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  1. Apex svt

    Thank you Adrenaline (Trailer Full Refurb)

    Turned out absolutely killer man! Looks brand new.
  2. Apex svt

    School me on 5 blade props?

    Your slip #’s will drop, mid range pickup is pretty noticeable compared to a Bravo 4-blade. If your current prop works well try to find a 5-blade with similar characteristics. Rake/diameter/ear profile. Drop a pitch or two. I’ve been trying a 5-blade (P5x knock off), slip went down but it...
  3. Apex svt

    Engine porn

    Had to check myself. The 3 stage nitrous car we lost to was Nelson Competition inc. Was about to say they’re no joke. Don’t know this company.
  4. Apex svt

    Calling out @n2otoofast4u

    We’re trying to keep everything that stems off state road F a ruckus free zone. Send him to Osage 😁
  5. Apex svt

    Facebook Marketplace Ads

    Not sure if it’s true because I’m Facebook illiterate. But my buddy said people will send the “Is it available” so it’s in the message queue. Then they can watch it to see if the price drops, or doesn’t sell for a while so they can low ball.
  6. Apex svt

    Stuff at LOTO you didnt hear about

    Jumping off the toll bridge must have been one hell of a crack when you hit the water. It’s up there! Low side or high side.
  7. Apex svt


    Pneumonia has been running around, beat me down for a couple weeks. Still got a cough, feeling well though. Besides this hangover, woof.
  8. Apex svt

    The Charmed Life

    I’d easily strike up a deal.
  9. Apex svt

    ‘24 Winding down, how was your year?

    Dumpster Fire. Bring on 2025!
  10. Apex svt

    Current Situation - a picture thread

    We got a lot of fans lol
  11. Apex svt

    Current Situation - a picture thread

    CaliRob checkin up on the house for us 🤣 So jealous he’s on the water while I’m splitting wood.
  12. Apex svt

    RDP member average age 11/19/24

    1995 here too. 30 is creeping up in a quick 7-month!
  13. Apex svt

    Just the bow

    Few weeks ago. ALOT of bow on the ol’ Tiger.
  14. Apex svt

    Yamaha tunes cars for the factory?

    Wasn’t that the engine that had the “pressed” cam gears that would fail allowing the pistons to have a party with the valves? That could be a reason. I think the fix was to weld them together.
  15. Apex svt

    Danimal!! You got something to tell us!?

    Ohhh fugg yeah!!! One badass ride that’s for sure! He deserves that one! Congrats Dan!
  16. Apex svt

    Danimal!! You got something to tell us!?

    Wait…. Did I misinterpret those texts that bad?? Please tell me I did.
  17. Apex svt

    Gonna be gone for a little bit.

    Best of luck! Just another obstacle that you can overcome.
  18. Apex svt

    Bringing some Facebook to Rdp

  19. Apex svt

    Top Knot Ropes shout out!

    I love my Top Knot ropes. Fenders are preset, tie to the cleat and you’re done.
  20. Apex svt

    Yamaha Raptor 110 vs the Polaris Outlaw 110 vs Can Am renegade 110 ATV's,, any difference?

    Always loved my Yamaha’s. Bikes, sleds quads. They run forever and take a beating. Little bias for that reason.