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  • Barry, I need a possible engine rebuild. Please call or text me at 6262612696 when you have a chance.
    hi Barry need a motor built, how do I get in touch with you? thanks @obnoxious001
    Text me or leave me your number and let me know a good time to call you. I won't pick up the phone if I don't recognize the number.

    460 inch BBC build for my Nordic.

    Most of the advice I am getting is to ditch the 088 rectangle ports and my dart single plane intake, but I was reading your response where you built a similar motor with solid roller that produced good power. my concern is the 7/16 x 3/8 rocker studs with a solid roller cam. Any camshaft advice you could share? Bottom end is stout and I really don't see an issue turning 6000 rpm.
    Hello Barry: When you get a chance, I would like to discuss an engine build for my Spectra 20 V-drive with 400 trans. Please call at your convenience! Mark 760 709 6427-Needles, Ca
    Barry, i think my old Inmar 454 finally gave up. Would like to talk about rebuilding it. I'm live in Havasu and boat mainly at big river. Steve 928 733-0444
    Hey Barry, It's been a month. did you get any less busy?
    How’s it going? I have a 2004 Ultra 22 Foot Stealth jet boat. I’ve talked to a couple builders about a 496 or 540 with aluminum heads and lower compression so I can run pump gas. I’ve heard great thing about you on the forums so I’m really interested in what you would charge to build something in the 650 horsepower range. My name is Don I live in Corona CA and my number is (951) 258-1837.
    Getting quotes on a conversion of my 572(10.5 : 1) MFI crower engine to a blown motor with a blower shop 1471 unit which I have. I know pistons/rods will need to be changed and my heads redone(openned up). Would like to use my SCAT 4130 crank?.only thinking of 6-7 lbs. (Goal = 1000hp.) Lange built it?.6 easy hrs on it w/o problems. Am on a "divorce budget" now??trying to keep the costs reasonable. Was thinking hat/low profile/no intercooler for now. Hull is 21' GN (sistership to Teagues GN77)?.runs 89mph at 5400 with a 10 degree/32's and a Menkins 11.2 X 17.3 2 blade. Let me know what you think ?. thank you. Rob (805) 320-0123
    Barry, I did a post about looking into cost on a BBC for a possible flat bottom project. Any ideas on what I would be looking at on cost for a nice big block chevy, pretty simple for starters, just to get the boat on the water, and then crank it up later with more power.

    Thanks, Walt
    I am interested in your size 11 DC bindings. Where are you located, I would like to see if the fit.


    Hey Barry,
    It turns out i cant PM anyone untill i post another 5 bogs or some B.S. RD SUX!
    The boats running hard, needed to upgrade the charger to a 1471 and slow the charger down to about half the spin of the old 1071, the damn thing was spinnin 40% over, so next week ill be at there for the first time with the upgrade, hopefully it will run like a raped ass ape!.
    Shit, the tequila shots have been flowing like water at Chandler's, where have you been hidding? so thats been my new home and it an easy cruise accross the river to get home when i cant see straight.
    Get that damn eggbeeter of yours goin or get that vega sold and upgrade to a flatty - youve got enough parts layen around your garage to have 4 or 5 engines ready to race! next time your hitten the river send me a message hopefully I will be there drinken Chandler hootch, the Rush is ready to give you some skid marks, see you soon buddy!
    Barry, Tried to IM but couldn't. Short story: 468 bbc 8-71, Just blew it up 2nd time in 2 1/2 years. Bummer. Would you be interested in this build. Vince 310-991-7432
    thank again for taking the time out of your day to work on my boat engine. All the bugs are out and its runnin wickid fast! see you at the river the shots are on me buddy!
    been awhile, how are you. pretty pleased with that motor i put together for a guy with that 468 from river dad that needed crank and rods . lotta work
    I just realized I didn't leave any info or a number.

    David Hein
    I skied in Grassroots in Sept & the first March Weekend in Parker. I will also be at Puddingstone this weekend.
    Hi Barry,

    I cannot send private messages as im new to the forum.
    Yes i am related to Stephen Robertson he is my uncle. Thanks for keeping a look out for me. I would like to think i go good in the rough we train mostly offshore here in Sydney. I am hoping for a podium finish at Catalina. I know Int Men will be the toughest class this year by far.

    Thanks for your help.

    Got these Vogues from a boat shop in Boulder city last fall.. they are new w/ no holes. they were the last 4 they had. We lucked out.


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