This Is What Happens When They Take Your Guns


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
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Hey Regor,

I did a Buffalo hunt in Australia in 2012 IIRC. It was a classic, English Double Rifle hunt. The amount of paperwork to get gun permits was prohibitive. But, I wanted to go and use my own rifles, so I completed it.

One document was for my local police department to fill out. It essentially said I was a good guy and a solid citizen. I walked into the Peoria sub-station up by my home. The officers all looked at me like I was crazy. None of them wanted to sign it. They said what happens if you go shoot the place up?

Anyway, one of them signed it and sent me on my way.

Once we got to Sydney, we had to transit to another domestic flight to Darwin. As we stood in line (at a separate terminal) the Aussies looked at us like we were criminals. They were uneasy and made an effort to show their high level of disdain for us.

We did the hunt, got dropped off at the terminal for the trip home. We go to check in the guns, they ask us for our "export permits". Not one of us had a single clue as to what that was. It was late at night and their equivalent to CBP helped us fill the forms out.

Point being, look what has happen to a once , independent, proud firearm culture. They have completely given up.

Picture of said Buffalo.



Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2018
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Hey Regor,

I did a Buffalo hunt in Australia in 2012 IIRC. It was a classic, English Double Rifle hunt. The amount of paperwork to get gun permits was prohibitive. But, I wanted to go and use my own rifles, so I completed it.

One document was for my local police department to fill out. It essentially said I was a good guy and a solid citizen. I walked into the Peoria sub-station up by my home. The officers all looked at me like I was crazy. None of them wanted to sign it. They said what happens if you go shoot the place up?

Anyway, one of them signed it and sent me on my way.

Once we got to Sydney, we had to transit to another domestic flight to Darwin. As we stood in line (at a separate terminal) the Aussies looked at us like we were criminals. They were uneasy and made an effort to show their high level of disdain for us.

We did the hunt, got dropped off at the terminal for the trip home. We go to check in the guns, they ask us for our "export permits". Not one of us had a single clue as to what that was. It was late at night and their equivalent to CBP helped us fill the forms out.

Point being, look what has happen to a once , independent, proud firearm culture. They have completely given up.

Picture of said Buffalo.

View attachment 1033701
Side bar question: What caliber of cannon do you use to take down something the size of a Volkswagen? :oops:
Never hunted anything that big, and don't see it happening in the near future, but still curious.

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
Reaction score
Side bar question: What caliber of cannon do you use to take down something the size of a Volkswagen? :oops:
Never hunted anything that big, and don't see it happening in the near future, but still curious.

That particular Double is a .500 Nitro Express 3”. It shoots a 570gr .510 bullet at around 2250 FPS.
It was made by La Armeria de Madrid in Spain. It’s my favorite DG rifle.


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2018
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That particular Double is a .500 Nitro Express 3”. It shoots a 570gr .510 bullet at around 2250 FPS.
It was made by La Armeria de Madrid in Spain. It’s my favorite DG rifle.
That's the type of rifle, I'm sure, some have just sitting on display...never used to their potential. Artwork and utility...
You have good taste sir!


The Great Southern land
Dec 19, 2007
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These mother fuckers will boil in oil. No doubt you have seen the major protests in Sydney and other states in the press /TV. All this shit started in Victoria (Labor state, Note, Labor is the same as Democrat) and has spread to other states and l can assure you these fuckers will pay the price at the next election.

Brother regor, generally we are an easy going people, but this shit is getting out of control. πŸ‘Ž πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡­πŸ‡²
Again, watch Alan Jones on Sky news because he has their number.:mad:πŸ’ͺ


The Great Southern land
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Hey Regor,

I did a Buffalo hunt in Australia in 2012 IIRC. It was a classic, English Double Rifle hunt. The amount of paperwork to get gun permits was prohibitive. But, I wanted to go and use my own rifles, so I completed it.

One document was for my local police department to fill out. It essentially said I was a good guy and a solid citizen. I walked into the Peoria sub-station up by my home. The officers all looked at me like I was crazy. None of them wanted to sign it. They said what happens if you go shoot the place up?

Anyway, one of them signed it and sent me on my way.

Once we got to Sydney, we had to transit to another domestic flight to Darwin. As we stood in line (at a separate terminal) the Aussies looked at us like we were criminals. They were uneasy and made an effort to show their high level of disdain for us.

We did the hunt, got dropped off at the terminal for the trip home. We go to check in the guns, they ask us for our "export permits". Not one of us had a single clue as to what that was. It was late at night and their equivalent to CBP helped us fill the forms out.

Point being, look what has happen to a once , independent, proud firearm culture. They have completely given up.

Picture of said Buffalo.

View attachment 1033701
I agree to some point that there is a lot of "soft cocks" walking around and the same can be said of the US. BUT, let me say this the righteous ones will raise to the top and kick these faggots to the curb. Not politically correct, well l don't give a shit.πŸ’ͺπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡­πŸ‡²


Jul 27, 2012
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More guns in this nation than people. Heavy horsepower guns. Let’s pray that there is no reason to use them. These TYRANTS need to stop this bullshit. Now. Time for peace.


Rest Easy Retired Boat Mechanic 😒🚀
Jan 28, 2011
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How many people died in a car accident or had a heart attack, died of cancer that day??????????????????????????????????????????


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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They’re protesting out there big time. Funny how our media here doesn’t show it. Control and tame the sheep... don’t give them any ideas that other countries want freedom more than we do. Same is happening in Italy, France, etc.


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2018
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And that's exactly why the media goes first.
Heard stories of the Panama invasion. Supposedly soldiers in the bush days ahead of the operation, setup near broadcast facilities. At zero hour, take out all forms of mass communication. Where our media propagates the lies, those citizens were put in the dark.


The Great Southern land
Dec 19, 2007
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Further to that, the whole of NSW is now totally locked down. A citizen cannot travel no more then 5 kilometers from their home 24 x 7 (other then people of essential services, staff at approved warehouses or food outlets) . :mad:

Heavy fines in place right across the spectrum, up to $5,000 in some cases. Yet no politician has lost any money or privilege's while the average Joe with a family on Struggle St do it tuff.πŸ‘Ž:mad:

I was down at the local Supermarket the other day and the amount of old people (80 plus) that are spitting fire against the whole scene is amazing. Old Grannies and pops that are saying "fuck this government" vote the fuckers out" is eye opening.:eek:;)

I will say this Brothers this Delta shit is headed your way and by the size of your population it will run rife through your communities. This mask shit is also bullshit, all activities outside now has to have a mask on "INCLUDING MOWING THE FUCKING LAWN".πŸ‘Ž:mad:

Mark my words China (to be fair its not the average citizen but their CCP GOVENMENT) is loving this shit its given the world and next when nobody is watching they will pounce on Taiwan.o_O
All they'll get in retaliation is some harsh words by the Globalist's of this world. :mad:

One good thing though, is at least we're coming out of winter and the days are warming up. πŸ‘ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡­πŸ‡²πŸ‘Œ


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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Further to that, the whole of NSW is now totally locked down. A citizen cannot travel no more then 5 kilometers from their home 24 x 7 (other then people of essential services, staff at approved warehouses or food outlets) . :mad:

Heavy fines in place right across the spectrum, up to $5,000 in some cases. Yet no politician has lost any money or privilege's while the average Joe with a family on Struggle St do it tuff.πŸ‘Ž:mad:

I was down at the local Supermarket the other day and the amount of old people (80 plus) that are spitting fire against the whole scene is amazing. Old Grannies and pops that are saying "fuck this government" vote the fuckers out" is eye opening.:eek:;)

I will say this Brothers this Delta shit is headed your way and by the size of your population it will run rife through your communities. This mask shit is also bullshit, all activities outside now has to have a mask on "INCLUDING MOWING THE FUCKING LAWN".πŸ‘Ž:mad:

Mark my words China (to be fair its not the average citizen but their CCP GOVENMENT) is loving this shit its given the world and next when nobody is watching they will pounce on Taiwan.o_O
All they'll get in retaliation is some harsh words by the Globalist's of this world. :mad:

One good thing though, is at least we're coming out of winter and the days are warming up. πŸ‘ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡­πŸ‡²πŸ‘Œ

Unreal, unfreakingreal.

Hang tough mate.