Sep 1, 2023
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New ranger station out for bid, any Generals on here going for it?



Bobby V

Dec 20, 2007
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Its what I figured as well.... the good ole "process" lol
When I used to bid some .gov jobs as a subcontractor I had to hand deliver my sealed bid and it was opened at a certain date. I never attended the opening of bids but I could have. I remember one project that had to be rebid because the 3 bidders didn’t fill out the bid forms correctly. 😛


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
Reaction score
When I used to bid some .gov jobs as a subcontractor I had to hand deliver my sealed bid and it was opened at a certain date. I never attended the opening of bids but I could have. I remember one project that had to be rebid because the 3 bidders didn’t fill out the bid forms correctly. 😛
I've "heard" of bid walks where everyone called everyone else the next day...no one wanted to leave any on the table. It's usually a pretty tight network. What makes this a bit different, the remote location for a relatively small job. May end up with a small local shop, and their first government headache. It'll get finished just in time for them to close the dunes, and turn it into a refugee welcome center.

Bobby V

Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
I've "heard" of bid walks where everyone called everyone else the next day...no one wanted to leave any on the table. It's usually a pretty tight network. What makes this a bit different, the remote location for a relatively small job. May end up with a small local shop, and their first government headache. It'll get finished just in time for them to close the dunes, and turn it into a refugee welcome center.
Yes, if you didnt want the project we / they would get the quote from the other sub and send a comp bid to the GC so we / they didn’t want to piss off the GC for future bids.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
Reaction score
Yes, if you didnt want the project we / they would get the quote from the other sub and send a comp bid to the GC so we / they didn’t want to piss off the GC for future bids.
It was a bit odd. Really more strategy than politics I thought. Other shops really weren't so much "competitors", more like coworkers from a different division. Well, when there was enough work for everyone to be happy.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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I'm guessing the fees for passes will be increasing once again 🤡

Bobby V

Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
It was a bit odd. Really more strategy than politics I thought. Other shops really weren't so much "competitors", more like coworkers from a different division. Well, when there was enough work for everyone to be happy.
Sometimes the GC only wanted to work with us for whatever reason. So they would ask us to get a couple of my buddies at other companies to send a comp bid since they needed 3 bids. They would do it for us and we would do it for them. It didn’t happen a lot, but it did happen. 😏😛


43' Eliminator
Apr 12, 2011
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I'm guessing the fees for passes will be increasing once again 🤡
Yes, and if fuckers out there don't stop leaving their shit/saving spots, there may eventually come an assigned space with required reservation system.

Clowns do that and then complain when the regulations come. Doing it to themselves.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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I've "heard" of bid walks where everyone called everyone else the next day...no one wanted to leave any on the table. It's usually a pretty tight network. What makes this a bit different, the remote location for a relatively small job. May end up with a small local shop, and their first government headache. It'll get finished just in time for them to close the dunes, and turn it into a refugee welcome center.

That's a big NO NO and a dangerous game and depending on the type of work and who's the customer, you best be really careful, having that kind of conversation over the phone is not being careful.

"The three companies, Fischbach & Moore Inc. the Howard P. Foley Company and the Lord Electric Company, were also indicted early last month by a grand jury in Seattle on charges that they conspired to rig bids on four nuclear power plants in Washington and one in Indiana.
The indictments announced Saturday charge that the six companies and five executives rigged bids for electrical contracts at eight United States Steel Corporation plants in the Pittsburgh area. The defendants are charged with conspiracy between 1974 and 1981 in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act.
According to the indictments on Saturday, U.S. Steel, the nation's largest steel producer, invited electrical construction contractors to submit bids ''to promote competition in order to obtain the lowest possible price.''

All of these companies suffered large fines and some of the execs spent time in prison.
I know when we first started bidding government work in San Diego in 1978, Fischbach and Moore was banned from bidding any government projects. So they simply bankrolled "Small Minority Businesses" to bid projects that wouldn't attract a lot of attention. One such company was nothing more than an apartment address in LA with some guy sitting at a desk with a phone and typewriter. Then he'd hire a few tradesmen in order to satisfy the governments minimum designed to prevent companies from simply being middlemen. Obviously, where there's a will, they'll find a way.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2015
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That's a big NO NO and a dangerous game and depending on the type of work and who's the customer, you best be really careful, having that kind of conversation over the phone is not being careful.

"The three companies, Fischbach & Moore Inc. the Howard P. Foley Company and the Lord Electric Company, were also indicted early last month by a grand jury in Seattle on charges that they conspired to rig bids on four nuclear power plants in Washington and one in Indiana.
The indictments announced Saturday charge that the six companies and five executives rigged bids for electrical contracts at eight United States Steel Corporation plants in the Pittsburgh area. The defendants are charged with conspiracy between 1974 and 1981 in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act.
According to the indictments on Saturday, U.S. Steel, the nation's largest steel producer, invited electrical construction contractors to submit bids ''to promote competition in order to obtain the lowest possible price.''

All of these companies suffered large fines and some of the execs spent time in prison.
I know when we first started bidding government work in San Diego in 1978, Fischbach and Moore was banned from bidding any government projects. So they simply bankrolled "Small Minority Businesses" to bid projects that wouldn't attract a lot of attention. One such company was nothing more than an apartment address in LA with some guy sitting at a desk with a phone and typewriter. Then he'd hire a few tradesmen in order to satisfy the governments minimum designed to prevent companies from simply being middlemen. Obviously, where there's a will, they'll find a way.
Yeah, collusion is not a wise business tactic. I have never heard of it in the publics work sector in the 15 or so odd years I've played in this industry.

The pass through minority deal is still alive and well from personal experience. It is disgusting and amounts to nothing more than racist wealth re-distribution on the tax payers dime. They add no value to the system, just allow an owner to check a box. Everyone knows what is going on.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
Reaction score
That's a big NO NO and a dangerous game and depending on the type of work and who's the customer, you best be really careful, having that kind of conversation over the phone is not being careful.

"The three companies, Fischbach & Moore Inc. the Howard P. Foley Company and the Lord Electric Company, were also indicted early last month by a grand jury in Seattle on charges that they conspired to rig bids on four nuclear power plants in Washington and one in Indiana.
The indictments announced Saturday charge that the six companies and five executives rigged bids for electrical contracts at eight United States Steel Corporation plants in the Pittsburgh area. The defendants are charged with conspiracy between 1974 and 1981 in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act.
According to the indictments on Saturday, U.S. Steel, the nation's largest steel producer, invited electrical construction contractors to submit bids ''to promote competition in order to obtain the lowest possible price.''

All of these companies suffered large fines and some of the execs spent time in prison.
I know when we first started bidding government work in San Diego in 1978, Fischbach and Moore was banned from bidding any government projects. So they simply bankrolled "Small Minority Businesses" to bid projects that wouldn't attract a lot of attention. One such company was nothing more than an apartment address in LA with some guy sitting at a desk with a phone and typewriter. Then he'd hire a few tradesmen in order to satisfy the governments minimum designed to prevent companies from simply being middlemen. Obviously, where there's a will, they'll find a way.
Like I said...I only "heard" of such stuff. If I was in that ballpark of players, my ass wouldn't be living in a little crackerbox house in AZ. I'd be living large with a house on the beach, one on the river and a mansion somewhere with elk and moose. It was quite the shit show 20 years ago, couldn't tell you about now though.


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
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Well it's nice to see that their making plenty of money from permits and taxes to build a new nice shop for Government workers.


Tritoon Racing
May 4, 2012
Reaction score
Sometimes the GC only wanted to work with us for whatever reason. So they would ask us to get a couple of my buddies at other companies to send a comp bid since they needed 3 bids. They would do it for us and we would do it for them. It didn’t happen a lot, but it did happen. 😏😛
LOL, Happens all the time.
It's even better when you are the preferred vendor and all GC get the same bid from us.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Sometimes the GC only wanted to work with us for whatever reason. So they would ask us to get a couple of my buddies at other companies to send a comp bid since they needed 3 bids. They would do it for us and we would do it for them. It didn’t happen a lot, but it did happen. 😏😛
Those are those special relationships usually built over time with trust.
Although I did have one go sideways once when the Facilities manager got canned prior to the job being awarded and his replacement reached out to all three of us bidders individually to discuss our scopes and additive and deductive alternates. :oops: Gets awkward quick when you were a comp and seriously unprepared to discuss any scope items. 🥵


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
Reaction score
Those are those special relationships usually built over time with trust.
Although I did have one go sideways once when the Facilities manager got canned prior to the job being awarded and his replacement reached out to all three of us bidders individually to discuss our scopes and additive and deductive alternates. :oops: Gets awkward quick when you were a comp and seriously unprepared to discuss any scope items. 🥵

That's why the guys that answer the phones made the good money...had to think fast and sound like they knew it all...even if they didn't 🤣


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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That's why the guys that answer the phones made the good money...had to think fast and sound like they knew it all...even if they didn't 🤣
Yeah, that guy was me 🤯 🤔, but I was going to have to get back to him as I was just heading out to a meeting ;).

My next move was to call my "Buddy" contractor and ask just WTF he'd gotten my ass into --- because this little customer just happened to be owned by RJ Reynolds :eek:
Then hours blown as I scrambled working with his estimator to create something from nothing --- the 3rd Buddy contractor simply officially withdrew his bid claiming he'd just landed a large contract and all his crews would be committed long term and was concerned he could meet the schedule requirements.
The funny thing is, got a call back from this same facility manager about a year later and ended up doing several jobs with them. 👍

Bobby V

Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
Those are those special relationships usually built over time with trust.
Although I did have one go sideways once when the Facilities manager got canned prior to the job being awarded and his replacement reached out to all three of us bidders individually to discuss our scopes and additive and deductive alternates. :oops: Gets awkward quick when you were a comp and seriously unprepared to discuss any scope items. 🥵
Gets even more awkward when you are the comp and they award you the project since they didn’t want to work with the low bidder. 😳😛


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
Reaction score
Yeah, that guy was me 🤯 🤔, but I was going to have to get back to him as I was just heading out to a meeting ;).

My next move was to call my "Buddy" contractor and ask just WTF he'd gotten my ass into --- because this little customer just happened to be owned by RJ Reynolds :eek:
Then hours blown as I scrambled working with his estimator to create something from nothing --- the 3rd Buddy contractor simply officially withdrew his bid claiming he'd just landed a large contract and all his crews would be committed long term and was concerned he could meet the schedule requirements.
The funny thing is, got a call back from this same facility manager about a year later and ended up doing several jobs with them. 👍
See, thinking on your feet! My buddy always said "Just have an answer, and say it like you mean it. By the time they figure it out, you're on to the next issue and they don't care." He was a super for a large commercial roofing outfit....

Now his son owns one he started with a couple of employees and a 12ft stake bed he was using for house clean outs in '08 or so. He fell into a pile of shit and came out smelling like a rose. Smart kid.