Animals I tell ya'


Jul 12, 2012
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She kinda does look like Webb Hubbell.

😉 uploadfromtaptalk1465166199349.jpg

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
Reaction score
Stainless, does this help?

Why, IN THEE FUCK, doesn't the dishonest media show this shit to America? Wholesale corruption we are losing our country due to an act being perpetrated upon the American illiterate.

They go out of their way to show Trump say "Punch those guys in the face, I'll pay your legal bills." But this shit is left off the air. Complete dishonesty.


The Great Southern land
Dec 19, 2007
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Why, IN THEE FUCK, doesn't the dishonest media show this shit to America? Wholesale corruption we are losing our country due to an act being perpetrated upon the American illiterate.

They go out of their way to show Trump say "Punch those guys in the face, I'll pay your legal bills." But this shit is left off the air. Complete dishonesty.
If Trump had put this shit out, could you imagine, all hell would let loose. :thumbsdown


Jun 28, 2010
Reaction score
Stainless, does this help?

I'll try to present my opinion a different way and not piss everyone off again.
First of all, I know this shit is and has been going on for a long time, paid protestors.

If the other candidates both past and present are/where insulting minorities and women they would have violent protests at their rallies too. You simply can't deny that.

The two latest jabs this weekend by Trump, "my Afro American over there" and demanding the Federal Judge recuse himself are prime examples of it. Newt Gingrich is firmly denouncing it and said Trump better chill it. Bob Corker an ardent supporter refused to discuss it on "This Week" early this morning. This rhetoric is fueling the fire and will be the cause of Hillary being POTUS if Trump doesn't stop.

Apologies in advance if any of you are offended by this.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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I'll try to present my opinion a different way and not piss everyone off again.
First of all, I know this shit is and has been going on for a long time, paid protestors.

If the other candidates both past and present are/where insulting minorities and women they would have violent protests at their rallies too. You simply can't deny that.

The two latest jabs this weekend by Trump, "my Afro American over there" and demanding the Federal Judge recuse himself are prime examples of it. Newt Gingrich is firmly denouncing it and said Trump better chill it. Bob Corker an ardent supporter refused to discuss it on "This Week" early this morning. This rhetoric is fueling the fire and will be the cause of Hillary being POTUS if Trump doesn't stop.

Apologies in advance if any of you are offended by this.

I don't think anyone's pissed, more surprised than any thing else.

I'm appalled that Trump is the "choice" over COTUS but I also think he's more insurance for that whore than a viable candidate.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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No way, is that legit?

Off CL?

Don't know if CL ad is legit but it's been reported since the first Trump riot. Other riots too, Ferguson etc.

This shit is all organized and paid for.

What's the most appalling to me is the open and abject hatred for white people.

Did you read where the mayor and Chief of Police were being investigated for demanding LEO stand down and let the rioters run amuck?


The Masheenest
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
Don't know if CL ad is legit but it's been reported since the first Trump riot. Other riots too, Ferguson etc.

This shit is all organized and paid for.

What's the most appalling to me is the open and abject hatred for white people.

Where have you been? Since when isn't it cool to hate whites?

That shit has been going on since I was in High School, and that was quite some time ago.

It has been whiteys fault for some time.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2009
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I don't think anyone's pissed, more surprised than any thing else.

I'm appalled that Trump is the "choice" over COTUS but I also think he's more insurance for that whore than a viable candidate.

Who's pissed?
Stainless,if I gave that impression it's me that owes you an apology.
I may not completely agree with you,but by no means pissed.

PS,I tend to tell people to fuck off when I'm pissed.:D


Jun 28, 2010
Reaction score
Who's pissed?
Stainless,if I gave that impression it's me that owes you an apology.
I may not completely agree with you,but by no means pissed.

PS,I tend to tell people to fuck off when I'm pissed.:D

No, I got were cool, you almost made me cry with that post this morning. [emoji1]


Once Banned
Jul 22, 2010
Reaction score
I'll try to present my opinion a different way and not piss everyone off again.
First of all, I know this shit is and has been going on for a long time, paid protestors.

If the other candidates both past and present are/where insulting minorities and women they would have violent protests at their rallies too. You simply can't deny that.

The two latest jabs this weekend by Trump, "my Afro American over there" and demanding the Federal Judge recuse himself are prime examples of it. Newt Gingrich is firmly denouncing it and said Trump better chill it. Bob Corker an ardent supporter refused to discuss it on "This Week" early this morning. This rhetoric is fueling the fire and will be the cause of Hillary being POTUS if Trump doesn't stop.

Apologies in advance if any of you are offended by this.

Turns out, for example, that judge Curiel is a member of the lawyer?s advisory board to La Raza, a deeply ideological leftist group determined to mark out Latinos for a political and social identify largely separate from America.

Yep, la raza as in The Race. Probably the most racists group in America.

http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2016/06/trumps-jujitsu-overthrow-of-liberalism.php :)


Jun 28, 2010
Reaction score
Turns out, for example, that judge Curiel is a member of the lawyer?s advisory board to La Raza, a deeply ideological leftist group determined to mark out Latinos for a political and social identify largely separate from America.

Yep, la raza as in The Race. Probably the most racists group in America.

http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2016/06/trumps-jujitsu-overthrow-of-liberalism.php :)

I'm sure Hispanics will consider Trumps point of view in this matter next time they decide to protest or vote. [emoji3]

Seriously though, the details about LaRaza were brought up when this aired last week and Trump isn't getting much if any sympathy from his party let alone what he gave the democrats to talk about.
On a side note to this, I had never paid much attention to Bob Corker and kinda had him tagged as a Trump fanatic. I was very impressed at how well spoken he is and level headed overall.
I want to ask you though 94, do you think Trump can win if he keeps this up?


Once Banned
Jul 22, 2010
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I'm sure Hispanics will consider Trumps point of view in this matter next time they decide to protest or vote. [emoji3]

Seriously though, the details about LaRaza were brought up when this aired last week and Trump isn't getting much if any sympathy from his party let alone what he gave the democrats to talk about.
On a side note to this, I had never paid much attention to Bob Corker and kinda had him tagged as a Trump fanatic. I was very impressed at how well spoken he is and level headed overall.
I want to ask you though 94, do you think Trump can win if he keeps this up?
Good question. Based on the cover he is being given: (Hillary probably will be wounded by the illegal server, slight possibility she gets perp walked; Bernie is a blithering, slobering one trick pony nightmare of a general election candidate, and the violent observed waving Mexican flags) he can even turn me into a supporter even though I can't stand the guy. If he keeps up the straight talk, and the above noted continue, he wins. Think of the attack ads he can unleash on the lier/felon and the whacko socialist. Endless! And at a certain point the media sees his presidency as the goldmine for fodder that it will be and BINGO it's a landslide. Now, democrats do have the ground game, the underground game (dead people vote 98% democrat) and the illegal alien vote, so that's something to consider.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2009
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Turns out, for example, that judge Curiel is a member of the lawyer?s advisory board to La Raza, a deeply ideological leftist group determined to mark out Latinos for a political and social identify largely separate from America.

Yep, la raza as in The Race. Probably the most racists group in America.

http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2016/06/trumps-jujitsu-overthrow-of-liberalism.php :)

I'm sure one of the libs here will tell you none of this is true:D

So,let's give them something to chew on.:thumbsup

The bastardization of the legal system.


The Masheenest
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
Did you read where the mayor and Chief of Police were being investigated for demanding LEO stand down and let the rioters run amuck?


No surprise really, SCOTUS has ruled many times they are not required to protect individual citizens.

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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Trump is being targeted by the left according to how Saul Alinsky said it should be done. Alinsky was an inspiration to HRC and as a Community Organizer pioneer spawned others to follow in his wake. We all know who his most famous protege is and how we've laughed off the Community Organizer label as harmless and silly......I believe many have changed that view and see how dangerous and disruptive these bastards really are.

This is what Trump and any alternate candidate to the D Progressives will face. Before blaming Trump for the riots, one should understand the strategy driving the brainless rioters and why they are so stirred up.


The basics Alinsky set forth:

The rules[1]
?Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.? Power is derived from 2 main sources ? money and people. ?Have-Nots? must build power from flesh and blood.
?Never go outside the expertise of your people.? It results in confusion, fear and retreat. Feeling secure adds to the backbone of anyone.
?Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.? Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty.
?Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.? If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.
?Ridicule is man?s most potent weapon.? There is no defense. It?s irrational. It?s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.
?A good tactic is one your people enjoy.? They?ll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They?re doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones.
?A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.? Don?t become old news.
?Keep the pressure on. Never let up.? Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new.
?The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.? Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist.
"The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition." It is this unceasing pressure that results in the reactions from the opposition that are essential for the success of the campaign.
?If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.? Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog.
?The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.? Never let the enemy score points because you?re caught without a solution to the problem.
?Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.? Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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Turns out, for example, that judge Curiel is a member of the lawyer?s advisory board to La Raza, a deeply ideological leftist group determined to mark out Latinos for a political and social identify largely separate from America.

Yep, la raza as in The Race. Probably the most racists group in America.

http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2016/06/trumps-jujitsu-overthrow-of-liberalism.php :)

Let's assume for arguments sake that Trump is correct.

That judge Curiel is biased and should be removed simply because he is "Mexican" (Trump's exact words) and further as Trump said on this weekend's shows, a Muslim judge would be equally biased and would need to recuse himself simply because of his religion.

But then consistent with that;

Could a black defendant only be judged by a black judge if that black defendant had said things relating to white people? After all, the white judge would be biased as he was white and the black individual said things about white people.

How about jurors, if as Trump has claimed that race is the basis of bias, should all juries simply be of people of your exact same race?

Could a Catholic or Christian Supreme Court Judge actually hear cases relating to abortion, birth control, prayer in school or other Christian religious cases? Consistent with Trump's logic they would have a bias as they are Christians or Catholics and their religion precludes abortion and birth control? Should they also not be removed for bias?

It becomes an interesting standard for the legal system when Trump states unequivocally that bias comes simply from race. It seems like it leads to setting up "separate but equal" justice systems based upon race to make sure there is no bias and everyone has a fair shot?


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
I had never paid much attention to Bob Corker and kinda had him tagged as a Trump fanatic. I was very impressed at how well spoken he is and level headed overall.

If rendering the majority powerless in the Senate when it came to the Iran deal is level headed, we've got a problem Stainless! :D

He is a FUCKING SCUMBAG, just like his partner in crime, McConnell.

F all those RINO pricks!

You ever ask yourself why Trump was being fought so hard by the establishment? Let's hope he stays on track and doesn't give in to the scum, that roams the halls of D.C.


Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
Let's assume for arguments sake that Trump is correct.

That judge Curiel is biased and should be removed simply because he is "Mexican" (Trump's exact words) and further as Trump said on this weekend's shows, a Muslim judge would be equally biased and would need to recuse himself simply because of his religion.

But then consistent with that;

Could a black defendant only be judged by a black judge if that black defendant had said things relating to white people? After all, the white judge would be biased as he was white and the black individual said things about white people.

How about jurors, if as Trump has claimed that race is the basis of bias, should all juries simply be of people of your exact same race?

Could a Catholic or Christian Supreme Court Judge actually hear cases relating to abortion, birth control, prayer in school or other Christian religious cases? Consistent with Trump's logic they would have a bias as they are Christians or Catholics and their religion precludes abortion and birth control? Should they also not be removed for bias?

It becomes an interesting standard for the legal system when Trump states unequivocally that bias comes simply from race. It seems like it leads to setting up "separate but equal" justice systems based upon race to make sure there is no bias and everyone has a fair shot?

Didn't they just overturn a huge case from years ago, and call for a retrial because the DA and Judge stacked an all white jury against a black man?

Not speaking as to whether it's right or wrong, just putting it out there.



Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
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In regards to whether or not Trump "encourages" the violence. I don't know, nor care, If the rather benign things that trump has said are enough for people to ambush and sucker punch people in the heads, throw missiles at their heads, or anything else we have seen, that just shows the level of ignorance, and violence that those people posses, not what Trump has done.

You don't see business owners throwing shit at Bernie supporters, or sucker punching them in the back of the head, when the Bern says he's going to send men with guns to confiscate large chunks of their earnings to redistribute to others.....|

The bottom line is, this is once again the media in action, and the stupid ass public buying into their rhetoric. Trump says mild salsa, and the media reports ghost peppers.... The stupid ass public buys it, and stays glued to their TV's, the media then reaps advertising fortunes from pharmaceutical, personal injury, and reverse mortgage advertising.... :p Rinse, repeat.


Once Banned
Jul 22, 2010
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Let's assume for arguments sake that Trump is correct.

That judge Curiel is biased and should be removed simply because he is "Mexican" (Trump's exact words) and further as Trump said on this weekend's shows, a Muslim judge would be equally biased and would need to recuse himself simply because of his religion.

But then consistent with that;

Could a black defendant only be judged by a black judge if that black defendant had said things relating to white people? After all, the white judge would be biased as he was white and the black individual said things about white people.

How about jurors, if as Trump has claimed that race is the basis of bias, should all juries simply be of people of your exact same race?

Could a Catholic or Christian Supreme Court Judge actually hear cases relating to abortion, birth control, prayer in school or other Christian religious cases? Consistent with Trump's logic they would have a bias as they are Christians or Catholics and their religion precludes abortion and birth control? Should they also not be removed for bias?

It becomes an interesting standard for the legal system when Trump states unequivocally that bias comes simply from race. It seems like it leads to setting up "separate but equal" justice systems based upon race to make sure there is no bias and everyone has a fair shot?
http://hotair.com/archives/2016/06/...be-ok-with-trump-questioning-judges-heritage/ this states it better than I.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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For sixty years all we have heard in regards to the judicial system is it's all race driven.
Now with the shoe on the other foot it doesn't matter...You Tards think a judge that happens to be KKK member wouldn't have problems being impartial.

La Raza is no better, that judge needs to be removed due to his politics, not his heritage.



Jun 28, 2010
Reaction score
If rendering the majority powerless in the Senate when it came to the Iran deal is level headed, we've got a problem Stainless! :D

He is a FUCKING SCUMBAG, just like his partner in crime, McConnell.

F all those RINO pricks!

You ever ask yourself why Trump was being fought so hard by the establishment? Let's hope he stays on track and doesn't give in to the scum, that roams the halls of D.C.

I thought Corker is Trump guy, am I mistaken him with someone else? Not Sessions, I know he's a Trump Guy.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
I thought Corker is Trump guy, am I mistaken him with someone else? Not Sessions, I know he's a Trump Guy.

This is Corker.

Hell, it's all the them. :thumbsdown


  • junglebook4.jpg
    33.9 KB · Views: 101


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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Yup, animals...



Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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I get the argument being made in that article and it is a legitimate argument that the judge may be biased. However, no where in this article is the reasoning given that his bias stems from being "Mexican", and that all Natural Born US Citizens who are judges, yet have Mexican heritage are by default biased.

That was Trump's clear and concise statement.

The issue is not whether someone can be biased based upon race or religion, they certainly can be, but whether all Natural Born US Citizens who have Mexican heritage are biased against Trump, and further as he stated on news shows, Natural Born US Citizen Muslims are also biased based solely upon their religion.

Trump's electibility argument is that only "illegal Mexicans" dislike him, and he loves non-illegal Mexicans as they are great and really really wonderful. However that argument that he only dislikes "illegal Mexicans" seems inconsistent with his position that all US born, US Citizen judges who may have Hispanic backgrounds are by default biased simply because they are "Mexican" and "he is building a wall"..

As I have stated before, Trump can win the election simply based upon his competition, but if he keeps this up for five months he has only himself to blame for fucking this up.

For sixty all we have in regards to the judicial system is it's all race driven.
Now with the shoe on the other foot it doesn't matter...You Tards think a judge that happens to be KKK member wouldn't have problems being impartial.

La Raza is no better, that judge needs to be removed due to his politics, not his heritage.


But then consistent with your logic, if a Hispanic protestor kills someone rioting, the only fair trial would be with a prosecutor, judge and jury that are Democrats?


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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I get the argument being made in that article and it is a legitimate argument that the judge may be biased. However, no where in this article is the reasoning given that his bias stems from being "Mexican", and that all Natural Born US Citizens who are judges, yet have Mexican heritage are by default biased.

That was Trump's clear and concise statement.

The issue is not whether someone can be biased based upon race or religion, they certainly can be, but whether all Natural Born US Citizens who have Mexican heritage are biased against Trump, and further as he stated on news shows, Natural Born US Citizen Muslims are also biased based solely upon their religion.

Trump's electibility argument is that only "illegal Mexicans" dislike him, and he loves non-illegal Mexicans as they are great and really really wonderful. However that argument that he only dislikes "illegal Mexicans" seems inconsistent with his position that all US born, US Citizen judges who may have Hispanic backgrounds are by default biased simply because they are "Mexican" and "he is building a wall"..

As I have stated before, Trump can win the election simply based upon his competition, but if he keeps this up for five months he has only himself to blame for fucking this up.

But then consistent with your logic, if a Hispanic protestor kills someone rioting, the only fair trial would be with a prosecutor, judge and jury that are Democrats?

So you'd welcome a Grand Wazoo of the KKK as a judge, arguing he would be impartial.

The Race is much, much worse than the KKK ever was.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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I get the argument being made in that article and it is a legitimate argument that the judge may be biased. However, no where in this article is the reasoning given that his bias stems from being "Mexican", and that all Natural Born US Citizens who are judges, yet have Mexican heritage are by default biased.

That was Trump's clear and concise statement.

The issue is not whether someone can be biased based upon race or religion, they certainly can be, but whether all Natural Born US Citizens who have Mexican heritage are biased against Trump, and further as he stated on news shows, Natural Born US Citizen Muslims are also biased based solely upon their religion.

Trump's electibility argument is that only "illegal Mexicans" dislike him, and he loves non-illegal Mexicans as they are great and really really wonderful. However that argument that he only dislikes "illegal Mexicans" seems inconsistent with his position that all US born, US Citizen judges who may have Hispanic backgrounds are by default biased simply because they are "Mexican" and "he is building a wall"..

As I have stated before, Trump can win the election simply based upon his competition, but if he keeps this up for five months he has only himself to blame for fucking this up.

But then consistent with your logic, if a Hispanic protestor kills someone rioting, the only fair trial would be with a prosecutor, judge and jury that are Democrats?

WTF? You seem to be smarter than that. The judge can't be a member of the KKK>

But you know that and are playing, I hope, stupid.

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Yup, animals...


They shot a killed a Gorilla last week with far more sense.....Take this as racist or whatever, but the Gorilla was far more intelligent than that babbling bitch.:yikes:skull


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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They shot a killed a Gorilla last week with far more sense.....Take this as racist or whatever, but the Gorilla was far more intelligent than that babbling bitch.:yikes:skull

Maybe if someone tossed her a bale of hay?:eek


Once Banned
Jul 22, 2010
Reaction score
I get the argument being made in that article and it is a legitimate argument that the judge may be biased. However, no where in this article is the reasoning given that his bias stems from being "Mexican", and that all Natural Born US Citizens who are judges, yet have Mexican heritage are by default biased.

That was Trump's clear and concise statement.

The issue is not whether someone can be biased based upon race or religion, they certainly can be, but whether all Natural Born US Citizens who have Mexican heritage are biased against Trump, and further as he stated on news shows, Natural Born US Citizen Muslims are also biased based solely upon their religion.

Trump's electibility argument is that only "illegal Mexicans" dislike him, and he loves non-illegal Mexicans as they are great and really really wonderful. However that argument that he only dislikes "illegal Mexicans" seems inconsistent with his position that all US born, US Citizen judges who may have Hispanic backgrounds are by default biased simply because they are "Mexican" and "he is building a wall"..

As I have stated before, Trump can win the election simply based upon his competition, but if he keeps this up for five months he has only himself to blame for fucking this up.

But then consistent with your logic, if a Hispanic protestor kills someone rioting, the only fair trial would be with a prosecutor, judge and jury that are Democrats?
If a SCOTUS says her ethnicity influences her decision making, need anyone say more?


In 2001, Sonia Sotomayor, an appeals court judge, gave a speech declaring that the ethnicity and sex of a judge ?may and will make a difference in our judging.?


Jun 28, 2010
Reaction score
This is Corker.

Hell, it's all the them. :thumbsdown

I chuckle every time I scroll across this picture in the way Regor referenced it. :D

edit, see post 233, the picture didn't carry over when I quoted the post.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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If a SCOTUS says her ethnicity influences her decision making, need anyone say more?


In 2001, Sonia Sotomayor, an appeals court judge, gave a speech declaring that the ethnicity and sex of a judge ?may and will make a difference in our judging.?

Well then you should vote for Trump and hope he doubles down on these comments. :thumbsup


Once Banned
Jul 22, 2010
Reaction score
Well then you should vote for Trump and hope he doubles down on these comments. :thumbsup
[emoji109] though logically, it's very easy to vote for him, but not hope he doubles down on the comments about a judge that associates with and helps steer a group that favors one race over another.