Like so many other things "they just dont make them like they used to" I'd service it yearly and keep a spare in the boat . Pro tip : if it smells like Harbor freight its probably marginal quality
I look at this place as a higher than average intellect group kind of an "on line mens club" too bad its become difficult for you but, Best of luck and good fortune to you 👋👋👋👋
Lorretta Lynn for the "Black music" Legacy award right ........... Beyounce being awarded this is a complete travesty and a gut punch to Country music :mad:
I really enjoy the humor I see from other not the least of which these clips My Son always has an ear bud in and sends my texts during the day from pod casts and such. Kash Patel and Shifty Shiff .........
Remember you can get even but not "better" They dont (and wont) get you a new vehicle likely but they should be willing to restore your rig to the condition as it was before and be willing to stand behind it in writing . I have an corporate attorney on retainer, He would tell you to put your...
I think I read that "back in the day" that kneeling post replacement was tabu , Both mine have had "the Pattela resurfaced" whatever that really means but my Doc says kneel away I use a gardening foam pad but it still scares me ................. a couple weeks back I stubbles near my garge and...
with two titanium knees although My Orthopedic surgeon says its OK I am still scared of the kneeling , in both case the Patella was "resurfaced" but it still freaks me out