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  1. Sun burners

    66 Chevelle project

    Very nice.:thumbup:
  2. Sun burners

    Good Morning Inmates

  3. Sun burners

    good morning inmates

    Good morning.
  4. Sun burners

    Good morning everyone!

    Morning, riding the Harley down to ROSARITO tomorrow.:thumbup:
  5. Sun burners

    Chrome shop?

    I had my fenders powder coated in a Silver/Chrome. They looked nice until I had 3 flats...
  6. Sun burners

    Bent my Bimini frame at speed..

    I swear by Mesh down the center. My buddy had full mesh for about 6 years at WOT. He then sold the boat no problems at all with the Bimini.
  7. Sun burners

    Got pulled over in channel this weekend

    I got pulled over by the Coast Guard Sunday in Thompson bay SB at the buoy line just about to exit. Brother in law was drinking I had a water in my cup holder. All of the crew was out on the boat for a "My Safety Check" All went well, I had more than what was asked, However they asked for a...
  8. Sun burners

    Interstate 5 vs. Hwy 99

    99, stop at Bravo farm for lunch.:thumbup:
  9. Sun burners

    employment with city of LA

    It worked for me. :thumbup:
  10. Sun burners

    Good morning inmates

    Morning, Off at 4 pm, heading out to Havasu for a 4 day weekend.
  11. Sun burners

    What's your preference, and why?

  12. Sun burners

    What's your preference, and why?

    Does builder back up work 100%? Or does customer get to pay again?
  13. Sun burners

    Good morning inmates

    Good morning.
  14. Sun burners

    Good morning inmates

    Good Monday morning.
  15. Sun burners

    Study abroad.

    My little girl on her way to Italy to study abroad. Life is good!
  16. Sun burners

    Good morning inmates

    Good morning.
  17. Sun burners

    Misting System for a boat questions.

    Hudson sprayer with distelled water? I have one I use for out door EZ up events. Or Big 5 sell portable misters for about $15. I use the portable ones on the Harley.
  18. Sun burners

    Good morning inmates

    Good morning.