
Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2019
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@HitIt I agree there’s so much bad opinions and information being spread around. Case in point taken horse dewormer.
it’s so eye opening how people hear or read something and run with it.

Like I told the other member if you guys believe it go for it!! Snake oil is snake oil.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2019
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@Singleton there’s so many holes in the facts they are stating in that link… check some of the claims they are stating alone and you’ll see that link its false!

@Activated yes I don’t believe in mask I hardly wear them as I have the jab and I already have had Covid. As they aren’t full proof. There’s so many other factors that go into someone contracting covid. Not just the mask… just like condoms aren’t full proof but they help.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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@Singleton there’s so many holes in the facts they are stating in that link… check some of the claims they are stating alone and you’ll see that link if false!

@Activated yes I don’t believe in mask I hardly wear them as I have the jab and I already have had Covid. As they aren’t full proof. There’s so many other factors that go into someone contracting covid. Not just the mask… just like condoms are full proof but they help.

that link and document was based on real world results from those front line nurses / doctor that have been treating patients for over 18 months. While it has disclaimers (like everything these days), you trying to discredit the work shows your arrogance.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2019
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@Singleton agree to disagree. I think I read that you have someone in the medical field in your house hold or family? Are they Nurse? doctor?cna? Janitor? Management? Do They also believe in ivermectin?


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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@Singleton agree to disagree. I think I read that you have someone in the medical field in your house hold or family? Are they Nurse? doctor?cna? Janitor? Management? Do They also believe in ivermectin?

Head Nurse at one of the SD VA hospitals.
They are pissed with the vaccine only answer and believe a combination of therapeutics plus vaccines are the answer. Her hospital and all her peers (private, public, government hospital) state the FLCCC is one of the most accurate treatment docs available and are following that in practice where applicable.

example - wife and I follow the vitamin routine, but have been told only add ivermectin if we have symptoms that last more then 2 days. My PCP agreed


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2019
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@Singleton hmm interesting. Like I said agree to disagree..
When you say head nurse you mean charge nurse? What unit? Or CNO?


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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@Singleton hmm interesting. Like I said agree to disagree..
When you say head nurse you mean charge nurse? What unit? Or CNO?

not a CNO yet. She is working on her MBA and dual MS in Nursing with an Emphasis in Health Care Quality and Patient Safety and Emphasis in Nursing Leadership in Health Care Systems.

that is all I am saying to respect her privacy


Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
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Horse dewormer 😂😂😂

Everyone should consider when @ the feed store purchasing horse de wormer bring home a supply of “Equitrol“. Along with family being de wormed homes will be rid of flies,especially in the bathroom. :)
My wife fed Equitrol to our horses daily in their feed for years totally eliminating Flies on our entire property,although she or family raked for decades everyday never missed.


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2010
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I don’t know if it helps because the truth has no business in a forum BUT, if you want to reference a government funded research study on the in vitro broad spectrum ANTIVIRAL effects of Ivermectin in a double blind phase 2 clinical trial feel free to go to clinical trials.gov and research it 🤷🏼 You may enjoy information from research doctors in both the field and academia.
Or just ask the local guy who wears a dress 🤦‍♂️


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
@HitIt I agree there’s so much bad opinions and information being spread around. Case in point taken horse dewormer.
it’s so eye opening how people hear or read something and run with it.

Like I told the other member if you guys believe it go for it!! Snake oil is snake oil.

you mean like calling a prescription anti inflammatory “horse dewormer?”


Arch Stanton...
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
@rivrrts429 if you believe it go for it. Was just staying what the boxes intended use is.
Believing everythin you read…
Emergency/ inpatient physicians aren’t using horse dewormer or even suggesting it.

View attachment 1054179

Holy hell that’s some seriously dangerous stuff. It won’t kill a horse but it’ll kill the horses owner in a millisecond. I need to warn the feed store immediately 👍


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
Horse Dewormer... check.

Ivermectin is a Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved antiparasitic drug that is used to treat several neglected tropical diseases, including onchocerciasis, helminthiases, and scabies.1 It is also being evaluated for its potential to reduce the rate of malaria transmission by killing mosquitoes that feed on treated humans and livestock.2 For these indications, ivermectin has been widely used and is generally well tolerated.1,3 Ivermectin is not approved by the FDA for the treatment of any viral infection.

Proposed Mechanism of Action and Rationale for Use in Patients With COVID-19​

Reports from in vitro studies suggest that ivermectin acts by inhibiting the host importin alpha/beta-1 nuclear transport proteins, which are part of a key intracellular transport process that viruses hijack to enhance infection by suppressing the host’s antiviral response.4,5 In addition, ivermectin docking may interfere with the attachment of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) spike protein to the human cell membrane.6 Ivermectin is thought to be a host-directed agent, which may be the basis for its broad-spectrum activity in vitro against the viruses that cause dengue, Zika, HIV, and yellow fever.4,7-9 Despite this in vitro activity, no clinical trials have reported a clinical benefit for ivermectin in patients with these viruses. Some studies of ivermectin have also reported potential anti-inflammatory properties, which have been postulated to be beneficial in people with COVID-19.10-12

Some observational cohorts and clinical trials have evaluated the use of ivermectin for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19. Data from some of these studies can be found in Table 2c.


  • There is insufficient evidence for the COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel (the Panel) to recommend either for or against the use of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19. Results from adequately powered, well-designed, and well-conducted clinical trials are needed to provide more specific, evidence-based guidance on the role of ivermectin in the treatment of COVID-19.


Ivermectin has been shown to inhibit the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in cell cultures.13However, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies suggest that achieving the plasma concentrations necessary for the antiviral efficacy detected in vitro would require administration of doses up to 100-fold higher than those approved for use in humans.14,15 Even though ivermectin appears to accumulate in the lung tissue, predicted systemic plasma and lung tissue concentrations are much lower than 2 µM, the half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) against SARS-CoV-2 in vitro.16-19Subcutaneous administration of ivermectin 400 µg/kg had no effect on SARS-CoV-2 viral loads in hamsters. However, there was a reduction in olfactory deficit (measured using a food-finding test) and a reduction in the interleukin (IL)-6:IL-10 ratio in lung tissues.20

Since the last revision of this section of the Guidelines, the results of several randomized trials and retrospective cohort studies of ivermectin use in patients with COVID-19 have been published in peer-reviewed journals or have been made available as manuscripts ahead of peer review. Some clinical studies showed no benefits or worsening of disease after ivermectin use,21-24 whereas others reported shorter time to resolution of disease manifestations that were attributed to COVID-19,25-27 greater reduction in inflammatory marker levels,26 shorter time to viral clearance,21 or lower mortality rates in patients who received ivermectin than in patients who received comparator drugs or placebo.21,27

However, most of these studies had incomplete information and significant methodological limitations, which make it difficult to exclude common causes of bias. These limitations include:

  • The sample size of most of the trials was small.
  • Various doses and schedules of ivermectin were used.
  • Some of the randomized controlled trials were open-label studies in which neither the participants nor the investigators were blinded to the treatment arms.
  • Patients received various concomitant medications (e.g., doxycycline, hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, zinc, corticosteroids) in addition to ivermectin or the comparator drug. This confounded the assessment of the efficacy or safety of ivermectin.
  • The severity of COVID-19 in the study participants was not always well described.
  • The study outcome measures were not always clearly defined.
Table 2c includes summaries of key studies. Because most of these studies have significant limitations, the Panel cannot draw definitive conclusions on the clinical efficacy of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19. Results from adequately powered, well-designed, and well-conducted clinical trials are needed to provide further guidance on the role of ivermectin in the treatment of COVID-19.

Monitoring, Adverse Effects, and Drug-Drug Interactions​

  • Ivermectin is generally well tolerated. Adverse effects may include dizziness, pruritis, nausea, or diarrhea.
  • Neurological adverse effects have been reported with the use of ivermectin for the treatment of onchocerciasis and other parasitic diseases, but it is not clear whether these adverse effects were caused by ivermectin or the underlying conditions.28
  • Ivermectin is a minor cytochrome P 3A4 substrate and a p-glycoprotein substrate.
  • Ivermectin is generally given on an empty stomach with water; however, administering ivermectin with food increases its bioavailability.
  • The FDA issued a warning in April 2020 that ivermectin intended for use in animals should not be used to treat COVID-19 in humans.
  • Please see Table 2c for additional information.

Considerations in Pregnancy​

In animal studies, ivermectin was shown to be teratogenic when given in doses that were maternotoxic. These results raise concerns about administering ivermectin to people who are in the early stages of pregnancy (prior to 10 weeks gestation).29 A 2020 systematic review and meta-analysis reviewed the incidence of poor maternal and fetal outcomes after ivermectin was used for its antiparasitic properties during pregnancy. However, the study was unable to establish a causal relationship between ivermectin use and poor maternal or fetal outcomes due to the quality of evidence. There are numerous reports of inadvertent ivermectin use in early pregnancy without apparent adverse effects.30-32 Therefore, there is insufficient evidence to establish the safety of using ivermectin in pregnant people, especially those in the later stages of pregnancy.

One study reported that the ivermectin concentrations secreted in breastmilk after a single oral dose were relatively low. No studies have evaluated the ivermectin concentrations in breastmilk in patients who received multiple doses.

Considerations in Children​

Ivermectin is used in children weighing >15 kg for the treatment of helminthic infections, pediculosis, and scabies. The safety of using ivermectin in children weighing <15 kg has not been well established. Ivermectin is generally well tolerated in children, with a side effect profile similar to the one seen in adults. Currently, there are no available pediatric data from clinical trials to inform the use of ivermectin for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19 in children.

Clinical Trials​

Several clinical trials that are evaluating the use of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 are currently underway or in development. Please see ClinicalTrials.gov for the latest information.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2010
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hopefully all goes well. I was pissed that a negative test was required to return to school. And the difference between exposure location (at school or away from school).
what gets interesting = no test is 10 days away, positive test is 14 days away. Yet if vaxed, you don’t have to be away. If exposure is outside school = 14 days away, no exception.

pure BS IMO - should not matter where it occurred, same rules should apply
Currently going through the “exposure protocol” with my daughter. At home and was told her negative test doesn’t count, has to be PCR or whatever.

No symptoms and my 4 year old is the only one who has to quarantine, the rest of the house can still go to work/school. SMH. As a family, we quarantined and tested negative prior to resuming daily routines. We did not want to be “that family” who is A symptomatic and spread it to the soccer team, school etc…

The logic of the school that put her in position to be exposed made no sense. Only had to be 3ft. Away and ate lunch with kids at the same table with no masks for 15-20 minutes. Four year olds don’t know how to cover there mouth or not sneeze with a mouth fool of food. It wasn’t the teachers fault though. This was the direction she was given to by he higher ups.

We believe our kids are safe from being hospitalized even if they got COVID(again)… but the mandates in LA county and our school district are rediculous and have no logic.

Meanwhile 90,000 fans are packing college stadiums every weekend throughout the country.

On top of that, if my wife has to take leave due to exposure she only gets 40 hours. After that they want to take sick pay and/or vacation. The wife is done. We shared at home duties with our 4 year old this week and last.

This dives into why we are looking out of state. You asked on FB.

We don’t believe in vaccine or mask mandates. We believe in personal choice. It’s only a matter of time before she is required to get vaxed to keep her job. If they mandate the kids we won’t be in public school


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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Currently going through the “exposure protocol” with my daughter. At home and was told her negative test doesn’t count, has to be PCR or whatever.

No symptoms and my 4 year old is the only one who has to quarantine, the rest of the house can still go to work/school. SMH. As a family, we quarantined and tested negative prior to resuming daily routines. We did not want to be “that family” who is A symptomatic and spread it to the soccer team, school etc…

The logic of the school that put her in position to be exposed made no sense. Only had to be 3ft. Away and ate lunch with kids at the same table with no masks for 15-20 minutes. Four year olds don’t know how to cover there mouth or not sneeze with a mouth fool of food. It wasn’t the teachers fault though. This was the direction she was given to by he higher ups.

We believe our kids are safe from being hospitalized even if they got COVID(again)… but the mandates in LA county and our school district are rediculous and have no logic.

Meanwhile 90,000 fans are packing college stadiums every weekend throughout the country.

On top of that, if my wife has to take leave due to exposure she only gets 40 hours. After that they want to take sick pay and/or vacation. The wife is done. We shared at home duties with our 4 year old this week and last.

This dives into why we are looking out of state. You asked on FB.

We don’t believe in vaccine or mask mandates. We believe in personal choice. It’s only a matter of time before she is required to get vaxed to keep her job. If they mandate the kids we won’t be in public school

our district does the PCR test. Did the quick rapid test before her swim and volleyball on the weekend. Both were negative so she attended. cough on Monday was bad, so she stayed home and then the PCR testing started to return to school. I don’t agree with the different quarantines based on where exposure occurred.

while I am pro vaccine, I am anti mandates and that will change everything for us as well


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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Not wanting to turn this into a vaxed or not debate. In case some of you missed it, more than likely I got this from my vaxed coworker. He was with me at work thinking he was just having allergy issues for a few days. His symptoms are the same as I had once he came back positive, with exception to his went into a bit more severe flu like with body aches and fever. I've been lucky with very minimal flu like symptoms.

Either way, as of today kids are taking full advantage of Xbox and UTube time. Wife only has very mild symptoms. My symptoms (think bad sinus infection) are still there but this morning seem to have lightened up a bit more. Still just on the multi vitamin, heavy Vitamin C, and either Tylenol or DayQuil.

Stay positive people.👍
Good to hear and thanks for starting what has become an informative thread. There's another thread on RDP that give us all factual personal data to help us make sense of what is happening. Regardless of anyones position on vax/ no vax we all can agree that the "scientist" really just don't know what to expect from this virus. Hey, its new. So all the real life experience we can share is invaluable.


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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This is the simple way to state the purpose of the vaccine, but everyone wants to say it doesn't work, its not worth it, because so and so still got it.
It aint supposed to stop you from getting it, never has never will. It is supposed to keep you out of the hospital and not dead, the ICU numbers prove this.
I kind of like that part!
Exactly.... now the hurdle becomes what may be long term side effects of these vaccines we've all taken. I accessed the limited data and got jabbed. Moving on with life but also fully aware science simply doesn't know yet.


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2012
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@Singleton there’s so many holes in the facts they are stating in that link… check some of the claims they are stating alone and you’ll see that link its false!

@Activated yes I don’t believe in mask I hardly wear them as I have the jab and I already have had Covid. As they aren’t full proof. There’s so many other factors that go into someone contracting covid. Not just the mask… just like condoms aren’t full proof but they help.
The way I see it the masks & vax provide a false sense of security causing the spread more than anything else. Science says masks don't do squat yet people say follow the science. Fauci even said it. Science says you can spread covid even when vaxed. I just don't understand why they really can't wrap their heads around facts & why they are worried about the unvaxed.

One thing I've learned during all this, the Obama admin & BLM is about half the adults have minds of little children. Seriously, their brains just never matured for whatever reason & they are easily manipulated & controlled. Tell them the sky is green & well, it's green. Crazy.
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Arch Stanton...
Jan 4, 2008
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I’ll never understand how we got to a place within society where those individuals who are unvaccinated are being blamed for the vaccine not working on those vaccinated. Strange times we are in right now where left means right and up is down.
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Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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I just wanted to check in and get the latest survival rate if a unvaccinated person catches the Rona?

Just curious how terrified I should be.

Any chance of regaining our freedom being as high as the survival rate of the Rona?

There are many sheep for the wolves to feed on.
This has remained mostly a non hysterical and informative thread so if you'd like feedback from the asylum members simply state your data; Age & Pre existing Health Conditions [obesity, diabetes, etc] general overall health.
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Jan 9, 2010
Reaction score

Kids are all fine still enjoying the vacation.

Wife is 100% normal... as normal as she ever gets I guess would be more accurate... lol

Yesterday I almost felt normal, TODAY I feel like I ran 200 miles yesterday and can't get off my ass. Still just minor congestion, but very tired. Breathing is clear, no runy nose, but I do have a mild headache. So for today I'm just laying around. This tracks almost to the tee of my wifes experience, and she was about two days ahead of me in regards to symptoms.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2010
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Kids are all fine still enjoying the vacation.

Wife is 100% normal... as normal as she ever gets I guess would be more accurate... lol

Yesterday I almost felt normal, TODAY I feel like I ran 200 miles yesterday and can't get off my ass. Still just minor congestion, but very tired. Breathing is clear, no runy nose, but I do have a mild headache. So for today I'm just laying around. This tracks almost to the tee of my wifes experience, and she was about two days ahead of me in regards to symptoms.
Oxygen Saturation good? When I had it, it kicked my ass for two days and the fatigue was miserable for weeks. I never had congestion either. Hang in there. Try to walk and get outside, even if its down the driveway and back....

Mike Honcho

Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
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Vax or not, I don’t care. But I’m not seeing vaccinated patients getting critically ill and ending up in my ICU. Do vaccinated pts get ill? Absolutely. Do they end up on a ventilator? Not as often as non-vaccinated pts, in my experience.
Hi I was wondering where you work by chance San Antonio Regional in upland? Also any neg side effects on the resnoiver that you know of I had five doses then heard some no so good about it.



Distinguished Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Oxygen Saturation good? When I had it, it kicked my ass for two days and the fatigue was miserable for weeks. I never had congestion either. Hang in there. Try to walk and get outside, even if its down the driveway and back....
This ^ ^ ^

My symptoms were the same but forced myself to go outside for 20 minutes a day and sit in the sun and walk up and down my stairs. Also felt like I had run back to back marathons but pushed through. Sounds like you got this!


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2010
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This ^ ^ ^

My symptoms were the same but forced myself to go outside for 20 minutes a day and sit in the sun and walk up and down my stairs. Also felt like I had run back to back marathons but pushed through. Sounds like you got this!
Same here.... I was drenched in sweat just walking 30 yards and it felt like a marathon. Sat down to rest for awhile and felt much better afterwards...


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2010
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Take care and keep track of your oxygen levels everyone’s experience is different, I dropped my motorhome off in Indio yesterday so my mom can be close to her brother, he is now on a ventilator, The plan was to get him transferred but that no longer is a option, he had underlining conditions which landed him in the position he is in now. The Hospital says the only thing that will give him a chance is a ECMO machine which they are hoping can be delivered to the hospital


Arch Stanton...
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
Take care and keep track of your oxygen levels everyone’s experience is different, I dropped my motorhome off in Indio yesterday so my mom can be close to her brother, he is now on a ventilator, The plan was to get him transferred but that no longer is a option, he had underlining conditions which landed him in the position he is in now. The Hospital says the only thing that will give him a chance is a ECMO machine which they are hoping can be delivered to the hospital

I’m sorry to hear that. It’s terrible how aggressive this virus is in some people and others are A-Symptomatic. My thoughts are with your Uncle.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2015
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Hi I was wondering where you work by chance San Antonio Regional in upland? Also any neg side effects on the resnoiver that you know of I had five doses then heard some no so good about it.

I was in temple, back in AZ. No downside that I’ve seen. It works well on patients with severe COVID. Just expensive.


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2008
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@rivrrts429 if you believe it go for it. Was just staying what the boxes intended use is.
Believing everythin you read…
Emergency/ inpatient physicians aren’t using horse dewormer or even suggesting it.

View attachment 1054179
Peiple would not have to resort to the animal products if Big Pharma and the Swamp would allow dr’s and pharmacists to prescribe the pill form. But Pfizer will will be along any minute with their new “pill”.


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2009
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Currently going through the “exposure protocol” with my daughter. At home and was told her negative test doesn’t count, has to be PCR or whatever.

No symptoms and my 4 year old is the only one who has to quarantine, the rest of the house can still go to work/school. SMH. As a family, we quarantined and tested negative prior to resuming daily routines. We did not want to be “that family” who is A symptomatic and spread it to the soccer team, school etc…

The logic of the school that put her in position to be exposed made no sense. Only had to be 3ft. Away and ate lunch with kids at the same table with no masks for 15-20 minutes. Four year olds don’t know how to cover there mouth or not sneeze with a mouth fool of food. It wasn’t the teachers fault though. This was the direction she was given to by he higher ups.

We believe our kids are safe from being hospitalized even if they got COVID(again)… but the mandates in LA county and our school district are rediculous and have no logic.

Meanwhile 90,000 fans are packing college stadiums every weekend throughout the country.

On top of that, if my wife has to take leave due to exposure she only gets 40 hours. After that they want to take sick pay and/or vacation. The wife is done. We shared at home duties with our 4 year old this week and last.

This dives into why we are looking out of state. You asked on FB.

We don’t believe in vaccine or mask mandates. We believe in personal choice. It’s only a matter of time before she is required to get vaxed to keep her job. If they mandate the kids we won’t be in public school
Similar situation with us. My 5 year old came home with cold like symptoms, we took her to out pediatrician and she tested positive. We got the results yesterday morning and had to pull my other 2 kids. My wife works from home full time and I go into my office a few days each week but now with this I have to also stay home from work for the next 10 days because I am not fully vaccinated. My wife and I feel fine so do my other 2 kids but they have to stay home do to possible exposure.

Immediately after getting the kids out of their class rooms we received a call from not only the school nurse but also the principal and it felt like a full interrogation over the phone. They ended up sending my daughters teacher and 5 other kids from her class home for 10 days due to close contact and possible exposure even though the other kids were feeling fine.

We also dont believe in the vaccine/mask mandates and rarely wear them other than when kids go to school and I go into the office- it should be a personal choice. I recently had to get vaccinated only because of the work mandate and just got my second shot this week but still not considered "fully vaccinated". My wife and I both agree that if we get Covid its one for all, all for one. We aren't planning on segregating my one sick kid from the rest of us- its pretty much impossible at her age. If we are going to get it, I would rather all of us get it around the same time rather that draw out these exposure times any longer than we have too. The sooner its done the sooner we all get back to school, work, sports, etc..

We believe Covid is a real thing and should be taken serious but also believe that the protocols that have been put into place are a bit much with alot of government over reach.

Its been 1/2 a day and my older 2 kids are already going stir crazy. They cant go to school and they want to. They cant go to sports practice and they want to- they cant do a damn thing. Its hard on us, we are both working and they are bored out of their minds. Hoping to maybe get them out on a MTB ride or something to get them out and get some exercise.

I am in full desert prep mode getting buggy and motos ready for the season. If everyone is up to it we may go socially distance far from everyone in the dirt somewhere.
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Jan 9, 2010
Reaction score
Update: Life is almost 100% back to normal. I haven't tried actually running or working out yet, but normal daily work around the house and actually going to work have presented zero issues for me. My wife will occasionally get some congestion but it's gone in a few minutes. Weird, but doesn't slow us down from doing anything thus far.

As far as the other people around me that got sick. It has almost been a 50/50 of vaccinated and unvaccinated. And it's also been a 50/50 within the group of those that actually had symptoms, of who got hit real hard in regards to vaxed or not. No rhyme or reason. The one guy we all figured would have the most problems breezed through, no vax. Two of them, both unvaxed are still in the hospital. One on a respirator, the other is intubated but showing improvement. A couple who where vaxed spent days in the hospital but have since returned.

My family was fortunate to be in the 98% group that really has nothing more than a cold. But it is truly scary how random this thing is and how it hits people differently. You never really know how it's going to go until you get it. Crazy.


Jan 9, 2010
Reaction score
Update: My lungs are completely clear at this point. I occasionally have a weird sense of smell, almost like diesel fuel or souring flowers (best way I can think to describe it). The kids are completely normal. The wife is getting most of her taste back, but now she has the weird sense of smell thing going on. She completely lost it up until a couple weeks ago. Her taste goes in and out at random, but for the most part it's normal which is really odd considering her sense of smell is still screwed up. I have noticed I get headaches more frequently. Nothing too crazy, but more than before. Other than that, just living life.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2011
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Update: My lungs are completely clear at this point. I occasionally have a weird sense of smell, almost like diesel fuel or souring flowers (best way I can think to describe it). The kids are completely normal. The wife is getting most of her taste back, but now she has the weird sense of smell thing going on. She completely lost it up until a couple weeks ago. Her taste goes in and out at random, but for the most part it's normal which is really odd considering her sense of smell is still screwed up. I have noticed I get headaches more frequently. Nothing too crazy, but more than before. Other than that, just living life.
How are the two guys doing who were hospitalized?


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2014
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It's been 22 days since I tested vid positive. I was cleared on day 10, but still smells like automotive exhaust up my nose. I still have no taste except sweet and or sour. Strange shit for sure.


Jan 9, 2010
Reaction score
It's been 22 days since I tested vid positive. I was cleared on day 10, but still smells like automotive exhaust up my nose. I still have no taste except sweet and or sour. Strange shit for sure.
Yet. It was a mix of Jet Fuel or Diesel at times. Real weird, I'm just glad it wasn't constant. The souring flowers smell was far less frequent.


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2014
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Just returned from Ponte Winery in Temecula a few minutes ago. With the rains, the old lady was telling me how beautiful it smelled there. I told her to me it smells like I'm on the side of a freeway.

Dan Lorenze

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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This morning I tested positive for Covid, bummer. I’m stuck in a Hotel in New Orleans quarantining for 5 days.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2011
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Cafe du Monde comes to mind..... 😁 Hope it doesn't hit you too hard my friend. Lay low and get well soon!