Mean As $&:/! Take 2


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2014
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When did that start? It used to be a no kill shelter.

It is WAHS belief that no animal should be turned away. Sometimes, these animals can be rehabilitated but sometimes they cannot. In this case, we strongly believe that euthanasia is the most humane alternative to an existence of suffering and pain or being limited to life in a cage.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2010
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Thanks for the link, at the time I adopted the last two dogs I got they said it was a no kill facility but I can kind of understand for a ill unhealthy dog that is suffering. And not everybody has the patience to train an aggressive dog. Hope it all works out for Dave and Stacy.


cobra performance boats
May 24, 2014
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I thought he adopted from Petsmart group... they don’t kill. My wife has a couple dog groups at her Petsmart in OC


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2014
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They have a very lengthy bullshit description defending that they do. If I had a fence she would have been over here until rehomed. It is disappointing no one else has picked her up when I couldn't. I fear with her return and the reason she won't be around much longer. I hope I am wrong.


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2014
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I thought he adopted from Petsmart group... they don’t kill. My wife has a couple dog groups at her Petsmart in OC
WAHS does a ton of adoptions through the local petsmart. I am not certain but think that is how it was done. Maybe she is safe at petsmart and will get a new home.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
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Caucasian shephard dog. If you absolutely positively want to ensure no man or beast trespasser that enters your yard stays alive lol.


Parker Is Now OPEN
Sep 13, 2010
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This is a shitty thread to read. That was a lot of Big Talk from a guy returning a dog to shelter. I understand your reasoning, but you should’ve thought about that before you adopted her. You’re going to break her dog heart because any attraction you feel towards a dog, they feel 100x that in return towards you. Shame on you Dave! Dogs aren’t used cars, Don’t bother getting another one, you don’t deserve one.
I feel bad for the dog. BUT you can't have a dig that growls at kids when you have little kids. There is no way of knowing. Obviously, the dog didn't act that way at the shelter, or they wouldn't have taken it home. It's not Dave and Stacy's fault, or the dogs fault for that matter. It is the fault of who ever raised the dog.

The dog hadn't become part of their family yet...they were just dog sitting for a day.

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Looking Glass

1 = Well = Known = Member
Jan 6, 2020
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WAHS does a ton of adoptions through the local petsmart. I am not certain but think that is how it was done. Maybe she is safe at petsmart and will get a new home.

What is their deal, just give the Animal out to ever shows up? They don't have any type of screening and attempt to Match the Animal with a New Family? Damn, the Dog is brought in to a Totally New Situation, with everything is strange after being in a Cage. I can only imagine the Poor Dog was scared and who knows what it has been through and experienced. I think it sure didn't have a Fair Chance to "Fit In" the poor Dog getting bounced around from cage to home to cage to?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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My brothers wife, during their HS dating years, had a dog that acted like a cat. He took me with him to feed her families pets while they were away. As we pull up I see this "animal" on the 6' fence and ask wtf it that?
It's their dog, he says.
Fuggin dog sitting on top of the 4x4 post....blew my mind🤯

We had a 100lb German Shephard growing up that would do that. His name was Tuffy and holy shit did he cause havoc. When he got out of the house kids would scream "Tuffys out" and would run for their lives....lol He ate thru a wall until he finally got thru and nailed the mailman. He trapped the garbage men ON TOP OF OUR ROOF. Tuffy was crazy.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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This is a shitty thread to read. That was a lot of Big Talk from a guy returning a dog to shelter. I understand your reasoning, but you should’ve thought about that before you adopted her. You’re going to break her dog heart because any attraction you feel towards a dog, they feel 100x that in return towards you. Shame on you Dave! Dogs aren’t used cars, Don’t bother getting another one, you don’t deserve one.

Wow....way out of line with that


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2009
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Any thoughts on Akita’s?
They’re “runners” from my observation and experience.
My SIL and her husband had one when the wife and I started dating.
Despite some folks saying “not with kids” I saw Akitas that lived their family and kids.
That SIL mass produced more children than the Johnson family, and produced one litter of pups and kept one male.
Those dogs went on all the lake trips.

My wifes dad got a female of that litter also. He loved that dog. Took her on walks every day with him on his Schwin bicycle.

Now, you want to talk about mass producing kids? He had no less than 35 grandchildren. Christmas and TG were incredible.
Imagine 30 kids coming in and out all day.

And that Akita loved being around all those kids, plus their parents, guests, etc.
never an issue.
They can be very hard headed, lol.
With training, a great family dog.


When he passed away I took that sign, and think of him and that dog every time I see it.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2012
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They’re “runners” from my observation and experience.
My SIL and her husband had one when the wife and I started dating.
Despite some folks saying “not with kids” I saw Akitas that lived their family and kids.
That SIL mass produced more children than the Johnson family, and produced one litter of pups and kept one male.
Those dogs went on all the lake trips.

My wifes dad got a female of that litter also. He loved that dog. Took her on walks every day with him on his Schwin bicycle.

Now, you want to talk about mass producing kids? He had no less than 35 grandchildren. Christmas and TG were incredible.
Imagine 30 kids coming in and out all day.

And that Akita loved being around all those kids, plus their parents, guests, etc.
never an issue.
They can be very hard headed, lol.
With training, a great family dog.

View attachment 962689
When he passed away I took that sign, and think of him and that dog every time I see it.
My dad had 2 Akita’s at his place outside Canyon Lake. Damn those were big dogs. Same deal, tons of people coming in and going out of his property. Huge family reunions with a shitload of kids and those dogs never flinched.


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2011
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We fostered a crazy 1-2 year old rotti. He was a growler and bitter. Figured out he was deaf after about 2 days. Seriously abused due to not being able to listen and nobody new he was deaf.

Got him trained pretty good and decided to keep him. Had the twins a couple years later. He knew not to go near the kids and as soon as the kids started crawling we trained them to keep there distance from him. We had other dogs that the kids could climb on and mess with but they new not to mess with Sam. As the kids got older they could love on him but the rules were he had to come to them for attention and to keep their faces away from his. He was actually great with them but i never trusted him 100%.
He had a great life and I miss him everyday.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2009
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We fostered a crazy 1-2 year old rotti. He was a growler and bitter. Figured out he was deaf after about 2 days. Seriously abused due to not being able to listen and nobody new he was deaf. View attachment 962710 View attachment 962710 View attachment 962711
Got him trained pretty good and decided to keep him. Had the twins a couple years later. He knew not to go near the kids and as soon as the kids started crawling we trained them to keep there distance from him. We had other dogs that the kids could climb on and mess with but they new not to mess with Sam. As the kids got older they could love on him but the rules were he had to come to them for attention and to keep their faces away from his. He was actually great with them but i never trusted him 100%.
He had a great life and I miss him everyday. View attachment 962713

Sam was a good boy!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2011
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Funny story. We had someone lined up to adopt him while he was still just a foster dog. They came to see him. They loved him. He pissed on the dude. Lol. Only time he ever actually pissed on someone. Now coolers (tents) and wheels were another story.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2012
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I thought about the tried and true method of making it happen again and making her understand once and for all where she’s at on the forum pole.. lol. Stacy said she’d rather just get another dog
Good call Dave. No chance I’d try to course correct a full grown dog with kids around. You can’t watch it every minute. One split second mistake could cost years of regret. It’s one thing with an ankle biter. It’s another with a dog that could do some damage.


Laveycraft Nuera 2750
Jan 17, 2008
Reaction score
I feel bad for the dog. BUT you can't have a dig that growls at kids when you have little kids. There is no way of knowing. Obviously, the dog didn't act that way at the shelter, or they wouldn't have taken it home. It's not Dave and Stacy's fault, or the dogs fault for that matter. It is the fault of who ever raised the dog.

The dog hadn't become part of their family yet...they were just dog sitting for a day.

Sent From Tapatalk
Yeah No shit Scott. Didn’t you read his post? RD talked BIG game about playing who’s the boss with his lead pipe and Pussification of America. He got what he asked for and all it took was a single growl for him running back to shelter. That’s Pussification. This dog got the shaft.
Here’s his post so you can read it again.

Stacy has been harassing me for another dog, so I put out the call.. I said what’s the meanest one ya got? They brought a Doberman... meh.. he didn’t have the crazy in the eyes that I like in a dog. What else ya got? The brought out a pit and said “Mr Johnson you really don’t want this dog.. literally just broke up a fight with him and another dog..”. The pit was tore up, so I said “well which dog did that?” “Mr. Johnson that dog isn’t available for adoption.”

I said well let’s just take a look at it? Out comes two guys with the dog on the extended polls fighting her every inch of the way.. Third guy with the tranquilizer gun in case she got loose..

I said “you guys are being a little dramatic for that little thing aren’t ya?” I could see the fear in their eyes..

I explained to them that my last dog ate chain link fences and shit out master locks.. and I got her the same way.

They looked confused on how you could train such an animal. I said don’t move I’ll be right back. Got the trusty lead pipe out of the truck.. one quick crack between the eyes and now we know who’s in charge..

It’s the pussification of America I tell ya.. nothing like a good junkyard mutt... once they know the rules of the road anyways..

Universal Elements

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Yeah No shit Scott. Didn’t you read his post? RD talked BIG game about playing who’s the boss with his lead pipe and Pussification of America. He got what he asked for and all it took was a single growl for him running back to shelter. That’s Pussification. This dog got the shaft.
Here’s his post so you can read it again.

Stacy has been harassing me for another dog, so I put out the call.. I said what’s the meanest one ya got? They brought a Doberman... meh.. he didn’t have the crazy in the eyes that I like in a dog. What else ya got? The brought out a pit and said “Mr Johnson you really don’t want this dog.. literally just broke up a fight with him and another dog..”. The pit was tore up, so I said “well which dog did that?” “Mr. Johnson that dog isn’t available for adoption.”

I said well let’s just take a look at it? Out comes two guys with the dog on the extended polls fighting her every inch of the way.. Third guy with the tranquilizer gun in case she got loose..

I said “you guys are being a little dramatic for that little thing aren’t ya?” I could see the fear in their eyes..

I explained to them that my last dog ate chain link fences and shit out master locks.. and I got her the same way.

They looked confused on how you could train such an animal. I said don’t move I’ll be right back. Got the trusty lead pipe out of the truck.. one quick crack between the eyes and now we know who’s in charge..

It’s the pussification of America I tell ya.. nothing like a good junkyard mutt... once they know the rules of the road anyways..

It’s a parody 🤪

Long Way Home

Dog Days of Summer!
Jan 8, 2008
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Maybe a Russian bear dog / aka Caucasian Shepard.. not sure how it would do in the Havasu heat.. but they are like real life teddy bears... that happen to guard Russian prisons. :D

View attachment 962483 View attachment 962484 View attachment 962485 View attachment 962486

They are great dogs but they are fierce guardians of their home/territory and family.. While they are naturally standoffish to strangers and don't take well to other people/animals.
Try looking for a Newfoundland dog, they are a great dog for kids.
Also check with your homeowners insurance , some companies may not cover damage/liability from dog breeds that have a reputation for being aggressive (pit bulls, Rottweilers and wolf hybrids, etc).
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New But Seasoned Inmate #2002
Jun 20, 2008
Reaction score
This is a shitty thread to read. That was a lot of Big Talk from a guy returning a dog to shelter. I understand your reasoning, but you should’ve thought about that before you adopted her. You’re going to break her dog heart because any attraction you feel towards a dog, they feel 100x that in return towards you. Shame on you Dave! Dogs aren’t used cars, Don’t bother getting another one, you don’t deserve one.

Yer nutz!


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2017
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Whatever breed you chose, you should still consider a youth or young adult. Its easier to tell their temperament at a later age. Besides puppies may look cute, they are a pain in the ass!


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2013
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If you're open to suggestions at this point, I would highly recommend a boxer puppy. Kids love them, they love kids, super loyal, great temperament.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2014
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lol....Might as well go with the Fila Mastiff
Those are legit killing machines...to outsiders. I don't know a breed more loyal to their family. OUTSTANDING dogs, just keep away from any visitors at home


cobra performance boats
May 24, 2014
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Dogo agentino I’m not sure if you can find a real one but my buddy has whats supposed to be one and it’s a super cool dog.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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Those are legit killing machines...to outsiders. I don't know a breed more loyal to their family. OUTSTANDING dogs, just keep away from any visitors at home

I have always wanted one and they are beautiful and BIG. Now I would not be able to have one as I travel. But then again as a child I wanted a full on lion.....lol


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2013
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Any thoughts on Akita’s?
I have had Akita’s for nearly 50 years. We currently have two as well as two French bulldogs. They are great with kids even though they were not raised with little ones. They scare the shit out of people at first but like almost all strangers. We have had parties with 50 plus at our house and they have free rain. I will say this if any member of my family is uncomfortable around someone they definitely react aggressively. I do like that when my wife runs on the ditch bank laterals with our female she is safe from the freaks. I would only get a puppy with the ages of your kids. They are stubborn animals and require quality training time like all dogs should receive. If there is anything specific you would like to know about the breed hit me up.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2020
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You did the right thing Dave. I had to too.

Our Shepherd Trixie was a pick of the litter Dog, for watching Sultan, my Best Man's dog, while he was in jail. My Son Billy loved them both. Trixie grew up steadfast side by side with my Son Billy until sadly, at age six, the Good Lord called him up so he wasn't suffering with CF anymore. No you never get over it, Trixie sure didn't either.

Every day she'd walk Billy, and the other neighborhood kids down and back, to and from the Kid's School Bus stop and the end of Moonlite lane at Union School Rd, in Mountan Gate. Every day, rain or shine.

After Billy died, She would go to the top of the driveway and wait for him, confused and whining, as she watched the kids walk on down. Sometimes she would follow the kids down, at a distance, coming back and forth, stopping to look back home, and the kids often..

She'd come back lay at the top of the driveway, and wait. Every day.
After school she'd sit at the top of the driveway waiting for him as the kids came up the hill. It was then, and still is, heartbreaking.

Back in Escondido, Trixie was never the same, couldn't keep her in a yard. She'd get out and lay on the front porch, waiting for Billy. One day a kid came up, selling something, woke her up and she snapped at his hand, breaking skin, quarantined for the bite, I took her to Rancho Coastal Humane Society. She had suffered enough. No, I didn't want to do it, but a line was crossed, and I couldn't have it happen again. Bad enough as it was. That is a tough decision. Don't judge until you are wearing the shoes. Kids are our precious future.

Spirit's/Savanah's last 2, puppy pics


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2008
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Caucasian shephard dog. If you absolutely positively want to ensure no man or beast trespasser that enters your yard stays alive lol.

Great dogs, like just about all the big central Asian pups. You're also probably pretty safe having one around because they will give you a chance to leave with all your limbs before they attack. They'll 'false charge' once (usually 😀).
The problem is - they're an ancient LGD breed and for them to do well, you need a pair. I can't imagine the amount of food you'd go through and shit you'd have to clean up.
The other big problem is - they're bred to bark....AT NIGHT!.....and if you've ever heard one of these guys, you'd know they can keep half of your city awake.
I'd love a pair of Anatolian Shephards.


LHC Architect
Dec 19, 2007
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So for those that don’t get the joke.. obviously my old dog Sasha was a gentle giant. And this dog sure seemed to be pretty mellow, but she just growled at my son and snapped at my daughter..

crazy toy / food aggressive.. I’m not gonna invest the time to try and train it out of her.. which sucks because she’s already stuck at my side.. doesn’t show any of that towards me.

but fuck that she’s going back to doggy jail. I have too many kids in and out of those house daily to deal with any of that shit.
what about the lead pipe deal..lol, shock collar Dave, it growls you ZAP!! a couple well timed zaps and it's done make sure you play your ring tone just before you light her up it will be the most well behaved dog in minutes and from then on the ringtone alone will do the trick


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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View attachment 962762

You did the right thing Dave. I had to too.

Our Shepherd Trixie was a pick of the litter Dog, for watching Sultan, my Best Man's dog, while he was in jail. My Son Billy loved them both. Trixie grew up steadfast side by side with my Son Billy until sadly, at age six, the Good Lord called him up so he wasn't suffering with CF anymore. No you never get over it, Trixie sure didn't either.

Every day she'd walk Billy, and the other neighborhood kids down and back, to and from the Kid's School Bus stop and the end of Moonlite lane at Union School Rd, in Mountan Gate. Every day, rain or shine.

After Billy died, She would go to the top of the driveway and wait for him, confused and whining, as she watched the kids walk on down. Sometimes she would follow the kids down, at a distance, coming back and forth, stopping to look back home, and the kids often..

She'd come back lay at the top of the driveway, and wait. Every day.
After school she'd sit at the top of the driveway waiting for him as the kids came up the hill. It was then, and still is, heartbreaking.

Back in Escondido, Trixie was never the same, couldn't keep her in a yard. She'd get out and lay on the front porch, waiting for Billy. One day a kid came up, selling something, woke her up and she snapped at his hand, breaking skin, quarantined for the bite, I took her to Rancho Coastal Humane Society. She had suffered enough. No, I didn't want to do it, but a line was crossed, and I couldn't have it happen again. Bad enough as it was. That is a tough decision. Don't judge until you are wearing the shoes. Kids are our precious future.

Spirit's/Savanah's last 2, puppy pics

You were in my thoughts just a couple of days ago when I read an article about CF. I hope the energy and love I send you and your family helps you focus on the good memories of your son.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2012
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View attachment 962762

You did the right thing Dave. I had to too.

Our Shepherd Trixie was a pick of the litter Dog, for watching Sultan, my Best Man's dog, while he was in jail. My Son Billy loved them both. Trixie grew up steadfast side by side with my Son Billy until sadly, at age six, the Good Lord called him up so he wasn't suffering with CF anymore. No you never get over it, Trixie sure didn't either.

Every day she'd walk Billy, and the other neighborhood kids down and back, to and from the Kid's School Bus stop and the end of Moonlite lane at Union School Rd, in Mountan Gate. Every day, rain or shine.

After Billy died, She would go to the top of the driveway and wait for him, confused and whining, as she watched the kids walk on down. Sometimes she would follow the kids down, at a distance, coming back and forth, stopping to look back home, and the kids often..

She'd come back lay at the top of the driveway, and wait. Every day.
After school she'd sit at the top of the driveway waiting for him as the kids came up the hill. It was then, and still is, heartbreaking.

Back in Escondido, Trixie was never the same, couldn't keep her in a yard. She'd get out and lay on the front porch, waiting for Billy. One day a kid came up, selling something, woke her up and she snapped at his hand, breaking skin, quarantined for the bite, I took her to Rancho Coastal Humane Society. She had suffered enough. No, I didn't want to do it, but a line was crossed, and I couldn't have it happen again. Bad enough as it was. That is a tough decision. Don't judge until you are wearing the shoes. Kids are our precious future.

Spirit's/Savanah's last 2, puppy pics
That was a tough read, I must have missed your original. My condolences to you on both accounts😢

Royally PO'd

Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2017
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If she is sensitive, you should be able to shame her out of it ...


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
Yeah No shit Scott. Didn’t you read his post? RD talked BIG game about playing who’s the boss with his lead pipe and Pussification of America. He got what he asked for and all it took was a single growl for him running back to shelter. That’s Pussification. This dog got the shaft.
Here’s his post so you can read it again.

Stacy has been harassing me for another dog, so I put out the call.. I said what’s the meanest one ya got? They brought a Doberman... meh.. he didn’t have the crazy in the eyes that I like in a dog. What else ya got? The brought out a pit and said “Mr Johnson you really don’t want this dog.. literally just broke up a fight with him and another dog..”. The pit was tore up, so I said “well which dog did that?” “Mr. Johnson that dog isn’t available for adoption.”

I said well let’s just take a look at it? Out comes two guys with the dog on the extended polls fighting her every inch of the way.. Third guy with the tranquilizer gun in case she got loose..

I said “you guys are being a little dramatic for that little thing aren’t ya?” I could see the fear in their eyes..

I explained to them that my last dog ate chain link fences and shit out master locks.. and I got her the same way.

They looked confused on how you could train such an animal. I said don’t move I’ll be right back. Got the trusty lead pipe out of the truck.. one quick crack between the eyes and now we know who’s in charge..

It’s the pussification of America I tell ya.. nothing like a good junkyard mutt... once they know the rules of the road anyways..

Apparently you don’t understand humor..

Another by product of the pussificatuon of America is needing disclaimers and warning labels on everything..

I used to wonder who would need those disclaimers..

Now we all know..

If you want to gamble with an aggressive dog and your kids.. That’s up to you. I’m not gonna do it.

As for the rest the dog was extremely gentle taking food and was fine with the kids, right up until she wasn’t.

I am curious as to what your post reply would be too a thread that says “This new dog just bit my six year old daughter in the face, and our hospital is full because of Covid.”


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2008
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This growling foaming at the mouth, seething snarling Curr would tear your arm off in a split second !!

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In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
What is their deal, just give the Animal out to ever shows up? They don't have any type of screening and attempt to Match the Animal with a New Family? Damn, the Dog is brought in to a Totally New Situation, with everything is strange after being in a Cage. I can only imagine the Poor Dog was scared and who knows what it has been through and experienced. I think it sure didn't have a Fair Chance to "Fit In" the poor Dog getting bounced around from cage to home to cage to?

If we are being honest that’s exactly what they do.. The humane society is closed because of covid... so they take a group of dogs out to pet smart or yesterday down to the KAWS building on McCullough and you walk up, pick out your dog, sign some papers and you are on your way..

when we went to pet smart we spent about 30 minutes hanging out with the dog, and I had the kids playing with it to see how it would behave..

Dog was fine, I bought some toys for the dog and brought her home.. She growled at my son when he got some what close.. Then growled at my daughter when she was walking by.. got a little snippy.. Then growled at Stacy.

I took all the toys away.. Then it got weird about the food bowl.. and I couldn’t help but think what happens when my daughter comes out with a stuffed animal and it decides it is a toy etc..

People are making it sound like there is some big attachment here.. That dog wasn’t here for a couple of hours before all that happened.

I have six to eight neighborhood kids over here daily. I think it would be unwise to keep a dog here that has shown aggression towards kids in the first few hours of being here.. but that’s just me.
Had there been no signs of aggression right off the bat it would still be here..


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
what about the lead pipe deal..lol, shock collar Dave, it growls you ZAP!! a couple well timed zaps and it's done make sure you play your ring tone just before you light her up it will be the most well behaved dog in minutes and from then on the ringtone alone will do the trick

Do ya know how many times I used a shock collar on Sasha? Zero, because she wasn’t an asshole.
I’m not gonna shock a dog into submission etc.. I will just find a better dog.