2025 Stock Market Thread


Lower level functionary
Jan 1, 2008
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I want to learn calls. Looked in to it a little.
Don’t remember how many PLTR I have. Don’t want to look as I hate counting my chickens


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2015
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I want to learn calls. Looked in to it a little.
Don’t remember how many PLTR I have. Don’t want to look as I hate counting my chickens
when you are trading you're counting chickens daily. You learn fast whether you are for trading or not.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2020
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Stragegy.....covered calls and cash secured puts but as for strategy i go for what's trending in the desired direction. I'm still learning and would like to expand into strategies that provide higher probability of security.
I'm doing the same, got hooked a couple months ago. Goal is passive income without restricting portfolio growth, tricky. Not going too long, averaging 0.5% weekly


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2017
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For those considering day trading type of investments.
I highly incourage you to look into the differences in your Tax situation, vs buy/hold long term investing.

If you dont, when tax season hits. You will have a much higher tax bill than you expect. Yes I learned that lesson the hard way.

search Pattern Day Trader rule.


Int’l Maritime Captain
Oct 31, 2008
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For those considering day trading type of investments.
I highly incourage you to look into the differences in your Tax situation, vs buy/hold long term investing.

If you dont, when tax season hits. You will have a much higher tax bill than you expect. Yes I learned that lesson the hard way.

search Pattern Day Trader rule.
I feel as though I should also do a public service announcement. Mainly to keep the uneducated from investing in the new Trump memecoins.

If you are a RDP Member and are considering purchasing $Trump memecoins…….. Please read the following. Don’t get GRIFTED.

Please don’t blast me. I am trying to keep members from paying a “Stupid Tax”



Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2015
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For those considering day trading type of investments.
I highly incourage you to look into the differences in your Tax situation, vs buy/hold long term investing.

If you dont, when tax season hits. You will have a much higher tax bill than you expect. Yes I learned that lesson the hard way.

search Pattern Day Trader rule.
Yes, always be mindful of unforeseen expenses, which then become foreseen expenses. I foresee owing taxes for 2024 and paying quarterly in 2025 to not get penalized so will siphon off some $$ weekly.

Good PSA!


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2015
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I'm doing the same, got hooked a couple months ago. Goal is passive income without restricting portfolio growth, tricky. Not going too long, averaging 0.5% weekly

Good to have a plan. I started very conservative and looking at the deltas and probabilities only to learn those can't factor in any current news so instead have been riding waves of what's trending. My goal here is to replace my income allow me to leave the W2 world so I'm swinging for fences and look for 2-10% weekly. However, I know i have a good relationship with risk as well as an adverse relationship with patience, ;)


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2020
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For those considering day trading type of investments.
I highly incourage you to look into the differences in your Tax situation, vs buy/hold long term investing.

If you dont, when tax season hits. You will have a much higher tax bill than you expect. Yes I learned that lesson the hard way.

search Pattern Day Trader rule.
Assuming the downside is paying "short-term" capitol gains taxes on day trades.


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2017
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Assuming the downside is paying "short-term" capitol gains taxes on day trades.

Make sure you fully understand the tax implications as a pattern day trader. Before you day trade.

What happens to some newbies… is right before Tax season their trading account has grown a whole lot, then they learn the hard part. Selling 30- 50% of the account or more, to pay the taxs.

When I was day trading during Covid time frame… The following year.. I owed $38K in taxs just off my trading account.
What I thought I made, and what I really made after taxs, was 2 entirely different ###’s. Yes, I had a very accomplished accountant do my tax’s that year.

Which is one of the key reasons, I no longer day trade. (Risk/Reward/Tax Implications/ROI/Time). Did not add up.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2012
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Trust me brother, there are MANY people in this world that wish they had the “small”holdings we have at moment.

It really is a great thing.
"Comparison is the thief of joy". Sadly, recently I wasn't worried about keeping up with the Jones', but having my midlife crisis to make sure I was doing everything to my advantage for when I do retire in hopefully 20 years. I was really mad that I didn't understand how HSA's work, I thought it was for medical expenses :), silly me, instead of a triple tax benefit that you can invest money through and then hit all at once with medical bills, or when you turn 65.

I had been maxing out my 401k for years, other investments on the side, some money in securities to be ultra safe, and yet suddenly felt so far behind again. So many would kill to have some of that going. A little self recognition is necessary or its all just "feed the beast" and you will feel behind and inferior the whole time. I think its key to staying at maximum operating efficiency, self acknowledgement and self reward.

We all know if you stop providing reward while training a pet, the quality drops, same with yourself. Look how far you have come, be proud. (totally generic statement for no one/everyone.)


Lower level functionary
Jan 1, 2008
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when you are trading you're counting chickens daily. You learn fast whether you are for trading or not.
That would be a different account. I want to keep my longs, long. Not get caught up in the swings and “shit I could buy a new boat!” Mentality


cobra performance boats
May 24, 2014
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"Comparison is the thief of joy". Sadly, recently I wasn't worried about keeping up with the Jones', but having my midlife crisis to make sure I was doing everything to my advantage for when I do retire in hopefully 20 years. I was really mad that I didn't understand how HSA's work, I thought it was for medical expenses :), silly me, instead of a triple tax benefit that you can invest money through and then hit all at once with medical bills, or when you turn 65.

I had been maxing out my 401k for years, other investments on the side, some money in securities to be ultra safe, and yet suddenly felt so far behind again. So many would kill to have some of that going. A little self recognition is necessary or its all just "feed the beast" and you will feel behind and inferior the whole time. I think its key to staying at maximum operating efficiency, self acknowledgement and self reward.

We all know if you stop providing reward while training a pet, the quality drops, same with yourself. Look how far you have come, be proud. (totally generic statement for no one/everyone.)
We just got an hsa plan through our union. Love to learn more about it


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2011
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"Comparison is the thief of joy". Sadly, recently I wasn't worried about keeping up with the Jones', but having my midlife crisis to make sure I was doing everything to my advantage for when I do retire in hopefully 20 years. I was really mad that I didn't understand how HSA's work, I thought it was for medical expenses :), silly me, instead of a triple tax benefit that you can invest money through and then hit all at once with medical bills, or when you turn 65.

I had been maxing out my 401k for years, other investments on the side, some money in securities to be ultra safe, and yet suddenly felt so far behind again. So many would kill to have some of that going. A little self recognition is necessary or its all just "feed the beast" and you will feel behind and inferior the whole time. I think its key to staying at maximum operating efficiency, self acknowledgement and self reward.

We all know if you stop providing reward while training a pet, the quality drops, same with yourself. Look how far you have come, be proud. (totally generic statement for no one/everyone.)
100% agree. In a conversation with my BIL I was telling him about my kids account and that my goal was to save 25k each for all 3 kids.

He pissed in my Cheerios and said shit 25k isn’t gonna buy them anything. I responded you might be correct, how much do you have saved for your 3 kids? He responded zero they are on their own.

I may not set my kids up for success but they could have it much worse. I’m just doing the best that I can do.

Orange Juice

Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2017
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100% agree. In a conversation with my BIL I was telling him about my kids account and that my goal was to save 25k each for all 3 kids.

He pissed in my Cheerios and said shit 25k isn’t gonna buy them anything. I responded you might be correct, how much do you have saved for your 3 kids? He responded zero they are on their own.

I may not set my kids up for success but they could have it much worse. I’m just doing the best that I can do.

Once my kids started having kids, they were shutoff, and the focus turned to the grand kids, and making sure they have a healthy environment to grow into, and possibly thrive.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2007
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For those considering day trading type of investments.
I highly incourage you to look into the differences in your Tax situation, vs buy/hold long term investing.

If you dont, when tax season hits. You will have a much higher tax bill than you expect. Yes I learned that lesson the hard way.

search Pattern Day Trader rule.
I have day traded for a long while, as long as you have a great disciplined plan with set boundaries in place and once you learn the tax ramifications it becomes second nature. I trade huge and I mean huge positions daily, weekly and sometimes I get bit in the ass and have to hold for much longer than ever desired and always have to rethink/adjust or reanalyze my methodology. You have to have a stomach for day trading and the funds to back it up that is for sure. Not for the weary.


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2008
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Stragegy.....covered calls and cash secured puts but as for strategy i go for what's trending in the desired direction. I'm still learning and would like to expand into strategies that provide higher probability of security.
Look into doing a fig leaf or a "poor man's covered call." It's quite a bit cheaper to put on.

You cover with a lower call instead of shares. Just be prepared to roll it down if you don't set your low call low enough


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2016
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HSA is an amazing investment vehicle. Even if you can't use it to invest, 'washing' the contributions through it to pay for deductibles and other medical expenses (equipment, meds, etc) is worth it. Use a rewards credit card for all medical related expenses, then reimburse yourself from the HSA. But, the ability to contribute pre-tax money, grow money tax free, and withdraw tax free is hard not to take advantage of. You just need to be able to pay medical expenses out of pocket AND fund the HSA.

The biggest pain is keeping records. If you don't plan to withdraw from the HSA until retirement, that's cool, but I would still keep records of medical expenses you pay out of pocket (deductibles, meds, etc). You never know, you may end up in a financial bind and need to withdraw money from the HSA before retirement. Having proof (receipts, EOB's, credit card statement's) for all eligible medical expenses from HSA inception date will make life easy. I've been grouping my docs every $2000, so if I ever withdraw, I can take that withdraw request and 'attach' to to the group of proof docs. Only the IRS will request proof if they audit you. Unlike an FSA, where they hound you for proof on the regular.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2015
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Look into doing a fig leaf or a "poor man's covered call." It's quite a bit cheaper to put on.

You cover with a lower call instead of shares. Just be prepared to roll it down if you don't set your low call low enough
i'll give it a look again, i did attempt this once about 8 months ago but I didn't stick with it, too many moving parts for me at that time. I'm in a better place now and will revisit. Currently, I have different price stocks that I will sell CSP and continue to CSP the premiums until I don't have enough to do it again, so pretty much all in all the time. This bull market and the few stocks that i've been wheeling have done alright and if assigned the covered call side keeps the $$ rolling in. For example, NVDL, I took assignment at $53 over the weekend and able to pull in $1.5K this week selling CC at $54, i'm into this one 12 positions


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2008
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haha, funny you mention that as I'm in that mindset right now......"new boat" that is
I did that shit last year. Stupidest financial decision I ever made. Between the good profits from selling everything during Covid to a mid life crisis to a colon cancer scare, I somehow felt that I was DUE this boat and the stars lined up. Treat myself is a common theme that was in my head.

. Lost money on the boat when I realized my mistake, it had issues from Day one, but the downstream effect that happened is what sucked.

I guess though the only good lasting result is it got me out of Cali and thats worth any price.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2015
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I did that shit last year. Stupidest financial decision I ever made. Between the good profits from selling everything during Covid to a mid life crisis to a colon cancer scare, I somehow felt that I was DUE this boat and the stars lined up. Treat myself is a common theme that was in my head.

. Lost money on the boat when I realized my mistake, it had issues from Day one, but the downstream effect that happened is what sucked.

I guess though the only good lasting result is it got me out of Cali and thats worth any price.
Glad to hear something good came of it

Sportin' Wood

Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
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Anyone have an opinion on AMD? Advanced Micro Devices. PLTR did not give me the window we hoped for to gain more, so we have some money sitting on the sidelines. It's a double edge sword, happy for the PLTR gains, but wish we had more. :)

Turning my eye toward AMD to look for opportunity.


Lower level functionary
Jan 1, 2008
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Anyone have an opinion on AMD? Advanced Micro Devices. PLTR did not give me the window we hoped for to gain more, so we have some money sitting on the sidelines. It's a double edge sword, happy for the PLTR gains, but wish we had more. :)

Turning my eye toward AMD to look for opportunity.
I’ve had my eye that way also. Didn’t they take a big dump today?
Heard it explained like this. Not everyone can afford or do they need the trillion dollar solution. There’s going to be a lot of needs for a million dollars solution that AMD could provide.
I’m watching pltr again also. But I hate buying when I’m originally in at 26😖😂


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2017
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Anyone have an opinion on AMD? Advanced Micro Devices. PLTR did not give me the window we hoped for to gain more, so we have some money sitting on the sidelines. It's a double edge sword, happy for the PLTR gains, but wish we had more. :)

Turning my eye toward AMD to look for opportunity.

AMD? Has been on my radar as the main competitor to NVDA. If you dig into it. AMD technically has better chips than NVDA at this moment. However NVDA has not released their next generation of chips, which should out perform AMD. AMD did just miss earnings,
So for now… I think AMD can go lower, especially if NVDA next chips perform as they should….

PLTR gave everyone an opportunity to load up at $63 not so long ago…. A few peeps on this thread added more…
IMHO… PLTR could be the next CRM/ORACLE/META/NFLX/TSLA combined…. It really and truly has unlimited earnings potential.
Sitting on Billions of Cash, Zero fucking debt, only 3800 employees, stupid high margins, customers state they get ROI in months not years… No one has ever done that in the SAAS market….80% growth rate in some sectors WHAT THE FUCK, I can keep going…. That over 500 PE ratio is bonkers…. Yet peeps are still gobbling that stock up… This stock will most likely be stock that peeps are talking about for the next 10 years. If I am right about that… theres alot $$$ to be made.

I regret selling the 15% stake that I had at $71.26, I still remember doing it, and the price I sold at. Because its all part of my overall trading strategy to have $$$ on sidelines in case another PLTR pops up…. Yes, I regret following my own plan at the moment. That 15% would be trading at $102 right now, versus $71… uggg….

I dont have a crystal ball…. All of the above…. Is just one assholes opinion…. Take it for whats its worth.
I just share the reasons why I do what I do, for the most part.

Last part… The most critical part.
Please do not buy PLTR because of what I posted. If my post interests you, then please research PLTR on your own, and fully understand the details of what I stated, regarding their products, earning potentials, future opportunities. If you just buy it, without doing your research and a hiccup comes, it drops 10%… your will not know what to do. Buy more or sell all…
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Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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We just got an hsa plan through our union. Love to learn more about it
I participated in an HSA plan with my employer. Wish I’d began participating in it earlier in my career. As long as the money is used for true medical needs, it does not get taxed. I don’t believe I know of many things which do not have any tax exposure/liability. Any money we did not spend in a calendar year remained in our HSA. Some plans require you to use it or you lose it. Those are known as Flex Funds. You’ll likely receive what looks like a credit card for your HSA account. Do not use it for items other than medical expenses. When you reach medicare age, there are some things medicare does not cover, such as vision and dental. If you receive medicare benefits you can‘t continue to contribute to your HSA. But, your HSA fund may be used for medical items not covered by medicare.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2015
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I participated in an HSA plan with my employer. Wish I’d began participating in it earlier in my career. As long as the money is used for true medical needs, it does not get taxed. I don’t believe I know of many things which do not have any tax exposure/liability. Any money we did not spend in a calendar year remained in our HSA. Some plans require you to use it or you lose it. Those are known as Flex Funds. You’ll likely receive what looks like a credit card for your HSA account. Do not use it for items other than medical expenses. When you reach medicare age, there are some things medicare does not cover, such as vision and dental. If you receive medicare benefits you can‘t continue to contribute to your HSA. But, your HSA fund may be used for medical items not covered by medicare.
One more thing to add: my company offers HSA and i only contribute to meet the match cause the choices provided for investments are the best. Fidelity offers a HSA and so long as you qualify for one you can open one up and contribute and trade as you want. Just make sure you don't go over the contribution limits between the multiple accounts and also stop contributing to the standalone Fidelity account should you fall out of qualifying for an HSA.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2015
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Anyone have an opinion on AMD? Advanced Micro Devices. PLTR did not give me the window we hoped for to gain more, so we have some money sitting on the sidelines. It's a double edge sword, happy for the PLTR gains, but wish we had more. :)

Turning my eye toward AMD to look for opportunity.
I've dipped my toe into AMD a little in 2024 and barely escaped in the green, I seem to miss the rides with that one so I moved on. Another techy to look for is SMCI, it's been trending near $30 for a bit with upside wanting to grab ahold

Member: 71

M ǝ ɯ q ǝ ɹ : 7 1
Sep 24, 2007
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Im in a couple of bucks on GOOG @ $191. 2/5 11:40am. Posting this as a reference to see how well I read threads.

I also bought NVDU.... cheap mans NVDA. Glad it's recovering.
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Cole Trickle

Sep 25, 2007
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Anyone have an opinion on AMD? Advanced Micro Devices. PLTR did not give me the window we hoped for to gain more, so we have some money sitting on the sidelines. It's a double edge sword, happy for the PLTR gains, but wish we had more. :)

Turning my eye toward AMD to look for opportunity.
I threw 5k at amd back in October before it climbed to $170 and held. I have been riding it to the cellar ever since...lol

I'm staying put as i think it rebounds but who knows how long it will take to get back to even or even make some money at this point.

Defiantly a roller coaster stock.


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2022
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Twice I've thought AMD seemed promising & twice I was wrong.

I really don't understand why it doesn't perform better.


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2017
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Twice I've thought AMD seemed promising & twice I was wrong.

I really don't understand why it doesn't perform better.
Well in my opinion, from my research.
NVDA has a huge market share in the AI Chip space… period.
AMD is trying to catch up, and has yet to do so. Which is why they are missing earnings, and getting pounded.

Honestly, I would Love to hear why you think AMD is undervalued at the moment…

I am not saying all my above statements are 100% accurate, they are just my opinion. I am very open to others peoples opinion. If you can convince me that AMD is a better choice, then I will sell my NVDA and purchase AMD while they are down…

As far as I am concerned they are the top dogs in the AI Chip market world… FOR NOW…. LOL


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2018
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Well in my opinion, from my research.
NVDA has a huge market share in the AI Chip space… period.
AMD is trying to catch up, and has yet to do so. Which is why they are missing earnings, and getting pounded.

Honestly, I would Love to hear why you think AMD is undervalued at the moment…

I am not saying all my above statements are 100% accurate, they are just my opinion. I am very open to others peoples opinion. If you can convince me that AMD is a better choice, then I will sell my NVDA and purchase AMD while they are down…

As far as I am concerned they are the top dogs in the AI Chip market world… FOR NOW…. LOL
Is there a book or video you recommend to gain more knowledge on what to look for. I am slowly learning and I don’t have a lot to play with, but I made some money last year. Looking to learn more. I have about 5k of money to invest. We have other long term investments, and accounts, so this is just my “play” money.


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2022
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Honestly, I would Love to hear why you think AMD is undervalued at the moment…

I don't.

I purchased with the belief they were in second place behind NVDA & would track accordingly to some degree. I was wrong.


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2017
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Is there a book or video you recommend to gain more knowledge on what to look for. I am slowly learning and I don’t have a lot to play with, but I made some money last year. Looking to learn more. I have about 5k of money to invest. We have other long term investments, and accounts, so this is just my “play” money.
A few have PM’d me for info on learning this stuff…
My advice below is for Long Term Stock investing, assuming your are maxing out your 401k and this $$$ is in addition to that or being used to build $$$ to buy house or fund kids education…

Read, Read, Read… when you read something you dont understand, dig into it, via WWW and Youtube.

So… reading..
Yahoo finance app is free… no cost what so ever. I have posted screen shots from yahoo finance
Then start your watch list. When you are looking at your watch list. All the newest relevant news articles will be listed in your news feed of your watch list. Read those articles that are key to the stock you are interested in. Those articles will reference all kinds of things. Chase those rabbit holes…

As you knowledge of the company’s you are interested in, is coming up to speed.
ALso go down the youtube rabbit hole… DONT PAY ANYONE FOR THEIR TRAINING PLANS… most are not worth the $$$. Most are just trying to get you to follow their investments, so they can pump up a stock and sell it before they tell you to sell it… Get at much from youtube as you can for free…

Learn what to look for in earning calls, why is PE ratio important, how to compare one company to another from their financials.

For me, once you have a basic understanding of the above, it gets alot easier.

As I have mentioned in other posts….
I only invest in individual stocks during bull markets. Why, because its alot easier for some stocks to rise higher than others, when the overall market is rising… Rising tide lifts all boats.

In a Bear Market… I do not invest in individual stocks… I may short things for short term gains. But I am not long any position during bear markets… But I will continue to invest in my 401K type of investments, dollar cost averaging on the market down side and back up, because its 401k LONG LONG LONG Term play…

So back to individual stocks…
We are in a Bull Market… Whats going on in Global Politics or American Politics and which sectors have the best chance of success.
Pick the top 4 sectors that you think have good chance of success… Then find 3-5 stocks in each sector and add them to the watch list.

We have a watch list of stocks we are interested, we have a good understanding of their position in the market/their competition and their financials….

Lets pick the one stock in each sector you think that has a good chance of success.. stage your way into each position. Say 4-25% buys. What does that mean. Say you have $10K for each position of NVDA for arguement sake. Dont make one purchase of NVDA at $10k, start slow… buy in 25%… or $2500… continue to watch it, read up every day… if it retreats 5%, hell that may be great news for you and you add another 25%… and slowly build your position into NVDA…

Do the same thing for the stocks in the other hot sectors.

That is literally what I do…. As you guys may recall, I have asked the question to the group… What are the hot sectors, what are you guys seeing???

I obviously think AI is a hot sectors, NVDA is a good play in my opinion. PLTR is also in AI, but they are also in defense and I have owned them for years… As we outlined earlier in this thread… LMT, GD, NOC are all decent ones to. Look into… Oil/Gas could be a good sector. Who in this forum has good experience in that sector, give us some advice????

Everything that I have stated above is just one assholes opinion…
Always do your own research, never blindly follow anyone.
Have a investing plan, before you begin any position, what is your stop loss on it?
Stage you way in
Dont be afraid to take profits
Dont be afraid to admit you lost $$$ and cut your loss before you lose more.

I have to go prep the bbq for smoked meatloaf tonight….
Please share your opinions on my thoughts… I am willing to debate it, you all know that, but I am also willing to learn. Unless we share info/debate it, then how can we learn?


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2008
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I just cannot bring myself to pay a 10 PEG for PLTR, it valuation is sky high. I'm happy for all those on the train but it's not for me at these levels.

I do think the AI build out phase will pull back. A good friend sells AWS for Amazon and he said the capex spending on chips was headed for a major pull back and this was prior to deep-seek. I think this is at least in late 25 or 26 those. As such I'm slowly divesting out of my chip stuff.

Alsomin general i see more downside risk here then upside potential so well see where this year goes.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2009
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How much time per day do the options and day trader peeps spend researching?


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2017
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I think some people will be taking a haircut on this, hopefully she will go to the moon, wish I had some.
Efff you…. I am not selling mine… nope nope nope…. LOL

yes I am messing around, being stupid…as the great CLdrinker states… To the moon…. Stonks Rock.

Thats a great movie… “Dumb Money”… If you have not seen it, I highly recommend it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2011
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Efff you…. I am not selling mine… nope nope nope…. LOL

yes I am messing around, being stupid…as the great CLdrinker states… To the moon…. Stonks Rock.

Thats a great movie… “Dumb Money”… If you have not seen it, I highly recommend it.
Anyone with half a brain would not argue taking profits at this multiple.
Honestly if you told me a year ago I would be up this much I would have told you I would cash out and be happy.

But after hearing C-YA’s Nvidia journey. He wouldn’t be sitting on his massive win if he sold at his first pump.

I can’t get to life changing money by selling out.
I need to buy more.


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2017
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Whats cracking me up right now… and I have no clue how this will play out…..

If we back up to last qtr for PLTR..
Alot of the “analysts” had price targets of $40 for PLTR and is was $86 high, before earnings right….

Now the analysts are upgrading the price targets to $105 and some even higher… So does it got to $210 before next QTR…

I am not saying its impossible or plausible… But if history repeats itself… It could happen…

By no means what so ever do I expect that to happen… I am just talking out loud to myself and gathering data points for consideration.

But their is still a damn good arguement for more upside potential on it.

That C-Ya dude,,, his strategy was opposite of mine is some regards. Yet his strategy damn sure beat mine for lots of different reasons. He is a key reason I am holding what I have. He damn sure taught me a thing or three.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2011
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They expect to be profitable for the remainder of the year. I think if we get earnings anywhere near what we just had. We will get small runs each time.

I think we are a sure thing for $120 by end of the year. $150 is realistic.

Half of me wants this run to continue half wants a pull back do I can buy more.