turned off the TV, I looked at some lib news. MSNBC continued to show only 266 electoral votes for Trump. It was over. But, they weren’t reporting it. At 5:45am when I turned the TV on Morning Joe on MSNBC had properly increased the number to 277 for Trump. As...
Sounds like Newsmax called a Trump victory before Fox did. Fox needs to fire Juan Williams. Believe his title at Fox is Senior Political Analyst. Assume he’s paid well into 7 figures. The guys a real piece of shit and he proved that tonight.
I believe over 80% of those voting for Harris either - 1) Hate Trump. or 2) Hate the Supreme Court sending the decision on abortion to the individual states. If you take out those 2 issues, what’s left? Whoops. I forgot about those wanting their student loans forgiven . . . . . .
In ways this election does feel different. But, how much of that is driven by the MNM? They do NOT provide news. 98% of their coverage is pro Dem/Lib. They provide their very slanted opinion. Hugh Hewitt recent walking off the set of a supposed news political show, Washington Post (?), says a...
The Rogan - Vance interview was excellent. More informative than the Trump interview. I wish Harris or Walz would have taken the opportunity to be interviewed by Rogan. The comparisons would have been very interesting.
We lived in LHC since 2013. We’ve never had even 1 kid come to our door for Halloween. But, major props to the Havasu merchants and other local businesses for their participation on Main St. And it’s not just the business on that portion of McCulloch. Others set up booths, similar to Desert...
Sean Hannity and his show will bring in ZERO new votes for the Republican ticket. In fact, he may lose a few existing votes. The guy brings people on his show so we can learn about them. Then Hannity spends the majority of his time talking about what HE knows. The guy’s a dooch. We watched the...
Like it or not, our country is a democratic republic, which has an electoral college for presidential elections. That’s how our founding fathers created it. NO. I don’t believe that should be changed.
We completed our early voting ballots at home. Then hand carried them to the LHC library and...
They are all boats. When the young US Navy guy must return from leave, he refers to returning as going back to “the boat”. And that even includes aircraft carriers. In the civilian world if a crew member and/or owner says they’re going back to “the yacht”, it means 1 of 2 things. Either (1) they...
There was a time I was a LA Dodger fan. It began at the LA Coliseum. Who remembers the Moon Shot over that weird LF fence. LA Dodger, Wally Moon, had fine tuned hitting HRs over it. There was also a time when going to a Dodger game was the best value in all of sports. Both of those things, fan...
It may have been Ernest Hemingway who hooked up with a broadbill one afternoon in So Cal waters. Reports say he fought that fish throughout the entire night. Until sunrise, when that hooked fish began feeding and chasing flyers in the area. That’s when Hemingway lost him. Apparently, that fish...
Yes. Reports say stand up tackle. Luc Ofield fishing out of San Diego. He smashed the previous record by more than 100 pounds. Many feel the Broadbill Swordfish may be the most difficult fish of all to catch on rod & reel. Many are captured via harpooning. Not this one. The fish took a bait...