Cholesterol / Calcium Score


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
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So I have (according to the gov) high cholesterol. Not really that bad. Goes between 220 and 240. When I got out of the Navy at 22 they said I had high cholesterol. They didn't tell me the number, but I let it slide and didn't worry about it. When Obummer care started they have you get a yearly check up. My Dr was bugging me about my cholesterol and I told him it always is between 220-240. He said that must be your number and don't worry about it. His PA did try to push Statins on me a few years ago when Dr was on vacation and I told her to have the Dr call me when he returned. He never did.

Then he retired.

So now the new doc is bugging me to go on statins and I keep saying no. She says well then you need to change your diet. I eat pretty healthy, mainly fresh fruit, veggies and lean meats. Very little processed food, rarely have soda and drink socially. She says you need to get a calcium score done.

Here is the point of this thread. My insurance doesn't cover the test. It is only $99 here, so not a big deal. It is a CT scan of your heart to see how much plaque there is. So I went and the best score you can get is zero. Well that is what my score was, so at 57 and "bad" cholesterol for 35 ish years I have no plaque and a very low risk of heart disease.

So my question is why? Why doesn't insurance cover this test? Seams pretty simple way to determine if you need drugs. Would be cheaper for the insurance company over the long run. Is it just Dr's and big pharma pushing pills?

I told my wife I am going to get a scan every 2 years and not worry about the cholesterol number. She went and had her scan and it was zero also. After talking with friends about this some have some pretty high scores. One had 450 and one had 1200 and needed some stents.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
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So I have (according to the gov) high cholesterol. Not really that bad. Goes between 220 and 240. When I got out of the Navy at 22 they said I had high cholesterol. They didn't tell me the number, but I let it slide and didn't worry about it. When Obummer care started they have you get a yearly check up. My Dr was bugging me about my cholesterol and I told him it always is between 220-240. He said that must be your number and don't worry about it. His PA did try to push Statins on me a few years ago when Dr was on vacation and I told her to have the Dr call me when he returned. He never did.

Then he retired.

So now the new doc is bugging me to go on statins and I keep saying no. She says well then you need to change your diet. I eat pretty healthy, mainly fresh fruit, veggies and lean meats. Very little processed food, rarely have soda and drink socially. She says you need to get a calcium score done.

Here is the point of this thread. My insurance doesn't cover the test. It is only $99 here, so not a big deal. It is a CT scan of your heart to see how much plaque there is. So I went and the best score you can get is zero. Well that is what my score was, so at 57 and "bad" cholesterol for 35 ish years I have no plaque and a very low risk of heart disease.

So my question is why? Why doesn't insurance cover this test? Seams pretty simple way to determine if you need drugs. Would be cheaper for the insurance company over the long run. Is it just Dr's and big pharma pushing pills?

I told my wife I am going to get a scan every 2 years and not worry about the cholesterol number. She went and had her scan and it was zero also. After talking with friends about this some have some pretty high scores. One had 450 and one had 1200 and needed some stents.
In answer to your questions….When I was in the ophthalmic business, I was involved with Vision Service Plan contract labs. VSP made then, and still does, money on every product sold. I’m sure the rest of the healthcare industry is the same, and is giving a cut to the insurers. Also, does your insurance company own a mail-order pharmacy? Definitely a case of the fox guarding the hen house.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2012
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54 and I've had the scan twice, score of zero. "Bad" cholesterol same score as yours, $99 cash price also. Do a deep dive on statins and cholesterol . It appears that shockingly big pharma and big food duped us again , but everyone needs to figure it out for themselves. Cliff notes would be your body needs the cholesterol, and that sugar, bread, and processed foods will clog you up, not a ribeye, eggs, bacon or any healthy fats. Getting cholesterol down to ridiculously low #'s is having all sorts of effects including contributing to dementia. I guess we have the poster child for better living thru chemistry in the oval office right now :(

Tarpon Guy

Jan 12, 2024
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I also had cholesterol of 220. I was put on statins 2 years ago and developed such severe leg /muscle problems that I will never ever take them again. And I had tried 3 different ones. It took almost a year to get better. Just walking my dog, I had to stop several times because my legs were killing me. I know a lot of people that have had the same problem. This book is a real eye opener: "A Statin Free Life" by Dr. Aseem Malhotra, cardiologist. He's often on TV news shows. I had a Calcium score of 55 which is very low and ulrasound of my heart which was clear so they can keep the statins!


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
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In answer to your questions….When I was in the ophthalmic business, I was involved with Vision Service Plan contract labs. VSP made then, and still does, money on every product sold. I’m sure the rest of the healthcare industry is the same, and is giving a cut to the insurers. Also, does your insurance company own a mail-order pharmacy? Definitely a case of the fox guarding the hen house.

I don't think they do but don't know.
54 and I've had the scan twice, score of zero. "Bad" cholesterol same score as yours, $99 cash price also. Do a deep dive on statins and cholesterol . It appears that shockingly big pharma and big food duped us again , but everyone needs to figure it out for themselves. Cliff notes would be your body needs the cholesterol, and that sugar, bread, and processed foods will clog you up, not a ribeye, eggs, bacon or any healthy fats. Getting cholesterol down to ridiculously low #'s is having all sorts of effects including contributing to dementia. I guess we have the poster child for better living thru chemistry in the oval office right now :(

I have long thought that big pharma and big agriculture are working together to make us eat shittier and then need more drugs. I do take a Blood pressure med and I take Prilosec as I have Barrett's esophagus, but those are the only meds I take.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2011
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Big fan of the CT scan here. No reason why people should suffer heart related illness from clogged arteries when this low cost scan is available. If you have a blockage, treatments are available before the plane hits the side of the mountain.

And, of course, we all know the easiest way to a healthier life is just lose the dam weight. So tough, so many temptations😳


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2008
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I also had cholesterol of 220. I was put on statins 2 years ago and developed such severe leg /muscle problems that I will never ever take them again. And I had tried 3 different ones. It took almost a year to get better. Just walking my dog, I had to stop several times because my legs were killing me. I know a lot of people that have had the same problem. This book is a real eye opener: "A Statin Free Life" by Dr. Aseem Malhotra, cardiologist. He's often on TV news shows. I had a Calcium score of 55 which is very low and ulrasound of my heart which was clear so they can keep the statins!
Exactly this. Same problem walking my dog and it came from statins 10 years ago. Mine got better when I stopped but it's seems to be back again and permanent. Just my opinion but unless your cholesterol numbers are crazy high you should avoid statins.

Funny thing is that I can walk all day on trails at my archery club. The problem is walking on hard surfaces.


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2014
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The vitamin k2 is supposed to help with calcium plaques if anyone would rather take a vitamin than a drug.


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
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Why don’t they cover it? $$$ It’s bullshit.

I got heart and lung CT scans and full body MRIs for my wife and I late last year. Mid and late 30s. We got a deal on the CTs, I want to say $150 total. The full body MRIs were $5k. We’ve had several friends in their 30s getting cancer so it was worth the peace of mind. I hope it gets cheaper so everyone has a chance at catching stuff before it’s too late.



Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Another good read that has a contradictory take on cholesterol and food is the book "The Big Fat Surprise". The author does a good job laying out how we got from a high saturated fat diet and relatively low rates of heart disease to today's situation. Spoiler, it has a lot to do with questionable research and changes in eating habits brought on by war time food production in WWII.


Known Inmate #27012
Jul 12, 2020
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So many contradictory books, posts and medical advice on the topic of cholesterol.

Mine was off for some years and I take a statin. 10mg Lipitor.

I decided to listen to my Doc who is maybe 40 and at UCLA. During a physical a couple of years ago, I suggested that I drop the statin. He then pivots to his computer and brings up a program. He enters all of my physical attributes, age (64), ethnicity, etc. He then shows me that the odds of me having a major cardio event in the next 10 years while on the statin is 9.31%. It was almost double that without. As such, I elected to continue with it.

I initially had some muscle cramping when I started the statin but, it went completely away when I added a 400mg over the counter Co Q 10 supplement to my daily regimen. I now get physicals and full labs twice a year.

Although not stellar, my stats aren’t bad.



Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2016
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I would not do a statin. Not good for you, no science to support it. Statin studies show a maybe 4 day increase in life expectancy but with bad side effects.

Go to youtube and research statins and cholesterol.

This is related to another thread. Read my comments on page 3. --- https://www.riverdavesplace.com/forums/threads/apparently-74-of-americans-are….287634/page-3

For vascular health research natokinase and nitric oxide. Another thing i have come across is iodine.

Vitamin k2 taken with d3 is needed for vascular health. K2 tell your body what to do with calcium. That is not to put it in the soft tissue or arteries. It directs the calcium to bones and joints. I take dr bergs d3 k2. 10000 iu
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Known Inmate #27012
Jul 12, 2020
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Like, I said, so many contradictory opinions on the matter. Really comes down to what you feel is right for yourself..



Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2012
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So many contradictory books, posts and medical advice on the topic of cholesterol.

Mine was off for some years and I take a statin. 10mg Lipitor.

I decided to listen to my Doc who is maybe 40 and at UCLA. During a physical a couple of years ago, I suggested that I drop the statin. He then pivots to his computer and brings up a program. He enters all of my physical attributes, age (64), ethnicity, etc. He then shows me that the odds of me having a major cardio event in the next 10 years while on the statin is 9.31%. It was almost double that without. As such, I elected to continue with it.

I initially had some muscle cramping when I started the statin but, it went completely away when I added a 400mg over the counter Co Q 10 supplement to my daily regimen. I now get physicals and full labs twice a year.

Although not stellar, my stats aren’t bad.

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My doc is a good buddy and turned me onto the scan about 8 years ago. If you haven't had it, it may mean a lot more than these #'s. My Dad never had the scan, had his formerly high cholesterol super low for years, was in great shape, and could wear out the treadmill on those type of tests. He was even making his own oatmeal and shit like that. Died mtn biking from heart attack that would have been visible to see it coming on the scan for sure. Cheerios being advertised with that big Heart on it as heart healthy is probably the biggest crock of shit you see on a daily basis. A bunless burger patty with bacon on it from Wendy's is healthier for you than cheerios as long as the rest of your diet doesn't include soda , seed oils, bread other than some masa or real sourdough in small amounts , and a lot of other stuff we have grown up eating. I guess a safe hedge if you want to take statins would be to take them in conjunction with an elimination diet of all of the known bad stuff, but to each their own. Wifey and I started taking the nattokinase a few months ago as well with no side effects. Docs can actually get in trouble if they don't at least attempt to prescribe statins at fairly low cholesterol levels . Check out the original research ( French from way back in the day I think ) on Cholesterol that all that big pharma stuff is based on. It's suspect at best .