The Secrets of Skinwalker Ranch


New Member
May 13, 2020
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This Skinwalker Ranch History channel series is a hoax? I think....tonights episode showed why...the llamas were attacked and main camera just so happened to be offline when attacks occured on them?...oh how convenient...and then when they found another camera that had a bit of an angle shot of the attack it was very blurred. Do they take us all for pure fools when we watch this stuff ?....just like Oak Island crap again I guess. I was really looking forward to the Skinwalker series, too. All this radiation stuff at Skinwalker...did they ever think all this radiation anomoly could be coming from uranium ore?...we do mine this in parts of Utah and this may explain this strange radiation stuff. I am not a scientist. I now get the feeling we are going to be lead on a wild goose chase again like Oak Island crap. Anybody else care to comment on this Skinwalker tv series?


Apr 8, 2020
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I just finished watching the Skin Walker Ranch episode. I must agree that the cameras seemed to be exactly in the wrong location for those attacks. BTW, those were alpacas. They're a much more agreeable animal than the llama. (I worked with both and the alpacas were nice, easy-going animals but I've been spat at and charged by llamas without them ever being provoked! LOL).

However, it's a big ranch and it would be impossible to cover every inch without using such a wide angle lens that would make detail impossible to see anyway. I believe the blurry images of the video that they did capture was actually censored by the producers. The attack was obviously brutal, (as you can tell by the injuries), and the network censored the 'dogs' actually tearing off flesh and eating the animal as it ran.

I think the clue that they deliberately blurred that for censorship reasons is the fact that within the same footage, the rest of the video is sharp and clear. This can only happen if the video was purposely pixelated. I happen to be a proponent for the humane treatment of all animals so I think they're responding properly by changing the location of the herd to a more secure place.

I'm not convinced that they're dragging the show unreasonably... yet. I don't like that they waste so much of each episode showing "what's coming up next" before they break to commercials, but at least they're not all in the "war room" every time someone picks up a rock like Oak Island does.

I will say that I'm about as tired of old "mother hen" Dragon and his superstitious concerns as I can stand. Frankly, I think Dragon should be doing what he's supposed to do, which is securing the ranch. Where the hell was he and his security team when those alpacas were attacked?! If he's so worried that bad karma will 'destroy them all', he should go wait in the house and hide under the bed or something.

If there's something under the ground that may have an effect on the ranch in some strange way, they need to dig it up. The facts they've found so far indicate that there's a lot of unusually high radiation on the ranch. The scalp swelling injury that happened to one team member, could have been the result of that high radiation coupled with the high magnetic fields, (also discovered there).

You have to remember that there's also an extremely high amount of microwave radiation coming from about 5000 feet above the ranch. Radiation poisoning affects different things differently, including individual people. It's possible that the team member who experienced the swelling in his head is more sensitive to it.

In addition, they haven't said anything about the possibility of ELF sources that could cause incredible damage. I personally suspect that sound waves may have been the cause of splitting that laser, but Travis gave up on that way too soon to know one way or the other.

When you take into consideration that the combination of constant exposure to microwave radiation, high magnetic fields, and possibly, an extremely low frequency sound bombardment, all the animals and people in the area can suffer a building degree of brain damage. This could cause serious behavioral changes in animals and people too.

I wish someone would have coherently described what the animals looked like that attacked those alpacas! The woman who's supposed to be caring for them seemed to hesitate when she finally said "dogs". I mean, were they dogs or weren't they?! The other ranch hand said that these animals were "160lb... 180lbs"! That's far beyond any dog or wolf and gets a lot closer to mountain lions.

Mountain lions don't hunt in packs like a pride of Asian/African lions do and the images din't seem to move like big cats. I don't think it means anything unusual in behavior when the animals wouldn't leave the alpaca until the ranch hand threw a stick at it. They're in the desert and any predatory wildlife out there will stubbornly maintain it's position because that could be the first thing it had to eat in weeks.

A lot of predators that have a prey in its grasp will refuse to release it until it's absolutely necessary and that behavior is only doubled when the predator must go weeks without eating anything substantial. He's actually lucky, because if it would have been a predator that knew it was near death from lack of food or water, it very possibly would have turned and attacked him when he threw that stick.


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2016
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This Skinwalker Ranch History channel series is a hoax? I think....tonights episode showed why...the llamas were attacked and main camera just so happened to be offline when attacks occured on them?...oh how convenient...and then when they found another camera that had a bit of an angle shot of the attack it was very blurred. Do they take us all for pure fools when we watch this stuff ?....just like Oak Island crap again I guess. I was really looking forward to the Skinwalker series, too. All this radiation stuff at Skinwalker...did they ever think all this radiation anomoly could be coming from uranium ore?...we do mine this in parts of Utah and this may explain this strange radiation stuff. I am not a scientist. I now get the feeling we are going to be lead on a wild goose chase again like Oak Island crap. Anybody else care to comment on this Skinwalker tv series?

Purely entertainment.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
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Fairly uneventful episode this week


Apr 8, 2020
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I wouldn't say "uneventful"... The alpacas being attacked was an important event. Even though there were at least two witnesses, it is not at all clear what attacked them. I think that security man, "Dragon", is the one that said the "dogs" were "160 to 180 pounds". I don't consider that, excessively superstitious guy, to be a reliable source of information, so I don't know how many others think these 'dogs' weighed between 160 and 180.

The Gray Wolf is a large species but it's rare to see one in NE Utah that's much more than 120 to maybe 140lbs. It seems to me that they'd have to have a good steady food & water supply to get that big. The witnesses didn't say they were wolves but they acted as if they weren't sure what these animals were.

I can't rule out the Gray Wolf, but when you see one in person, you would be hard pressed to mistaken it for a dog. Personally, I'm convinced that the 'partially-blurry' video of the alpaca attack was a deliberate censor because the network felt it could upset some viewers.

After all, that poor, tan, alpaca was badly attacked and the predators were tearing large patches of flesh from it as it yelled out in distress. I can see how that would be upsetting to some viewers. Hell, it upset me just to hear it calling out like that. Nature is cruel and as much as I don't like to see or hear that kind of thing, the predators are an important part of the natural world.

We can't allow ourselves to demonize a predator like the shark, wolf, coyote, bear, etc., when something like this happens. The distressing sound of the prey calling out is hard to bare but it's just as heart wrenching to hear wolf & coyote pups, or bear cubs starving to death.

If the attack on those alpaca were feral dogs, then they should make that clear instead of conveying it all as some kind of mystery-animal. A humane organization should then be called out there to find the feral dogs, if that's what they were.

Of course, if they called in a humane organization, I think Dragon would want to first rattle some beads and wave a dead chicken over each of their heads 👹 before letting them in :rolleyes:.