I understand that it's an exciting time to be alive.. (politics)


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2013
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Before I even start, let me tell you that I'm following intently and love most, don't like some, but whatever..

What I can tell you is one of my resolutions for 2025 is to try and get rdp back to a boating & custom website. We literally have a section for politics, so can we keep it in there? If the regulars in there are too big of bullies or just out of control I'll get rid of them and we can just make it the normal politics section.. but we have a section for several reasons..

1. to make it easy to find and learn what's going on in the world.
2. so when I open the lounge we can read about what is going on in peoples lives and on trips etc..

Can we make rdp great again? or do I need to get a DOrdpE going here.. LOL.

Honestly Dave, IMHO I think ya got a good balance for the most part. Let em air it out a little until it goes sideways then kick it to the dungeon. Another thought…any political thread in the lounge is subject to full deletion pending a lack of civility? As for the “bullies” in the P&G section…I say leave em be…anyone with a weak skin complaining about what goes on in there is a pussy and shouldn't be on the site anyway. Hell this site has got to be a handful to say the least so what ever makes it easier. Just my two cents…happy to be here.

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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… I’m actually gonna open the politics section… And take a look at what really goes on in there… most likely, I will rapidly close it and will go right back to the lounge… or maybe message this chick that I hung out with some in my barroom days… She had two nicknames one was Patty Bellevue taken from the name of the mental hospital in New York… The other nickname was Patty the rocket scientist… Because she actually was a rocket scientist…
stunningly, beautiful… and a vey uninhibited young lady…Bless her heart..

… I thought PG meant parental guidance… I guess it means politics and government… Looks like that’s where all the fun loving guys have drifted too🤷🏽‍♀️
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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2007
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RD I am sorry to hear about the rough stretch you are in. We are in one too...Cindy has been hosptialized twice since the first of the year and my mother once.
She is 93 and lives with us. She is leglly blind and essentially deaf.
I am spending money at the dentist like crap through a goose.
I am getting worked up for what may be a new left knee.

I am just hoping things settle down at some point.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2012
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I wish RDP would get back to regular boating. With tits out, floss on. And normal boats.

Honestly the twin engine outboard cats are all the same to me. 700k and a pipe dream. Plus they look the same.

Center console who gives a crap!

My favorite time of RDP was when Desert Storm was big meeting members.

Having people want to go offroading with us.

Dave. Your Parker and havasu videos you did a while back were bitchen!

How do we make RDP great again? I used to post a lot more but why. It’s never gets traction as others said. Sure I can be an ass at times, I’ll work on that lol.

As I right this. There were some videos on local businesses and how they do things, fiberglass shops and more. More of that please.

I also think havasu is slowly weeding out the little guys like me. I don’t own a home there. And it’s so damn expensive now to go. That is also part of the problem as well.

Being is so utah I am looking at property at Powell it’s only 2 hours vs 4 to to havasu. Lots of downsized and gotten back to reality.

Anyway my mind is all over the place on this


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
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I try to inject some humor in most things since life is way too short. I am passionate about politics nearly as much as I am about boating like a lot of folks appear to be on here.

The thing that seems to be lost from our folks generation is the ability to disagree during an honest discussion and still remain friends or even “good” friends whether it’s politics or anything else. The anonymity behind the keyboard is much to blame, I guess.

That being said, just like in real face to face life, there are some peeps that just aren’t worthy of your time. Pretty sure you can just do the ‘ol blockola” on them and continue on with your life.

To date, I have never felt the slightest need to block anyone on this forum, In fact, there are soooo many that I hope to meet in person somehow/someway. 😎

P.S. As I learned very early in Catholic school-
“Always be yourself. Unless, you are a total asshole.”


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2016
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Before I even start, let me tell you that I'm following intently and love most, don't like some, but whatever..

What I can tell you is one of my resolutions for 2025 is to try and get rdp back to a boating & custom website. We literally have a section for politics, so can we keep it in there? If the regulars in there are too big of bullies or just out of control I'll get rid of them and we can just make it the normal politics section.. but we have a section for several reasons..

1. to make it easy to find and learn what's going on in the world.
2. so when I open the lounge we can read about what is going on in peoples lives and on trips etc..

Can we make rdp great again? or do I need to get a DOrdpE going here.. LOL.

Boats only....No Politics, That would do it. Delete all political stuff before it posts ! Try it for a month ? See if the member count changes .


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
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Boats only....No Politics, That would do it. Delete all political stuff before it posts ! Try it for a month ? See if the member count changes .
Sounds more like the final solution than an actual solution.

Ya know, there’s a bar near me that had long “communal” tables, and it was always packed. Two daughters inherited it, and they decided to update it with small tables and a very modest decor change. What they didn’t realize was that their regulars liked the communal atmosphere, and the push it gave them to meet new people. That place is deader than a door nail now.