… Prayers Really Needed…

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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….Some of you may remember my old girlfriend who had gone through her second brain surgery about a year and a half ago… And there was a tremendous amount of positive energy and Medical direction given from the forum members…

… Well … This is, what’s going on now… she had to have her third brain surgery... I think about three or four weeks ago… a non-cancerous brain tumor,… I thought things were going well… as she was up and into the market with her sister seven or eight days later… She is a real trooper… Both sisters are…

… I tried to get a thumbs up or a thumbs down from her I think Saturday… I got nothing… Which that in itself scares me…
… I have been in contact some with her younger sister… Yeah, I know the cowgirl Porsche, Cayenne girl that I’ve been chasing around the block for nine years🤷🏽‍♀️… yeah, I guess I am a POS🤷🏽‍♀️

…So please RDP peeps …prayers for Helen… if you knew her you would love, her… she will be 76 years old in a couple of weeks… this is her picture from I think 3 1/2 years ago… this is also taking a toll on her sister Karen…so🙏🏻🙏🏻… for both of them…. Thank you…Thank you…


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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Sorry to hear she's not doing well. As you know, healing up and recovery is very rarely a straight path. There are ups and downs. Prayers and positive thoughts, different names but same concepts and ideas. Prayers for the whole group, because no one fights this stuff alone.

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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Sorry to hear she's not doing well. As you know, healing up and recovery is very rarely a straight path. There are ups and downs. Prayers and positive thoughts, different names but same concepts and ideas. Prayers for the whole group, because no one fights this stuff alone.
… Aww… thanks man… your thoughts and words are always so poignant…(poy-ni-ent)👍… obviously I do not know how to spell that word🤷🏽‍♀️
My girlfriend from 60 years ago???…now that is a pretty hard concept to fathom… many of us didn’t even think we were going to live to be 60🤷🏽‍♀️
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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2011
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Good vibes and prayers sent from Phx.


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2010
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Prayers sent, so nice to know people like her in our old age. One by one our friends pass on, always so sad.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2007
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Positive vibes for your friend, I hope she is doing good. Hang in there Helen 👍🙏


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2007
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Prayers, seems to be a lot of this going on, we just went through this with a 45 year long friend...Prayers again.


All in...
Sep 24, 2007
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Sending Love, Light, and Healing energy to Helen. Something a holistic healer friend of mine says often. I believe it helps.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2013
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I hope she makes a turn for the better !

sending vibes, thoughts and prayers their way

Long Way Home

Dog Days of Summer!
Jan 8, 2008
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Thank you for the friends I have and I'm grateful to be alive today, I will not ask for anything for myself. I just want to pray for my friend who is sick. May Your comfort be upon my friend's sick bed. May You ease my friend's suffering. Lord

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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Thank you for the friends I have and I'm grateful to be alive today, I will not ask for anything for myself. I just want to pray for my friend who is sick. May Your comfort be upon my friend's sick bed. May You ease my friend's suffering. Lord
…Awww…that is beautiful… when I say a prayer for Helen… I absolutely do not include myself…, but I have been including her sister, Karen…who I think her only relief from the situation is when she goes up to Shadow Hills and mucks her horses stall???…


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2013
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Sending positive and healing thoughts to Helen ...

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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… Honestly…A ton of thanks to everyone… I really do not know much about prayer… but all of a sudden Helen has become a bit responsive… first, I checked with her sister to see if Helen was well enough to be able to go at the old high school get together at a restaurant tomorrow… it boiled down to why don’t you ask Helen… so I sent Helen a text… and reminded her of the 11:30 AM get together… she texted back, saying how long do you think everybody will be there… As she has an 11 AM doctors appointment… And I guessed at least till 2 or 3 PM… she then asked, will it just be people hanging out in the parking lot or is there a reserved section of the restaurant?… I couldn’t get a specific answer for her… But I did tell her that last time there was one of these get together‘s yes, there was a reserved section…. She said… Sounds like fun….
… so did the restaurant get together get her out of her very dark place… or does prayer really work???..: I have no idea???… again thank you very much to everyone…💕🙏🏻

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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Prayers sent and stay positive.
… I am doing my utmost to stay positive…but It’s a tough battle…

…Helen is a girl who last year when I thought I was on deaths bed… sat by my side for hours… we needn’t have said a word, except hi… we were just at one with each other… there is no other like her💕

I suppose a lot might depend on what her neurosurgeon has to say to her at her 11 o’clock appointment today🤷🏽‍♀️🙏🏻


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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… I am doing my utmost to stay positive…but It’s a tough battle…

…Helen is a girl who last year when I thought I was on deaths bed… sat by my side for hours… we needn’t have said a word, except hi… we were just at one with each other… there is no other like her💕

I suppose a lot might depend on what her neurosurgeon has to say to her at her 11 o’clock appointment today🤷🏽‍♀️🙏🏻
All we as people can do is hope for the best for our friends and loved ones. I am of the opinion that we kind of sway the outcome, with our thoughts, prayers and actions. When it really comes to the outcome though, we don't have the final say.

There have been studies done that they have no answers for. "Positive thoughts" or prayer, coming from numbers of people seemingly having effect on things. "Group think" gets a bad wrap due to politics or ill will by large groups. What if a "prayer" from someone hits the airwaves with "positive thoughts" from another? They aren't opposing forces, they are really the same transmission on a slightly different frequency. Enough thoughts or voices, asking for the same, may not hurt to try. Energy is energy, it just takes different forms.

I would also be wrong if I said the lunch meet-up couldn't play a role. Sometimes just the chance to do something "normal" can help you feel better. It takes your mind away from where you've been. If stuck, feeling ill or down, just getting to sit outside in the sun can change your whole view. The mental hardships and the physical ones are intertwined, help one, and it helps the other. Once again, energy.

I hope you and her can get to the lunch deal. Maybe make contact with some others that will be there, and try to get them to stay a bit longer. She'll be happy if it works out, and possibly very tired after.

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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All we as people can do is hope for the best for our friends and loved ones. I am of the opinion that we kind of sway the outcome, with our thoughts, prayers and actions. When it really comes to the outcome though, we don't have the final say.

There have been studies done that they have no answers for. "Positive thoughts" or prayer, coming from numbers of people seemingly having effect on things. "Group think" gets a bad wrap due to politics or ill will by large groups. What if a "prayer" from someone hits the airwaves with "positive thoughts" from another? They aren't opposing forces, they are really the same transmission on a slightly different frequency. Enough thoughts or voices, asking for the same, may not hurt to try. Energy is energy, it just takes different forms.

I would also be wrong if I said the lunch meet-up couldn't play a role. Sometimes just the chance to do something "normal" can help you feel better. It takes your mind away from where you've been. If stuck, feeling ill or down, just getting to sit outside in the sun can change your whole view. The mental hardships and the physical ones are intertwined, help one, and it helps the other. Once again, energy.

I hope you and her can get to the lunch deal. Maybe make contact with some others that will be there, and try to get them to stay a bit longer. She'll be happy if it works out, and possibly very tired after.
… yes on all of the above… Helen is a Pisces like yourself… And is sort of dialed into the energy… But she is not so much a really metaphysically oriented person like myself…

… I have asked Helen‘s sister to keep an eye on her to see if there are any big changes in her behavior… starting yesterday. …But I also stated that the changes could be from energy from her doctors visit today… The thought of maybe seeing old high school friends… Or the thousand people who have viewed her need prayers, thread???…

… Helens sister, Karen a trooper cowgirl is really fried from having to go through Helen’s second on the scene…brain surgery …and be the in the home supervisory person… she wasn’t around for Helen‘s first surgery 22 years ago or so???…

… this evening, I will be sending more flowers to Helen… The first batch of roses landed on her the day after she got out of the hospital… And it absolutely brightened her for quite a few days… I didn’t see photos of anybody else sending her roses…hmmm???… and she was a very very popular girl???… but then again, so many of our mutual friends have passed on or are in poor health themselves???…

… I am now waiting on NEIGHBOR GIRL to get back from the bank… She and her boyfriend had to make a bank run… then we will be heading over to the restaurant…

… I really don’t think I’m going to be in the mood for pregnant NEIGHBOR GIRL and myself…to pull off the how did she get pregnant prank… on my high school friends…A couple of them are 80 years old… retired LAFD… Retired LAPD… Retired diesel mechanics, and so forth and so on…🤷🏽‍♀️
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Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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… well… Hi school gathering at Bob’s Big Boy in Toluca Lake went off as as the girls had planned it… was Helen able to show up after her doctors visit… well no…

.., I was kind of afraid to contact Helen so I connected with her sister… And her sister said Helen is fine… But this doctors visit was to… I think???…to her GP and I am guessing all she found out was everything functions as normal…

… so because of Helen’s love of all of our high school people… Helen started texting me… Asking me who was there…all that kind of stuff..: her sister had found some Facebook pictures that someone else had taken of most of the people that were there…

… her sister, who had indicated to me that she was not going to be taking her to this doctors visit… Is the one that first texted me saying Helen is fine… I was there… meaning she was at this doctors visit…???…

… in a pretty lengthy text Helen then said to me that she is scheduled to see her neurosurgeon and have an MRI…I think she said next week… that will be the telling Dr. Visit…

… I am still confused… and honestly I’m still scared… did all the prayers help Helen… Well,..as @monkeyswrench essentially posted… it is all energy, and in this case, it turned out to be very positive energy… from the prayers here…as well as the doctors visit and…the gathering of the high school people…

… I am fried… And NEIGHBOR GIRL…who went with me… had a really good time… she already knew four of the people… And met the rest…. And quite a few of them came up, and sincerely, thanked her for essentially saving my life last year…❤️

… I hope some of this made sense…IDK…

Some pics from today… Me on the left… Krystal✨ had taken my cane away from me for the photo op… I am standing next to my girlfriend Cheryl from 1967… Man, I blew it on that one… anyway, Cheryl‘s boyfriend Mac next to her… next guy on the right… Wayne… who for a very long time, ran the wind tunnel testing out in Lancaster for Lockheed Aircraft … He also taught pilots how to fly with whatever that simulator thing that Whiteworks has going on… so not everybody I went to high school with was a dummy… next to Wayne is his wife, Joanne… They have been married 58 years… Oh, my goodness???…

… Anyway back to Helen… I doubt that you’re reading this Helen but…”baby girl”…you know I still love you❤️ ❤️

… if anybody is wondering why they are a bit crazy tonight … Dahhh… it’s a full moon…😳

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Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2011
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Prayers and positive vibes sent to Helen and everyone involved in her life.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2010
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Just said a prayer for Helen. Wishing her a speedy healing.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2007
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Thanks for sharing Willie! Wishing the best for Helen :)

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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Just said a prayer for Helen. Wishing her a speedy healing.
… Thanks Mr. 29… I just remembered a story about Helen at CBS Studio Center… she was walking across the lot… Probably 1980ish… maybe towards transportation… Not sure… Robert Conrad, spotted her… Black Sheep Squadron etc…And grabbed her boobs… she told a bunch of us later that night… As we all gathered at her Sherman Oaks house… and we expected her to be either be hurt or livid… We knew him by reputation… I think she was just mainly startled by it… In retrospect, was she flattered… I really don’t know???… I may ask… depending on how her health goes…

… here is a pic the day after her last brain surgery… The previous surgery they had drilled a hole in her skull right above her left eyebrow… This last surgery I couldn’t figure out why there was a bandage below her nose… In speaking with one of the nurses… She said they now go in through your nasal passages to get to the tumor… I seriously do not know how she has tolerated all this… I would have cried mama mama …and time out…a long time ago😳🛎️🤷🏽‍♀️…. Big, thumbs up to trooper Helen👍

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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… Well Here we go again ….Helen My girlfriend from 1964… 60 years ago has just gone through her fourth brain surgery…. This time a hole was drilled in her skull just above her right eyebrow… The surgery was Thursday… I have been in constant contact with her sister…the Porsche Cayanne chick…And She told me today that they were sending Helen home this afternoon… Saturday…So This afternoon her son I guess picked her up… People have been saying, isn’t that a little bit soon for her to be released… But in this day and age it seems as though they get you out of the hospital as soon as they can???…
…So hopefully some of you fine people are able to send another prayer/kind thought out for Helens speedy recovery… She really is a great girl👍❤️❤️….


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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If she's strong enough they felt she could come home, that's a really good sign. Surgical science is like magic to most of us, and responsible for some of what us non-scientific folk can only call miracles.

When we're worried, the seconds seem like hours. When things are doing well, days, even years, fly by. Get some rest and get your bearings, as she'll be doing the same. Positive thoughts and prayers. They can help in the darkness...and they surely can't hurt.


What is right and what is wrong these days!
Jun 25, 2018
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Best to your friend and her family. As for release of hospital my wife was released the second day after her 9 hour brain surgery. They wanted to be sure that she was able to walk and use the restroom. I am confident that she was doing well. So sad to hear that she had the need for The 4th time. This is one of the biggest fears for my wife. We met a couple of other people that had multiple surgeries.


inadequate member
Oct 3, 2007
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Get better soon Helen. Prayers sent your way. 🙏 ❤️