Uncomfortable situation??


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2018
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Life’s been crazy the last few weeks with grandmas health. She’s all good now, but it had me stressed out. I decided to go to hobby lobby for Christmas. Yes, it’s too early, but I needed a boost of happiness.

Grabbed some things to decorate and got in line. A few moments later a guy in full camouflage, with a painted face stands behind me. His pockets are full, he has a cd Walkman, and something slung over his back.with a blanket over it. Well, my senses started to go into overdrive and I felt uncomfortable. I started to think two things, this guy is either different or I need to figure out how to get out of this line. I decide to stand sideways at my cart as I don’t have anywhere to go. My only thought is to potentially slam this cart into the guy… well then he makes small talk with people and I decide he is harmless. I even texted Robert during this that I wasn’t sure what to do…

I overreacted to a harmless guy that turned out to be nice. Robert thought I should I have left the line immediately instead of waiting.
Anyone ever had an uncomfortable situation like this? I took a picture of him walking out from the back.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
I don't live in an urban environment.. but if I was visiting I would have left the line and the store, or at a medium found a place to duck and shoot back from.

There's enough whackos out there trying to do stupid shit in public places that I don't need to be a part of it.

Way before the brink of civil war.. I had a house in Irvine and we had a lot of parties at same house for hotboat and rrl way before rdp.. The guy that used to haul the kegs out of the grocery store in Irvine and put them in the back of my car snapped and brought a samurai sword to work one day and hacked a few people up in the store. :oops: I always had a gun in the car but never on me back then.. Could have just as easily been me that day. Thankfully our keg was still full that week.



To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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Growing up we were always told what was "scary" or "loser" types. Tattoos, scars, long hair, shaved heads...not the people of Mayberry.

I try to go by manurisms, and body language. Even that can be tough, as someone on drugs, can act a lot like someone "on the spectrum", or with social anxiety. I find the older I get, it's the opposite of what people say. I find I judge people less. I'm at an odd place and time in my life though...hell, I'm just kind of odd.

I general though, I've learned things aren't always what they seem.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2008
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I used to work for an armored car company. I would carry large bags of money in and out of retail stores daily.

Always watch their hands. If they are doing weird things or reaching/holding weird things/ways. Find another location.

Always be aware, follow your instincts.

The guy in your photo looks like a lot of the homeless population in my area. They probably got the clothes free or cheap.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
Growing up we were always told what was "scary" or "loser" types. Tattoos, scars, long hair, shaved heads...not the people of Mayberry.

I try to go by manurisms, and body language. Even that can be tough, as someone on drugs, can act a lot like someone "on the spectrum", or with social anxiety. I find the older I get, it's the opposite of what people say. I find I judge people less. I'm at an odd place and time in my life though...hell, I'm just kind of odd.

I general though, I've learned things aren't always what they seem.

A LEO put on here one time that you can actually “smell” evil.. I extrapolated from that.. we all know sure as shit you can feel it.. or sense it..

A few years back I took the kids to Burger King.. I hold the door open for the kids and there is a guy a few steps behind them.. I held the door open for him. As he approached I was looking at him and something felt very “off.”

I got a good look in his eyes.. Now ya gotta bare in mind I have friends of all walks of life. I know enforcers and gangsters.. it is what it is.. fish eye whatever ya want to call it I’m familiar with it..

His eyes something very fucking off.. when he went by I caught a wiff of what I can only describe as “evil.”

For a half a second I thought we should probably leave now.. the .380 in my pocket said “I want a whopper.” There was no incident that day.. but I guarantee you that guy either had someone tied up in the trunk or just finished burying some girl in the desert.. you literally can sense it, and if it’s bad enough smell it.

That guy was satan himself is there is one if not his kid..

Only time in my life where the sense of smell had all the spidey senses going off to the point of this person is dangerous..

Honestly he was smaller than me.. in a straight up fight id give it even odds at best if not the lean to me. I was armed and ready to go and for some reason it still made me nervous.. evil is evil..

If you get the sense move on.. unless you can win by overwhelming force in .05 seconds



To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
Reaction score
A LEO put on here one time that you can actually “smell” evil.. I extrapolated from that.. we all know sure as shit you can feel it.. or sense it..

A few years back I took the kids to Burger King.. I hold the door open for the kids and there is a guy a few steps behind them.. I held the door open for him. As he approached I was looking at him and something felt very “off.”

I got a good look in his eyes.. Now ya gotta bare in mind I have friends of all walks of life. I know enforcers and gangsters.. it is what it is.. fish eye whatever ya want to call it I’m familiar with it..

His eyes something very fucking off.. when he went by I caught a wiff of what I can only describe as “evil.”

For a half a second I thought we should probably leave now.. the .380 in my pocket said “I want a whopper.” There was no incident that day.. but I guarantee you that guy either had someone tied up in the trunk or just finished burying some girl in the desert.. you literally can sense it, and if it’s bad enough smell it.

That guy was satan himself is there is one if not his kid..

Only time in my life where the sense of smell had all the spidey senses going off to the point of this person is dangerous..

Honestly he was smaller than me.. in a straight up fight id give it even odds at best if not the lean to me. I was armed and ready to go and for some reason it still made me nervous.. evil is evil..

If you get the sense move on.. unless you can win by overwhelming force in .05 seconds

It's also way different when family is with you I think. I posted a couple weeks ago, first time I'd reached for steel in a long time. Turned out to be a high school kid joking around with friends, ski mask pulled down, in Phoenix (New River area) A true "holy shit" moment.

There are some evil people in the world. Either by drugs or by nature. One of the reasons I live out where I do. I have enough of my own demons, no sense in living amongst others. Wouldn't end well for anyone.

Orange Juice

Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2017
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Life’s been crazy the last few weeks with grandmas health. She’s all good now, but it had me stressed out. I decided to go to hobby lobby for Christmas. Yes, it’s too early, but I needed a boost of happiness.

Grabbed some things to decorate and got in line. A few moments later a guy in full camouflage, with a painted face stands behind me. His pockets are full, he has a cd Walkman, and something slung over his back.with a blanket over it. Well, my senses started to go into overdrive and I felt uncomfortable. I started to think two things, this guy is either different or I need to figure out how to get out of this line. I decide to stand sideways at my cart as I don’t have anywhere to go. My only thought is to potentially slam this cart into the guy… well then he makes small talk with people and I decide he is harmless. I even texted Robert during this that I wasn’t sure what to do…

I overreacted to a harmless guy that turned out to be nice. Robert thought I should I have left the line immediately instead of waiting.
Anyone ever had an uncomfortable situation like this? I took a picture of him walking out from the back. View attachment 1446671
Paintball. Some take it serious. Google “paint ball clothing”

I remember going to high school late 70’s, in early morning September, after dove hunting. I dress about the same way, with shotgun in the trunk of my 1970 ss camaro.

Any kid who grew up rural knows it’s hunting season.
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Lower level functionary
Jan 1, 2008
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I’ve had a couple of , if you want to call it “spider sense or guardian “ events. Once in line to get in an event I had this overwhelming feeling about a guy behind me. As said, I felt he had someone tied up in his trunk, just killed, or was about to , or raped someone. I told the wife but I never felt threatened. Just a “ I know what you did vibe.”
Another time was this force holding me back from going in to a place. Was walking and just felt like I was pushing against a bad feeling. Turned around and left. Noting happened and i didn’t dodge anything, just a bad energy.
Like those people that refuse to board a plane then it crashes.
Also have warned my kids about friends.
“ that guys bad news, stay away from him.” My evaluation has always been correct.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2023
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Its called situational awareness and if you don’t have it you should only go out into public with someone that does.

There are many ways to minimize your vulnerabilities to prevent yourself from becoming a victim, everyone should purposefully learn some.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
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I don't live in an urban environment.. but if I was visiting I would have left the line and the store, or at a medium found a place to duck and shoot back from.

There's enough whackos out there trying to do stupid shit in public places that I don't need to be a part of it.

Way before the brink of civil war.. I had a house in Irvine and we had a lot of parties at same house for hotboat and rrl way before rdp.. The guy that used to haul the kegs out of the grocery store in Irvine and put them in the back of my car snapped and brought a samurai sword to work one day and hacked a few people up in the store. :oops: I always had a gun in the car but never on me back then.. Could have just as easily been me that day. Thankfully our keg was still full that week.


Havasu isn't an urban environment?



Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
Reaction score
Life’s been crazy the last few weeks with grandmas health. She’s all good now, but it had me stressed out. I decided to go to hobby lobby for Christmas. Yes, it’s too early, but I needed a boost of happiness.

Grabbed some things to decorate and got in line. A few moments later a guy in full camouflage, with a painted face stands behind me. His pockets are full, he has a cd Walkman, and something slung over his back.with a blanket over it. Well, my senses started to go into overdrive and I felt uncomfortable. I started to think two things, this guy is either different or I need to figure out how to get out of this line. I decide to stand sideways at my cart as I don’t have anywhere to go. My only thought is to potentially slam this cart into the guy… well then he makes small talk with people and I decide he is harmless. I even texted Robert during this that I wasn’t sure what to do…

I overreacted to a harmless guy that turned out to be nice. Robert thought I should I have left the line immediately instead of waiting.
Anyone ever had an uncomfortable situation like this? I took a picture of him walking out from the back. View attachment 1446671

He's just your typical RDP'r, waiting for the upcoming civil war...always prepared just incase....lol


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2010
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There was one of many instances that stick out in my head, more than any other. I was a teenager, and was traveling with my Step-dad, Mom and little brother from Phoenix to Anchorage. My Stepdad was a USAF pilot, flew F-15's, was also ex-leo, and he had gotten stationed in Anchorage. So we were making the long drive , yes we drove it, 3600 miles. If you have never driven the Yukon highway in march, don't, it will scare the shit out of you. It was not the best decision on their part. Anyway, we were eating breakfast at a Denny's close to the Canadian border, don't remember the town. Place was busy, and a guy comes in the front door, not the most well kept almost homeless looking. He was pacing the restaurant and caught my attention. I was watching him for a few minutes and alerted my stepdad and mom, they brushed it off. All I could think about was I need to get out of here, like it was almost making me panic, that's how the guy was acting. Seemed like forever went by, but probably was only a couple minutes, he walked out the front door and immediately was rushed by LE and I clearly saw a gun to his head as soon as he exited. Looked at my stepdad like really?? You are the one person who I thought would take notice of a strange situation. From then on, I will never sit with my back to a door and always look for the emergency exits when in a public place.

Never found out what the guys deal was, was way back before the internet. But I remember his face to this day.
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Big B Hova

Nov 7, 2014
Reaction score
I don't live in an urban environment.. but if I was visiting I would have left the line and the store, or at a medium found a place to duck and shoot back from.

There's enough whackos out there trying to do stupid shit in public places that I don't need to be a part of it.

Way before the brink of civil war.. I had a house in Irvine and we had a lot of parties at same house for hotboat and rrl way before rdp.. The guy that used to haul the kegs out of the grocery store in Irvine and put them in the back of my car snapped and brought a samurai sword to work one day and hacked a few people up in the store. :oops: I always had a gun in the car but never on me back then.. Could have just as easily been me that day. Thankfully our keg was still full that week.

Beer saves the day again!

Aces & Eights

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2022
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Always pay attention to your surroundings and always trust your instincts. If you’re wrong and nothing happens that’s great. But know that something is always gonna happen somewhere, better to be ready for it than to get blindsided.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
A LEO put on here one time that you can actually “smell” evil.. I extrapolated from that.. we all know sure as shit you can feel it.. or sense it..

A few years back I took the kids to Burger King.. I hold the door open for the kids and there is a guy a few steps behind them.. I held the door open for him. As he approached I was looking at him and something felt very “off.”

I got a good look in his eyes.. Now ya gotta bare in mind I have friends of all walks of life. I know enforcers and gangsters.. it is what it is.. fish eye whatever ya want to call it I’m familiar with it..

His eyes something very fucking off.. when he went by I caught a wiff of what I can only describe as “evil.”

For a half a second I thought we should probably leave now.. the .380 in my pocket said “I want a whopper.” There was no incident that day.. but I guarantee you that guy either had someone tied up in the trunk or just finished burying some girl in the desert.. you literally can sense it, and if it’s bad enough smell it.

That guy was satan himself is there is one if not his kid..

Only time in my life where the sense of smell had all the spidey senses going off to the point of this person is dangerous..

Honestly he was smaller than me.. in a straight up fight id give it even odds at best if not the lean to me. I was armed and ready to go and for some reason it still made me nervous.. evil is evil..

If you get the sense move on.. unless you can win by overwhelming force in .05 seconds




Well-Known Member
May 30, 2017
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I carry same .380 as RD and its in my pocket everyday and everywhere with my head on a swivel. I am always paying attention to how others are behaving. Only time I felt uncomfortable was at Vegas Airport, obviously unarmed and a wanna be rapper was high as a kite looking for a fight and looking for the biggest white guy there was and that is normally me. Luckily airport security took him down before I had to engage.


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2018
Reaction score
Paintball. Some take it serious. Google “paint ball clothing”
View attachment 1446678
I remember going to high school late 70’s, in early morning September, after dove hunting. I dress about the same way, with shotgun in the trunk of my 1970 ss camaro.

Any kid who grew up rural knows it’s hunting season.
Once I read your post, his outfit and face paint made sense. He had knee pads as well.

The headphones on made me think he was on the spectrum so I was going back and forth in my head so I chose to not have my back turned on him.

I was on edge since I could tell he had something hanging around his back with a blanket over it, but I couldn’t see and that a lot of his pockets were pretty full.