Educate me please.. School teachers K-12.. $$$.... CALIFORNIA

Bear Down

Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2011
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At home we were we having a friendly debate about sending kids back to school this year and a debate started about teachers not making enough and the dangers for teachers in returning to in class teaching. So for those of you who have spouses who are teachers are teachers yourselves or know someone personally... Do California teachers really have that low of a salary? do they really work super long hours? Are Educators much different than the workforce working 10-12 hours a day (salary) and on call once work is done? Do they really make that little and I would classify little under $50k a year to start? Is in class teaching any more dangerous than a walmart employee working on the floor or a carpenter working on a job? I just cant wrap my head around this cause I just think of teachers working from 7 am- 330 pm with grading some papers at home while watching TV and have summers off.....Elighten me please...
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Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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Those teachers I know work more hours then most think. Usually 7am to 5, when you factor in grading and lesson plans.

Annual salary has to be combined with pension they get. SIL gets 80% of last years salary (after taxes) after 25 years with zero contribution coming from her pocket. So annual salary is low, but she does not have to save a penny for retirement.
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cobra performance boats
May 24, 2014
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My cousin teaches high school. Arroyo on El Monte. He’s got a masters and tenure. Been there probably 15 years. He doesn’t do bad. For some reason 90 sounds like a number I remember. Summer school is extra


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2007
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SIL has her Masters and has taught Special Ed for 20+ years; her daughter just received her Masters and is teaching. Both put in at least 20 hours per week on their own time. Neighbor has her Masters, 10+ years teaching. They all want out. The only educator we know who isn't unhappy is a younger Assistant Principal with her EdD.

It's the parents that are driving teachers away from the profession....everybody knows that.

It's school. Not daycare, cafeteria, and family counseling wrapped into one school day. The demands made by parents are simply ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2020
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My wife is a school nurse as of last year. She had been a nurse in the hospital settings for 10 years.

She falls under the same barging agreement as the teachers and get benefits are identical.

it's less money then working in the hospital but the benefits and time off, really offset it for us. I think her district works about 180 days a year, plus she still has vacation on top of that.

She has her bachelors but for nursing the clear credential is a certified school nurse credential instead of a clear teachers credential. That program will basically give her a master's. So she will see a significant pay increase with that.

We looked at a ton of bargaining agreements before she changed jobs to see what the future would hold. I honestly don't think teachers are under paid. You get very good benefits and you solid pay increases each year that commiserates with your experience. They also increase your pay as you continue your education.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2017
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I’m in year 26 of teaching for the same school district (somewhere in LA county but not part of LA unified). I’m at 114k a year on a 186 day work schedule. I will move over one more pay step for my max in another 5 years at around 120k. Pre covid, I pulled in an additional 20k by coaching after school and by taking on additional supervision duties, so I want to go back to in person for selfish and non-selfish reasons. As far as I know, most of the teachers at my school would have no problem going back to in person either.

I teach in one of the higher paying districts around.

I love my job, but if I was to do it now, I wouldn’t go into education again.

Pros: job security, lots of vacation time, great medical, good retirement, the potential to make a difference in young people’s lives.

Cons: once you’re a few years in, you’re married to your district. You’re not going to be rich and you have to watch yourself on social media, etc...

You decide.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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SIL has her Masters and has taught Special Ed for 20+ years; her daughter just received her Masters and is teaching. Both put in at least 20 hours per week on their own time. Neighbor has her Masters, 10+ years teaching. They all want out. The only educator we know who isn't unhappy is a younger Assistant Principal with her EdD.

It's the parents that are driving teachers away from the profession....everybody knows that.

It's school. Not daycare, cafeteria, and family counseling wrapped into one school day. The demands made by parents are simply ridiculous.

So true!
My SIL and MIL are teachers and will tell anyone who listens not do it it. I had to yell at them when I told my oldest to add a teachers cert as a backup plan if he needs a job.

However the largest issue teachers face it lack of parent involvement and then parents only get involved when the kid acts up and is in trouble and it is always to defends their kid


Jan 9, 2010
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At home we were we having a friendly debate about sending kids back to school this year and a debate started about teachers not making enough and the dangers for teachers in returning to in class teaching. So for those of you who have spouses who are teachers are teachers yourselves or know someone personally... Do California teachers really have that low of a salary? do they really work super long hours? Are Educators much different than the workforce working 10-12 hours a day (salary) and on call once work is done? Do they really make that little and I would classify little under $50k a year to start? Is in class teaching any more dangerous than a walmart employee working on the floor or a carpenter working on a job? I just cant wrap my head around this cause I just think of teachers working from 7 am- 330 pm with grading some papers at home while watching TV and have summers off.....Elighten me please...
Ooh man.. Not a Teacher in a school, but an instructor for things here and there. I have family that are, or were teachers, but no in Cali.

From what I know based on their experiences it is not a career you are going to get rich doing. You can have a moderate financial life style based on school salary alone. That being said, my friends that are in the private industry or trades always seem to have way more cash on hand than my teacher friends. I think the teaching career (at least in cali) is a lot like cops. I could make a ton of money in the private industry doing security type shit, but with no benefits. I chose to take the less salary up front for the retirement security in the form of a pension. Seems pretty consistent with the teaching career path. I'm sure there are a ton of people on here who make much more than either myself or a teacher.

Now if you want to talk about is it hard or not... That depends. Have you ever "Taught" a class on anything to non friends and family? There are a ton of intelligent people in the world that can't pass that info on because their communication skills sucks balls. Teaching is an art form if done properly.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2016
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I believe teachers are underpaid. We are giving our kids to them in their formative years to learn things that they will take with them through life. Education is without a doubt the #1 reason people do well or dont per capita.

With that being said there are also teachers who shouldnt be. And yes they make a decent living working 9 months of the year. We should pay Great teachers more. There is truly no incentive to be a good teacher or a bad teacher imo.


We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
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Those teachers I know work more hours then most think. Usually 7am to 5, when you factor in grading and lesson plans.

Annual salary has to be combined with pension they get. SIL gets 80% of last years salary (after taxes) after 25 years with zero contribution coming from her pocket. So annual salary is low, but she does not have to save a penny for retirement.

They should work 8-9 hours per day, they get 4 months off per year, and retirement is funded.

All the teachers at my kids elementary school are loving being in the classroom with the kids, as our district is still in the classroom. That said the majority have 20+ years experience.

It seems generally many younger teachers in the less desirable areas are leading the charge not to go back into classrooms.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
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No they don’t do bad, when you consider they work half the year and have great retirement benefits. Yes they do work a lot of hours when they start off. They’ve got to make lesson plans, learn the ropes, etc. My friend is in her first year and is consistently working until midnight, but she’s a perfectionist and is setting herself up for future success.


Coffee makes me poop.
Sep 24, 2007
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One of my old girlfriends teaches in Temple City, ( I think ) Makes over $100,000 a year. She has a Masters.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Look at transparentcalifornia.com and you can see their salaries.

I think they work 185 days a year. Also some districts, if not all, provide a pension. Nice benefit knowing you have some, if not all
your retirement paid for.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2013
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In California, the teachers I know and those known as clients usually made at least $65,000 a year and up. They have quite a few days off and have the ability to earn extra income--summer school, coaching etc. The teachers are members of STRS. State Teachers retirement system. This is essentially the same as PERS that most police and fire and various state employees belong to. The teachers do not pay FICA nor state disability but they have a mandatory deduction for their STRS retirement. Hence, they do pay into their retirement fund. Based on this, they generally are not entitled to SS or are limited. Private school teachers have some different rules and the above is for public employees.

Cheers, Steve


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2010
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According to this they should all be millionaires.😂


Dec 19, 2007
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In California, the teachers I know and those known as clients usually made at least $65,000 a year and up. They have quite a few days off and have the ability to earn extra income--summer school, coaching etc. The teachers are members of STRS. State Teachers retirement system. This is essentially the same as PERS that most police and fire and various state employees belong to. The teachers do not pay FICA nor state disability but they have a mandatory deduction for their STRS retirement. Hence, they do pay into their retirement fund. Based on this, they generally are not entitled to SS or are limited. Private school teachers have some different rules and the above is for public employees.

Cheers, Steve
CalPers is pretty much the reason I tolerate my mediocre pay with the state. Going on 32 years now.
A defined pension is huge.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2016
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All of my siblings are teachers, my sister in law and brother in law are teachers and my wife is a principal all in various districts in San Bernardino County. Nobody i listed is getting a stimulus check and they get all summer off. They do put in long hours during the week.


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2017
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I sent two kids thru the Murrieta Ca school district. K-12
some of my poker buddys are school teachers..

Frankly, as a tax payer. Fuck school teachers....

I am serious... zero accountability, do nothing, but bitch about not getting paid enough.

Sending 4 hours of homework home to kids in third grade. What the fuck..

I have more stories about how fucked Ca school districts are, than you can imagine..remember who my poker buddys are. The storys they tell, will blow your mind...

As a voter and a tax payer. Fuck off, until teachers union figures out how to purge 50% of the workforce and replace them with people who give a fuck and care.

Home school or private school.. fuck those lazy pieces of shit.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2011
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So if a teacher makes $50,000 a year and works 200 days per year that’s $31hr. Not bad. If you don’t have to pay into retirement it’s much better. Plus how many days you get off sounds like a good deal.
Like any job, if you don’t like the pay quit.

I liked doing HVAC but didn’t like the mediocre pay, crap healthcare and no retirement. So I quit.

Now I have a job that is way better financially but I don’t like as much.

Life is full of choices, if you don’t like something change it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2011
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There are bad teachers out there that can't be fired because of unions. There are horror stories of teachers who do next to nothing and get away with it year in and year out, and I believe some of them. We pay into our retirement. We only get paid for 10 months out of the year. My summer paychecks come from money I pull out of my monthly during the school year to cover those off months. Our benefits are different district to district--I pay about $600 dollars a month for Kaiser, but that covers me and everyone in my household. I could have 10 more kids, and it would pay for them. The only way I get free benefits in my district is if I am single. We work extra hours. I have been working on and off for the past two weeks to get things ready for Monday, and I am going to sit down tonight and grade about 60 essays which will take at least 4-5 hours, but my wife, in banking, has been almost 9-5 for the past two weeks. She doesn't get the vacations I get or the retirement. If I go out at 63, I'll get about 85% of my salary. I also spend about $1500 a year on classroom supplies, and this doesn't include the pencils and pens I give away daily or sometimes the food I grab for kids who need it. This doesn't include the lunches I work. I think we should be back in the classroom because, online, I can only cover and monitor about a third of the content I am used to covering. I love it, but I won't ever make it much above 100,000. At 23 years in, I am just one step away from the top of my pay scale. I'd have to wear a suit and tie and be an admin. to make more. I could teach extra classes, and summer school, and probably a part time job. But I don't want to.


We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
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I sent two kids thru the Murrieta Ca school district. K-12
some of my poker buddys are school teachers..

Frankly, as a tax payer. Fuck school teachers....

I am serious... zero accountability, do nothing, but bitch about not getting paid enough.

Sending 4 hours of homework home to kids in third grade. What the fuck..

I have more stories about how fucked Ca school districts are, than you can imagine..remember who my poker buddys are. The storys they tell, will blow your mind...

As a voter and a tax payer. Fuck off, until teachers union figures out how to purge 50% of the workforce and replace them with people who give a fuck and care.

Home school or private school.. fuck those lazy pieces of shit.

LOL, live in a better school district with teachers that give a shit then.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2007
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Public employee family here

Fully burden the comp package equates close to $120k.++

Not bad for 10 months work, 4+weeks vacation, every holiday off, life long pension and healthcare discount. Plus you cant get fired unless you are caught noodling a little boy

Whether its enough or not, Im really tired about the poor mouth whining.


Once Banned
Jul 22, 2010
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At home we were we having a friendly debate about sending kids back to school this year and a debate started about teachers not making enough and the dangers for teachers in returning to in class teaching. So for those of you who have spouses who are teachers are teachers yourselves or know someone personally... Do California teachers really have that low of a salary? do they really work super long hours? Are Educators much different than the workforce working 10-12 hours a day (salary) and on call once work is done? Do they really make that little and I would classify little under $50k a year to start? Is in class teaching any more dangerous than a walmart employee working on the floor or a carpenter working on a job? I just cant wrap my head around this cause I just think of teachers working from 7 am- 330 pm with grading some papers at home while watching TV and have summers off.....Elighten me please...
You can see for yourself. Most school teachers are women, and most of them are married so it’s a second income with

About 1,700 people made more than a hundred grand all in in our school district, so would think at least 800 or 900 teachers are over the hundred K mark. 10 months work.


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2017
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There are bad teachers out there that can't be fired because of unions. There are horror stories of teachers who do next to nothing and get away with it year in and year out, and I believe some of them. We pay into our retirement. We only get paid for 10 months out of the year. My summer paychecks come from money I pull out of my monthly during the school year to cover those off months. Our benefits are different district to district--I pay about $600 dollars a month for Kaiser, but that covers me and everyone in my household. I could have 10 more kids, and it would pay for them. The only way I get free benefits in my district is if I am single. We work extra hours. I have been working on and off for the past two weeks to get things ready for Monday, and I am going to sit down tonight and grade about 60 essays which will take at least 4-5 hours, but my wife, in banking, has been almost 9-5 for the past two weeks. She doesn't get the vacations I get or the retirement. If I go out at 63, I'll get about 85% of my salary. I also spend about $1500 a year on classroom supplies, and this doesn't include the pencils and pens I give away daily or sometimes the food I grab for kids who need it. This doesn't include the lunches I work. I think we should be back in the classroom because, online, I can only cover and monitor about a third of the content I am used to covering. I love it, but I won't ever make it much above 100,000. At 23 years in, I am just one step away from the top of my pay scale. I'd have to wear a suit and tie and be an admin. to make more. I could teach extra classes, and summer school, and probably a part time job. But I don't want to.

Teachers admit there are bad teachers.. but those same teachers do not demand there union fix that problem.

Until they decide to fix there own problem, dont dare whine to me that your not paid enough.

Get your house in order, demand the necessary changes, get rid of the bad apples, and honor the profession, and I will have your back.

Until then shut the fuck up.


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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So, tell me, this thing called “pension” of which you speak. Who funds it !!??


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2017
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I’m not one of the teachers that complains about what I make. I knew what I was going to be making, relatively speaking, when I chose my profession. I’ve done lots of things to make more money when I felt the need to. They include coaching, supervision, summer school, tutoring, paid trainings, in house subbing, and my in-laws’ windows.

That being said, one of the reasons (among others) that I wouldn’t go into this field right now is that I’d have a tough time surviving in California financially. I certainly don’t believe I could afford the house I’m in right now. When I started, a nice home in the OC was still doable on a teacher’s salary assuming the spouse also had a decent paying job.

Also, @t&y @throttle @Hatenwinter @JayBreww and others, our first responders deserve every penny they earn and more.

I’m old school (pun intended).


Jan 9, 2010
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I do some financial coaching with Teachers. The ones that I know have a mandatory contribution to their pension so its not a " Free" retirement.
Yup, not all pensions are the same. I've paid between 10 and 8.4 into pension out of every check from day one.


Vintage Jawa CZ motorcycles
Dec 20, 2007
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I teach at a Continuation High School. An award winning one recognized for excellence. Most of the kids I personally work with have bombed out of every program or intervention that has been tried. MY program IS the program of last resort. I work with students who range from pregnant minors and cancer patients, to pre-Pro athletes and pop stars. I am certified to teach every possible subject the district has to offer. I have spent nearly 25 years in classes as a student and 28 years as a teacher working one on one with kids. I don't have success with every student, or even most of them. But sometimes I get a kid at the right time, and a little magic happens. I live for that lightbulb going off, that switch getting finally turned on in a kid's head.
With Covid everything got turned upside down. Across this world, kids who looked for school to be a constant in their lives, no longer have that interaction with people they care about. Deadlines they had to meet. Responsibilities and knowledge that they needed to gain for the future is gone. Teachers are trying to pick up the pieces, and keep kids engaged. For me that has meant that I work from 9 am to at least 11 pm every day this last semester. High school kids by and large work at night. In my program 100% of the curriculum is a computer program. I have no control over the material presented or when the kid works on it. If they miss too many questions, it locks them out until I intervene. If I am not online, they cannot progress until they have talked to me. I will not be the reason a kid can't get work done. I feel it is my duty right now to give the ones who are making a serious effort, every opportunity possible for success. If they need help, I am online waiting to deliver that help. So far over this Christmas break I have graded more than 300 assignments, most of them essays. I didn't have to make classwork available to these kids, but I did because I want them to graduate. I want them to have every single opportunity to make it happen for themselves.
I don't know if I am worth $120K a year, but I know that I provide an important service with honesty and intregrity. I also know that I pay $1600/mo out of pocket for a family of 4 with health (United Healthcare HMO) and dental. I know that there is no Social Security for me and that the State of California has made me promises that I fear they cannot keep. I know that despite being very frugal with money for 30 years of marriage, with both spouses putting together a 750K portfolio and 2 houses, my advisor tells me I only have a 62% chance of having enough money throughout our retirement. I know that I lose sleep at night knowing that crazy left wing wackos have headed not only my profession, but my entire society, down a path of mediocrity and immorality.
<Rant off>

I need a beer.


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2017
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I teach at a Continuation High School. An award winning one recognized for excellence. Most of the kids I personally work with have bombed out of every program or intervention that has been tried. MY program IS the program of last resort. I work with students who range from pregnant minors and cancer patients, to pre-Pro athletes and pop stars. I am certified to teach every possible subject the district has to offer. I have spent nearly 25 years in classes as a student and 28 years as a teacher working one on one with kids. I don't have success with every student, or even most of them. But sometimes I get a kid at the right time, and a little magic happens. I live for that lightbulb going off, that switch getting finally turned on in a kid's head.
With Covid everything got turned upside down. Across this world, kids who looked for school to be a constant in their lives, no longer have that interaction with people they care about. Deadlines they had to meet. Responsibilities and knowledge that they needed to gain for the future is gone. Teachers are trying to pick up the pieces, and keep kids engaged. For me that has meant that I work from 9 am to at least 11 pm every day this last semester. High school kids by and large work at night. In my program 100% of the curriculum is a computer program. I have no control over the material presented or when the kid works on it. If they miss too many questions, it locks them out until I intervene. If I am not online, they cannot progress until they have talked to me. I will not be the reason a kid can't get work done. I feel it is my duty right now to give the ones who are making a serious effort, every opportunity possible for success. If they need help, I am online waiting to deliver that help. So far over this Christmas break I have graded more than 300 assignments, most of them essays. I didn't have to make classwork available to these kids, but I did because I want them to graduate. I want them to have every single opportunity to make it happen for themselves.
I don't know if I am worth $120K a year, but I know that I provide an important service with honesty and intregrity. I also know that I pay $1600/mo out of pocket for a family of 4 with health (United Healthcare HMO) and dental. I know that there is no Social Security for me and that the State of California has made me promises that I fear they cannot keep. I know that despite being very frugal with money for 30 years of marriage, with both spouses putting together a 750K portfolio and 2 houses, my advisor tells me I only have a 62% chance of having enough money throughout our retirement. I know that I lose sleep at night knowing that crazy left wing wackos have headed not only my profession, but my entire society, down a path of mediocrity and immorality.
<Rant off>

I need a beer.
Great, but why do you tolerate all the worthlessteachers that you personally know.
what have you down to get them terminated.

Again, I havent statrted sharing my experiences YET? But if you proud of your profession, then defend it, and make it better, by removing 50% of the shitbags who are worthless..

Thank you for your service, but set the standard for the future.

Dan Lorenze

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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I’m not one of the teachers that complains about what I make. I knew what I was going to be making, relatively speaking, when I chose my profession. I’ve done lots of things to make more money when I felt the need to. They include coaching, supervision, summer school, tutoring, paid trainings, in house subbing, and my in-laws’ windows.

That being said, one of the reasons (among others) that I wouldn’t go into this field right now is that I’d have a tough time surviving in California financially. I certainly don’t believe I could afford the house I’m in right now. When I started, a nice home in the OC was still doable on a teacher’s salary assuming the spouse also had a decent paying job.

Also, @t&y @throttle @Hatenwinter @JayBreww and others, our first responders deserve every penny they earn and more.

I’m old school (pun intended).

You sound a lot like my brother, he's been teaching for just as long as you. He does pretty well financially and says it's a great job with a lot of vacation time. He mentions how he is different than most teachers and doesn't really care for all of them. He also has a successful tutoring business that his wife runs on the side.


Vintage Jawa CZ motorcycles
Dec 20, 2007
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Great, but why do you tolerate all the worthlessteachers that you personally know.
what have you down to get them terminated.

Again, I havent statrted sharing my experiences YET? But if you proud of your profession, then defend it, and make it better, by removing 50% of the shitbags who are worthless..

Thank you for your service, but set the standard for the future.
Why would I have knowledge of who "the worthless teachers" are? That is what administrators are for. Administrators see other teachers' test scores and attendance/graduation rates; I certainly don't. Administrators receive angry parent phone calls, I don't. Pre-Covid I taught with 3 other teachers in the same room. There are no slackers anywhere on campus and that includes custodians and especially the secretaries. My Principal would walk through almost every day. We only have about 500 students on campus at any one time, so every student knows every adults name. Everyone is accountable and students know that.
I don't live in the district where I work. I have had to take both my sons out of public schools that were not meeting my expectations, nor the divergent needs of my two boys. We enrolled them in Montressori based charter school until they gained what they needed to be successful in a more traditional setting. My brilliant but socially akward and terribly unorganized is now starting work on a Bachelor's degree in Chemical engineering and my loud, unruly extrovert has returned to the traditional high school and will likely graduate with a cumulative GPA of better than 3.8. I do what I can, where I can; but ferreting out poor teachers is not where my time is best spent. Both my parents started and ended their teaching careers in this district. My dad later served on the school board, eventually serving as Board President. I talk with current board members frequently when I need to.


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2017
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Why would I have knowledge of who "the worthless teachers" are? That is what administrators are for. Administrators see other teachers' test scores and attendance/graduation rates; I certainly don't. Administrators receive angry parent phone calls, I don't. Pre-Covid I taught with 3 other teachers in the same room. There are no slackers anywhere on campus and that includes custodians and especially the secretaries. My Principal would walk through almost every day. We only have about 500 students on campus at any one time, so every student knows every adults name. Everyone is accountable and students know that.
I don't live in the district where I work. I have had to take both my sons out of public schools that were not meeting my expectations, nor the divergent needs of my two boys. We enrolled them in Montressori based charter school until they gained what they needed to be successful in a more traditional setting. My brilliant but socially akward and terribly unorganized is now starting work on a Bachelor's degree in Chemical engineering and my loud, unruly extrovert has returned to the traditional high school and will likely graduate with a cumulative GPA of better than 3.8. I do what I can, where I can; but ferreting out poor teachers is not where my time is best spent. Both my parents started and ended their teaching careers in this district. My dad later served on the school board, eventually serving as Board President. I talk with current board members frequently when I need to.

Typical Californian,
blame some one else for your lack of a spine

fuck you

man the fuck up, take responsibility, or be a sheep.

Every parent in every class of 3 rd graders, 5 th graders, or fill in the blank, knows the problem teachers.

Every district, every school, every teacher, knows where the problem lies...

But they are still there year after year..

Re read my post, about teachers union.

zero sympathy, until you clean you own house, fire 50%, then you have my attention, until then your just a whiny little bitch.

I spent 8 years on a tiny fast attack submarine defending this country, my opinions are harsh, but I lived or-died by them. My world was not forgiving.

Accept a higher standard, put the goal of success, higher than your pay scale. Or move on to the business sector and get your ass handed to you..

I know both worlds quite well.
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We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
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Typical Californian,
blame some one else for your lack of a spine

fuck you

man the fuck up, take responsibility, or be a sheep.

Every parent in every class of 3 rd graders, 5 th graders, or fill in the blank, knows the problem teachers.

Every district, every school, every teacher, knows where the problem lies...

But they are still there year after year..

Re read my post, about teachers union.

zero sympathy, until you clean you own house, fire 50%, then you have my attention, until then your just a whiny little bitch.

I spent 8 years on a tiny fast attack submarine defending this country, my opinions are harsh, but I lived or-died by them. My world was not forgiving.

Accept a higher standard, put the goal of success, higher than your pay scale. Or move on to the business sector and get your ass handed to you..

I know both worlds quite well.

Lol he’s not blaming someone else for bad teachers and being a whiny bitch, you are. I’m no fan of how the unions work as a whole, but crying about an entire profession because of a few substandard people is the height of whiny, bitchy entitlement. If you are saddled with teachers that you think are are shitty, it is your responsibility as a parent to deal with it. You can put them in another school, private school or another district.

What about bad fire fighters, and problem cops? What about all those evil mortgage brokers? What about bad middle managers, and shitty executives that drive down stock prices? I guess you believe they are all assholes because of a few bad ones in every profession because they are not demanding constant excellence from everyone around them.

If you are unhappy with all the teachers in your area you have plenty of options to address the situation, or maybe you just moved to a shitty area with shitty schools and a shitty superintendent. Or you can just be lazy and whine about it and continue to blame others for your poor choices and poor outcomes.

It is not the job of the individual teacher, cop, lineman, mortgage broker, fireman, etc. to root out every sub par person in their profession and dissolve their union. I’d rather have the good teachers focused on teaching my kids.
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Universal Elements

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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I sent two kids thru the Murrieta Ca school district. K-12
some of my poker buddys are school teachers..

Frankly, as a tax payer. Fuck school teachers....

I am serious... zero accountability, do nothing, but bitch about not getting paid enough.

Sending 4 hours of homework home to kids in third grade. What the fuck..

I have more stories about how fucked Ca school districts are, than you can imagine..remember who my poker buddys are. The storys they tell, will blow your mind...

As a voter and a tax payer. Fuck off, until teachers union figures out how to purge 50% of the workforce and replace them with people who give a fuck and care.

Home school or private school.. fuck those lazy pieces of shit.

bravo, somebody who really gets it👍

Universal Elements

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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There are bad teachers out there that can't be fired because of unions. There are horror stories of teachers who do next to nothing and get away with it year in and year out, and I believe some of them. We pay into our retirement. We only get paid for 10 months out of the year. My summer paychecks come from money I pull out of my monthly during the school year to cover those off months. Our benefits are different district to district--I pay about $600 dollars a month for Kaiser, but that covers me and everyone in my household. I could have 10 more kids, and it would pay for them. The only way I get free benefits in my district is if I am single. We work extra hours. I have been working on and off for the past two weeks to get things ready for Monday, and I am going to sit down tonight and grade about 60 essays which will take at least 4-5 hours, but my wife, in banking, has been almost 9-5 for the past two weeks. She doesn't get the vacations I get or the retirement. If I go out at 63, I'll get about 85% of my salary. I also spend about $1500 a year on classroom supplies, and this doesn't include the pencils and pens I give away daily or sometimes the food I grab for kids who need it. This doesn't include the lunches I work. I think we should be back in the classroom because, online, I can only cover and monitor about a third of the content I am used to covering. I love it, but I won't ever make it much above 100,000. At 23 years in, I am just one step away from the top of my pay scale. I'd have to wear a suit and tie and be an admin. to make more. I could teach extra classes, and summer school, and probably a part time job. But I don't want to.

Yeah try like less than 70% if you’re lucky. If you’re going to tell stories, make sure your facts are correct. Give you a hint.... Not making more than $100k and 23 years in. Dead give away. 😂

Universal Elements

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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I teach at a Continuation High School. An award winning one recognized for excellence. Most of the kids I personally work with have bombed out of every program or intervention that has been tried. MY program IS the program of last resort. I work with students who range from pregnant minors and cancer patients, to pre-Pro athletes and pop stars. I am certified to teach every possible subject the district has to offer. I have spent nearly 25 years in classes as a student and 28 years as a teacher working one on one with kids. I don't have success with every student, or even most of them. But sometimes I get a kid at the right time, and a little magic happens. I live for that lightbulb going off, that switch getting finally turned on in a kid's head.
With Covid everything got turned upside down. Across this world, kids who looked for school to be a constant in their lives, no longer have that interaction with people they care about. Deadlines they had to meet. Responsibilities and knowledge that they needed to gain for the future is gone. Teachers are trying to pick up the pieces, and keep kids engaged. For me that has meant that I work from 9 am to at least 11 pm every day this last semester. High school kids by and large work at night. In my program 100% of the curriculum is a computer program. I have no control over the material presented or when the kid works on it. If they miss too many questions, it locks them out until I intervene. If I am not online, they cannot progress until they have talked to me. I will not be the reason a kid can't get work done. I feel it is my duty right now to give the ones who are making a serious effort, every opportunity possible for success. If they need help, I am online waiting to deliver that help. So far over this Christmas break I have graded more than 300 assignments, most of them essays. I didn't have to make classwork available to these kids, but I did because I want them to graduate. I want them to have every single opportunity to make it happen for themselves.
I don't know if I am worth $120K a year, but I know that I provide an important service with honesty and intregrity. I also know that I pay $1600/mo out of pocket for a family of 4 with health (United Healthcare HMO) and dental. I know that there is no Social Security for me and that the State of California has made me promises that I fear they cannot keep. I know that despite being very frugal with money for 30 years of marriage, with both spouses putting together a 750K portfolio and 2 houses, my advisor tells me I only have a 62% chance of having enough money throughout our retirement. I know that I lose sleep at night knowing that crazy left wing wackos have headed not only my profession, but my entire society, down a path of mediocrity and immorality.
<Rant off>

I need a beer.

Here is an example of a kickass teacher. What people don’t understand is the poison/cancer that has infiltrated the educational system and they are here to stay.


Vintage Jawa CZ motorcycles
Dec 20, 2007
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Typical Californian,
blame some one else for your lack of a spine
Every single year I have to tell parents their child will not graduate. When 18 testosterone/amphetimine fueled gangbangers go at it on the volleyball court, I don't recall looking any staff members looking around waiting for anyone else to break it up.My spine is quite strong thank you.
fuck you
Cursing people you don't know makes you sound weak. Plus it is no way to win an argument, as it is a "tell" that you are coming from a position of weakness.
man the fuck up, take responsibility, or be a sheep. My responsibility is to prepare MY students for adulthood. It is NOT to decide who is or is not a bad teacher.

Every parent in every class of 3 rd graders, 5 th graders, or fill in the blank, knows the problem teachers.

Every district, every school, every teacher, knows where the problem lies... This is a problem that needs to be attacked at an Administrative level, and a State level. They have the tools, the responsibility, and the right to ferret out the bad seeds.

But they are still there year after year..

Re read my post, about teachers union. Why would I do that? You have already destroyed you credibility and personally attacked me, a stranger; and you have shown that you don't value my profession and my peers at all.

zero sympathy, until you clean you own house, fire 50%, then you have my attention, until then your just a whiny little bitch. I didn't ask for sympathy, and I certainly am not whining here. I just explained how my job has required me to double my workload for no bump in pay, and that I do it because I want other peoples' kids to have the tools to be successful in life. If you truly think that 50% of teachers are worthless, I would submit that you are definitly in the wrong district. Not to mention that if you doubled all existing class sizes, learning would certainly be less successful. Children are not manageble in large groups, and it would hugely increase the number who slip through the cracks and don't get what they nee.

I spent 8 years on a tiny fast attack submarine defending this country, my opinions are harsh, but I lived or-died by them. My world was not forgiving. You think parents of failing students are forgiving? You think trying to teach kids things they don't want to learn, kids who are cold, hungry, and ill treated at home are forgiving? I had a student once hire her boyfriend to kill her own grandmother. I have had kids tell me that if they don't immediately take a govt. check to the store and buy groceries, the "adults" will use it to buy drugs. Yeah a classroom can be a battlefield too. Don't think that kids can't "die" by having their spirits crushed and leave childhood with no direction or hope at all.

Accept a higher standard, put the goal of success, higher than your pay scale. Or move on to the business sector and get your ass handed to you..

I know both worlds quite well. Clearly you don't know the real world well at all. School kids are YOUR future. Maybe you should volunteer to work in a local classroom? Maybe you should try substituting a few days for a fresh perspective. Then maybe you wouldn't come across as an angry little man who attacks strangers simply because of the profession they have chosen.

Universal Elements

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Typical Californian,
blame some one else for your lack of a spine
Every single year I have to tell parents their child will not graduate. When 18 testosterone/amphetimine fueled gangbangers go at it on the volleyball court, I don't recall looking any staff members looking around waiting for anyone else to break it up.My spine is quite strong thank you.
fuck you
Cursing people you don't know makes you sound weak. Plus it is no way to win an argument, as it is a "tell" that you are coming from a position of weakness.
man the fuck up, take responsibility, or be a sheep. My responsibility is to prepare MY students for adulthood. It is NOT to decide who is or is not a bad teacher.

Every parent in every class of 3 rd graders, 5 th graders, or fill in the blank, knows the problem teachers.

Every district, every school, every teacher, knows where the problem lies... This is a problem that needs to be attacked at an Administrative level, and a State level. They have the tools, the responsibility, and the right to ferret out the bad seeds.

But they are still there year after year..

Re read my post, about teachers union. Why would I do that? You have already destroyed you credibility and personally attacked me, a stranger; and you have shown that you don't value my profession and my peers at all.

zero sympathy, until you clean you own house, fire 50%, then you have my attention, until then your just a whiny little bitch. I didn't ask for sympathy, and I certainly am not whining here. I just explained how my job has required me to double my workload for no bump in pay, and that I do it because I want other peoples' kids to have the tools to be successful in life. If you truly think that 50% of teachers are worthless, I would submit that you are definitly in the wrong district. Not to mention that if you doubled all existing class sizes, learning would certainly be less successful. Children are not manageble in large groups, and it would hugely increase the number who slip through the cracks and don't get what they nee.

I spent 8 years on a tiny fast attack submarine defending this country, my opinions are harsh, but I lived or-died by them. My world was not forgiving. You think parents of failing students are forgiving? You think trying to teach kids things they don't want to learn, kids who are cold, hungry, and ill treated at home are forgiving? I had a student once hire her boyfriend to kill her own grandmother. I have had kids tell me that if they don't immediately take a govt. check to the store and buy groceries, the "adults" will use it to buy drugs. Yeah a classroom can be a battlefield too. Don't think that kids can't "die" by having their spirits crushed and leave childhood with no direction or hope at all.

Accept a higher standard, put the goal of success, higher than your pay scale. Or move on to the business sector and get your ass handed to you..

I know both worlds quite well. Clearly you don't know the real world well at all. School kids are YOUR future. Maybe you should volunteer to work in a local classroom? Maybe you should try substituting a few days for a fresh perspective. Then maybe you wouldn't come across as an angry little man who attacks strangers simply because of the profession they have chosen.

He is speaking from the experience he has faced through his buddy’s and what he has seen. The type of program that you are involved in, most teachers wouldn’t survive 1 week. Your associate teachers in your program are usually seasoned veterans and want to be involved in their young students education/lives. Trust me, no slouches. Takes a special type of individual. Teachers in shittier areas and programs are paid more due to federal funding. 👍


We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
Typical Californian,
blame some one else for your lack of a spine
Every single year I have to tell parents their child will not graduate. When 18 testosterone/amphetimine fueled gangbangers go at it on the volleyball court, I don't recall looking any staff members looking around waiting for anyone else to break it up.My spine is quite strong thank you.
fuck you
Cursing people you don't know makes you sound weak. Plus it is no way to win an argument, as it is a "tell" that you are coming from a position of weakness.
man the fuck up, take responsibility, or be a sheep. My responsibility is to prepare MY students for adulthood. It is NOT to decide who is or is not a bad teacher.

Every parent in every class of 3 rd graders, 5 th graders, or fill in the blank, knows the problem teachers.

Every district, every school, every teacher, knows where the problem lies... This is a problem that needs to be attacked at an Administrative level, and a State level. They have the tools, the responsibility, and the right to ferret out the bad seeds.

But they are still there year after year..

Re read my post, about teachers union. Why would I do that? You have already destroyed you credibility and personally attacked me, a stranger; and you have shown that you don't value my profession and my peers at all.

zero sympathy, until you clean you own house, fire 50%, then you have my attention, until then your just a whiny little bitch. I didn't ask for sympathy, and I certainly am not whining here. I just explained how my job has required me to double my workload for no bump in pay, and that I do it because I want other peoples' kids to have the tools to be successful in life. If you truly think that 50% of teachers are worthless, I would submit that you are definitly in the wrong district. Not to mention that if you doubled all existing class sizes, learning would certainly be less successful. Children are not manageble in large groups, and it would hugely increase the number who slip through the cracks and don't get what they nee.

I spent 8 years on a tiny fast attack submarine defending this country, my opinions are harsh, but I lived or-died by them. My world was not forgiving. You think parents of failing students are forgiving? You think trying to teach kids things they don't want to learn, kids who are cold, hungry, and ill treated at home are forgiving? I had a student once hire her boyfriend to kill her own grandmother. I have had kids tell me that if they don't immediately take a govt. check to the store and buy groceries, the "adults" will use it to buy drugs. Yeah a classroom can be a battlefield too. Don't think that kids can't "die" by having their spirits crushed and leave childhood with no direction or hope at all.

Accept a higher standard, put the goal of success, higher than your pay scale. Or move on to the business sector and get your ass handed to you..

I know both worlds quite well. Clearly you don't know the real world well at all. School kids are YOUR future. Maybe you should volunteer to work in a local classroom? Maybe you should try substituting a few days for a fresh perspective. Then maybe you wouldn't come across as an angry little man who attacks strangers simply because of the profession they have chosen.

Well said.


We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
He is speaking from the experience he has faced through his buddy’s and what he has seen. The type of program that you are involved in, most teachers wouldn’t survive 1 week. Your associate teachers in your program are usually seasoned veterans and want to be involved in their young students education/lives. Trust me, no slouches. Takes a special type of individual. Teachers in shittier areas and programs are paid more due to federal funding. 👍

I get his point and agree there are bad teachers but he sounds like a BLM member crying about the police.

His approach to addressing the problem by firing everyone, dissolving the most powerful union in the state, and individual teachers voluntarily destabilizing their own livelihoods in the process is asinine. I dislike the teachers union as a whole, but take exception to the bad teachers, not all teachers.

Ask him about mortgage brokers, he will go on the same rant :)