I need a SMOKE..


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2011
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Some old Ex/Smokers here.
Let's here some advise.
I've been a pack a day đŸ« or Marlboro 100 smoker for 34 years. Seriously quit 1 time at 29 for a year. A couple attempts in my early 40s that I didnt take seriously.
You tough as basturds that quit. Any tips?
Im on day 5. Not even a drag.
I'm ready to smoke.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2011
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Wife's been pretty understanding of my moods. But not really helpful 😕.
One Kids smart. He's laying low. Being good. His sister. Not so much. Calls me out every time im on edge wanting a smoke. Pushing my buttons.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
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Don't give in, if it were easy everyone would do it, you got this. Your daughter cares about you so she is calling you out but I agree she may not be helping the situation, maybe talk to your wife and the both of you can talk to her about it. Remember calling you out isn't a bad thing but maybe she can do it with a little more tact.

May a thread with a couple other inmates that are willing to quit might be helpful for all of you.

Easiest way to quit smoking is to not start.

Desert Whaler

Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2020
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try Zynn pouches . . . they come in 3 and 6 . . . the 6 being stronger.
Like a tobacco dip pouch but clean w/o the spit & mess.
Lots of flavor options . . . .


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2023
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I really hope you can pull it off. I’m healthy as can be. My sister who I usually share similar health problems with has been a smoker for about 38 years. She is 54 and I am 51. Her health has drastically deteriorated in the last 5 years. I can’t stand the thought of what is going to happen to her but she doesn’t seem to have any desire to quit.

Just do it.

I quit sugar and went to low carbs when I started to see effects I didn’t want from eating them.

Do whatever it takes.

There comes a point in almost every life when health is all you got



Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2011
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Don't give in, if it were easy everyone would do it, you got this. Your daughter cares about you so she is calling you out but I agree she may not be helping the situation, maybe talk to your wife and the both of you can talk to her about it. Remember calling you out isn't a bad thing but maybe she can do it with a little more tact.

May a thread with a couple other inmates that are willing to quit might be helpful for all of you.

Easiest way to quit smoking is to not start.
I'm not giving in. .
I know there are a bunch of Smokers here.

Orange Juice

Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2017
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The easy part for me in 1985 was stop buying. Then it took a few months of my friends finally saying fuck no, when I asked of a cigarette.

Once the bars and restaurants stopped indoor smoking, the cravings went away.


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2011
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I really hope you can pull it off. I’m healthy as can be. My sister who I usually share similar health problems with has been a smoker for about 38 years. She is 54 and I am 51. Her health has drastically deteriorated in the last 5 years. I can’t stand the thought of what is going to happen to her but she doesn’t seem to have any desire to quit.

Just do it.

I quit sugar and went to low carbs when I started to see effects I didn’t want from eating them.

Do whatever it takes.

There comes a point in almost every life when health is all you got

I'm feel like I'm surrounded by family and friends that are dealing with major genetic health issues.
Here I am smoking and mostly healthy.
I need to respect my health.

Still want a smoke.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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May sound stupid, but every time you want a smoke, put a dollar in a jar. After a couple days, you'll see a decent amount. At the end of 30, use it to take your wife to a nice dinner, or buy something you want but wouldn't spend the coin. Do it the next month as well...


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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I began planning for The Day in July 1997, six months in advance. I told myself several times every day how disgusting tobacco was and I could die from cancer. I didn't say a word to anyone about it. No one. The entire six months.

On New Year's Day 1998, I quit. I had already purchased a bunch of sugar free peppermint Breath Savers. I ate a few rolls of them a day for a while, then tapered off...for three years. That's how long it took to completely lose the oral craving.

Probably five years later someone asked me if it was hard. "Nah, not that bad."

My wife was standing there, and said "He was a fucking asshole for six months."

So there's that.


But I'm a firm believer in cold turkey. If you keep vaping or chewing gum or whatever, you're prolonging the agony. And don't say "I'm trying to quit."

If you do, you've already failed.

It's serious shit. It takes serious commitment.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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try Zynn pouches . . . they come in 3 and 6 . . . the 6 being stronger.
Like a tobacco dip pouch but clean w/o the spit & mess.
Lots of flavor options . . . .
View attachment 1325477
Oh fuck no! They have twice the nicotine of a cigarette. I finally stopped smoking in 1995 after they banned it on airplanes in 1990 because I traveled so much, and used Bandits for three years. They're fucking horrible. It made quitting much harder because of the oral sensation. That's why I chewed Breath Savers for three years.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2011
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May sound stupid, but every time you want a smoke, put a dollar in a jar. After a couple days, you'll see a decent amount. At the end of 30, use it to take your wife to a nice dinner, or buy something you want but wouldn't spend the coin. Do it the next month as well...
Total waist of cash. Thought about it every pack I bought.....


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2011
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Oh fuck no! They have twice the nicotine of a cigarette. I finally stopped smoking in 1996 after they banned it on airplanes in 1990 because I traveled so much, and used Bandits for three years. They're fucking horrible. It made quitting much harder because of the oral sensation. That's why I chewed Breath Savers for three years.
No Nicotine. Cold turkey. Been trying to cut back in preparation. Failed 50%.
Hiding at home as much as possible. For everyones safety. Pretending I'm in prison..


Supercharged MOTORBOAT!!!
Dec 19, 2007
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Don't they have patches? Maybe you need to see a doctor? You probably need something to work through the withdrawals. The mental game is one thing...but your bodys dependency needs help too. Hang in there man....dont give up. Your family needs you around.....that should be the strongest motivator you need. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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No Nicotine. Cold turkey. Been trying to cut back in preparation. Failed 50%.
Hiding at home as much as possible. For everyones safety. Pretending I'm in prison..
DON'T QUIT! No patches. That's failure.

It takes a few more days for the worst to flame down. It's not easy. You'll be miserable. There's no sugarcoating it. But you can do it.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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I wish you the best of luck and hope you pull it off. Been smoking a pack a day for 34 years.. I’d like to quit sooner than later


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2011
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DON'T QUIT! No patches. That's failure.

It takes a few more days for the worst to flame down. It's not easy. You'll be miserable. There's no sugarcoating it. But you can do it.
Wife's birthday was 1-18. She isn't exactly healthy right now. Promised her years ago I would quit. Figured her birthday was a good enough time.


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2011
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I watched them pull the plug on my sister in law after months of chemotherapy. That did the trick for me. Yes, I’ve slipped up a few times but I don’t think I’ve had 4 packs in the last 7 months.
4 packs in 7 months is great.
Sorry about your SIL. That's what I don't want to happen to me.

JJ McClure

Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2022
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I guess I picked the wrong week to quit smoking. 😎

A kid who worked for me had a solid plan. Every time he wanted a smoke, he’d drop and do 20 pushups. Funny to see, but it worked for him.

No try danielson. Only do.


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2011
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I guess I picked the wrong week to quit smoking. 😎

A kid who worked for me had a solid plan. Every time he wanted a smoke, he’d drop and do 20 pushups. Funny to see, but it worked for him.

No try danielson. Only do.
I like that


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Thanks. I think its time. No better time anyway. No one is telling me i have to . I want to.
I love my smokes. I love my wife and kids more.
This is a low blow. I became ashamed my 14 year old son saw me using tobacco. What kind of shitty example was I?

Think about that too. It's real.


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2011
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This is a low blow. I became ashamed my 14 year old son saw me using tobacco. What kind of shitty example was I?

Think about that too. It's real.
Just came out of the smoking closet about 2 months ago. They knew I smoked before. But never intentionally in front of them . Twins are 13.


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2010
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I just got off the phone with a older friend of mine. His GF just got released from hospital yesterday. They have same doc. He asked her if he had quit smoking yet. Nope. Told her tell him I will see him soon for his 3rd heart surgery. He already saved him twice.

I tried to get through to him. He said quitting smoking after 30+ years is the hardest thing he has ever tried. He quit Coke. He quit Meth. He turned his life around from being a drug addiction. But no matter how much he wants to quit smoking he caves in. Said it's damn near impossible for him. She was 6 days no smokes in the hospital. He said his trip to 711 earlier to buy 2 packs for each some chocolate donuts and 2 sodas was $72. All the shit he doesn't need with his health. $14 a pack for the Camel no filters he smokes plus tax.

It's clearly easier said than done. Not just physical but mentally.


Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
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Do not beat yourself up. You have tried to quit and you will quit when told you must stop smoking. Then again possible you could fall into that percentage of people that live 100 years smoking pack a day for 80 + years. It a crapshoot,but you will quit when they tell you the cigs interfere with your oxygen bottle & gear.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2016
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Wife's birthday was 1-18. She isn't exactly healthy right now. Promised her years ago I would quit. Figured her birthday was a good enough time.

As much as I need to smoke. I 1000x more need to be able to still get around and have fun in a few years.

And there's your motivation. ^^^^^

Have you ever broken a promise to your wife before?

Motivation works wonders.
For me it was my lil brother telling me I was being a bitch letting Marlboro whoop my ass. Then he told me he was tougher than me because he quit after his 3rd attempt to stop smoking.

That was almost 6 years ago. And I proved him wrong. I never smoked again. Took the pill and the patch. Lived thru some of the craziest dreams. Oh yea. Older bro IS and always will be tougherđŸ’Ș

Looks like you already found a few good reasons. Now gather the strength and kick those cigs ass! I would say it's ez. But I know better. But it's not impossible. Your kids will be proud of you. Your lungs will love you again. Friends and family won't have to smell you anymore. And you will save a ton of money.

As for the second quote.

The sooner you realize you DONT NEED to smoke, You WANT to . You will be on your way to being an ex smoker.

Get tough. Get serious. Quit fucking around and quit smoking.

You got this IF you want it bad enough.
Stay tough!
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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2007
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Stick to yer guns, man. I like that idea of stuffing a jar full of $ and rat holing it til you decide to declare victory. Then take your wife someplace special after your taster starts working again.
I smoked in high school but got away from it in college, was too poor to drop the 50 cents a pack for them. LOL.
A friend quit Cold Turkey after smoking for 35 years. he got into the sunflower seed thing, kept his hands and mouth busy. When they came out with those Taco Bell seeds he switched to those, and gave me a bag when we were out camping a couple years ago.
And now I have a seed habit when camping. :rolleyes:
Stick to it...you have all the best reasons.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2015
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4 packs in 7 months is great.
Sorry about your SIL. That's what I don't want to happen to me.
I've smoked a pack a day since I was 14 or 15. I just quit 3 weeks ago on 12/29. I figured it gave me 4 days without work to blame for my stress and go back to smoking. I was using a cigarette pack case i found on Amazon that had a timer on it for a few weeks prior to quitting. You could set it for however long you want to before it unlocked. Set it at one hour and you already have cut back to less than 20 a day unless you dont sleep.
I to bed that friday night and finished off my pack knowing was going to quit. I was trying to put myself myself in a state of mind where i wasn't going to make excuses and just go buy more. I did sit around all weekend, trying to avoid doing anything productive that "required" me to smoke. In fact didn't go into my garage for a week, because that's where I primarily smoked.
I did cheat on new years eve and take a few hits of a cigar, (along with wearing a patch for the night)but it didn't give me the "hit" I was thinking it would, so it didn't do much for me. I didn't want to use the patch because I've went that route before, and It didn't do much for me. Most of the time I would end up feeling sick from smoking with the patch on.

I told my wife I would quit before our son was born in 2019, never happened. At 42 i need to get back into shape so i can chase these kids around, Our second son was born last Thursday. Thursday and Friday were my biggest tests to date. Very stressful days, and all I wanted was a cigarette and a drink. I told her friday to door dash coffee because if I left the hospital I would give in.

Lots of jolly ranchers, sun flower seeds, trail mix, etc. the first few weeks, especially when working from my home office. Trying to keep my mouth busy and not pop off at anyone. I've probably gained 5/10 lbs in 2 weeks. So I need to start eating healthier and using all this gym equipment collecting dust.

Lots of weird thoughts, Jiminy cricket on my shoulder telling me I can reward myself with a cigarette on day 7, Dat 14 etc. Me driving in traffic thinking I'll smoke before I do this or that when i get home. After a good meal I tell myself let's go smoke to make it even better.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2009
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My grandma gor hypnosis done, she swears by it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2020
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As was said. Drinking and my friends was the hardest. Everyone smoked. Everyone drank. When I left for 3 years, I took that opportunity. 2015 was the last time I ever bought a pack of smokes. I would have a cigar if I was drinking and really had a craving. I had a vape for a while 0% nicotine just the juice and oral habit. Even that I kicked shortly after. I don't think I've had a vape since 2018ish. Maybe even 2017. I still wonder what a Marlboro no27 would taste like sometimes.

For me, I didn't want to smoke forever. I was determined to be stronger than the nicotine.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
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Your mind is stronger than you think. I found that when I put it in my mind that that there was no way I was going to smoke again, it somehow became easier. I smoked for 23 year and it has been 23 years since I last smoked.

I would try watching videos of people that are fucked up from smoking to reinforce what you don't want to happen to you.


Wrenching Dad
Sep 20, 2007
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Wife sez the most agonizing death is when lung cancer spreads to the spine. Nothing they can do for the agony.

Cancer is like ants at a picnic marching thru your body that mutates and hides from treatment.

"Lung cancer is typically a cancer that grows quickly and spreads early."

The good news is USC has cured 1 out of 4 stage 4 lung cancer patients. That's colossal. Read that: Stage 4.

Also now if detected early they can treat & cure early stages of certain lung cancers. Get checked even though you quit and keep getting checked regularly.
Some patients quit smoking 40 years ago.

Cancer ain't the flu.
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Putting on the brakes
Jan 11, 2010
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i’m sitting in the hospital right now recovering from a heart attack I had on Saturday
had a stent put in yesterday to repair a blocked artery. Blood pressure was through the roof, etc

I’m 43, smoke a pack a day for the last 25 years.

Haven’t had a smoke since I drove myself to the hospital Saturday night
craving was pretty brutal till after the stent procedure yesterday
now it’s almost not there.

You could try that lol.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2023
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I decided years ago I didn’t want to be a disgusting fat body. Gave up following my cravings for food and rather planned out my meals and avoided all the extras.

I decided a couple of years ago I didn’t want to be a grouchy old prick hating the world looking for reasons to bitch and complain. Funny thing all my children and their spouses all like to come to my house for holidays, take vacations with us, include us in their long term plans and just generally enjoy each others company.

There is an idea that is hardly known in our culture any more but it has been the norm in all successful societies. Patriarchy. Not in a tyrannical or abusive sense but in a self sacrificial way where the man sets the pace and the example for everyone to follow.

Your children will most likely smoke or form some other self destructive behavior if you practice one yourself.

Your words mean nearly nothing compared to your actions.

Your not going to get an award for “good intentions“ and your children, once they reach the rhetoric stage in their development will naturally see your actions to the exclusion of your obvious empty words.

There is no magic formulas or silver bullet.

Quit and live or keep killing yourself slowly and make you love ones suffer at the least just having to watch your demise.
You made the choice to have a family now honor that decision and be a ”real man”

There, I said it there’s really nothing to add.

As I type this we are preparing to leave to go to my grandmothers funeral. She lived a full and healthy life for 94 years.This is my 5th funeral in 8 months.

The world keeps turning and time keeps marching on. You can either squander it by putting a lung rocket up to your lips or redeem every second by living a disciplined life

Life is serious, so get serious.

I’ll leave you with this “inspiring“ picture. It is three of my children playing their violins at my other grandmothers funeral 4 years ago.



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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try Zynn pouches . . . they come in 3 and 6 . . . the 6 being stronger.
Like a tobacco dip pouch but clean w/o the spit & mess.
Lots of flavor options . . . .
View attachment 1325477
Not a smoker but I tried those. Hiccups and heartburn ;(. I had high hopes as I have been a Skoal guy for a long time.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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i’m sitting in the hospital right now recovering from a heart attack I had on Saturday
had a stent put in yesterday to repair a blocked artery. Blood pressure was through the roof, etc

I’m 43, smoke a pack a day for the last 25 years.

Haven’t had a smoke since I drove myself to the hospital Saturday night
craving was pretty brutal till after the stent procedure yesterday
now it’s almost not there.

You could try that lol.
Wow. Hope you make a full recovery.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2023
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i’m sitting in the hospital right now recovering from a heart attack I had on Saturday
had a stent put in yesterday to repair a blocked artery. Blood pressure was through the roof, etc

I’m 43, smoke a pack a day for the last 25 years.

Haven’t had a smoke since I drove myself to the hospital Saturday night
craving was pretty brutal till after the stent procedure yesterday
now it’s almost not there.

You could try that lol.

Holy smokes

..oooops I mean umm geez..

Good luck with your recovery!

Enjoy that renewed blood flow your body is receiving!

Dan Lorenze

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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i’m sitting in the hospital right now recovering from a heart attack I had on Saturday
had a stent put in yesterday to repair a blocked artery. Blood pressure was through the roof, etc

I’m 43, smoke a pack a day for the last 25 years.

Haven’t had a smoke since I drove myself to the hospital Saturday night
craving was pretty brutal till after the stent procedure yesterday
now it’s almost not there.

You could try that lol.

I'm so sorry, wishing you a good recovery.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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Push ups.

Every time you feel like a heater, drop and do as many push ups you can. You’ll be winded and not feel like a smoke.

Kill two birds with one stone and as you get stronger/leaner, smokes become a deterrent.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2017
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i’m sitting in the hospital right now recovering from a heart attack I had on Saturday
had a stent put in yesterday to repair a blocked artery. Blood pressure was through the roof, etc

I’m 43, smoke a pack a day for the last 25 years.

Haven’t had a smoke since I drove myself to the hospital Saturday night
craving was pretty brutal till after the stent procedure yesterday
now it’s almost not there.

You could try that lol.
Good luck with the recovery.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2014
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Throw away whatever cigarettes you have left and don't remember the date you quit. If you smoke the last of whatever cigarettes you have left and remember the date all you're doing is counting the days till you smoke again... Just toss whatever is left and move on.