Pit bulls. At your own risk.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
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The biggest POS dog I’ve ever been around was a Dalmatian. That dog was sneaky with its bites.

My brother in law had to put that prick down because it’s behavior was so erratic. I would’ve done it myself if he couldn’t.
I've heard that too but never a full on sinking teath bite, more like a really good nip, enough (not barely) to break the skin and draw blood.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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I’m more cautious around Belgian Mals than pits. I do not trust them.

We will see a surge in bites/mailings by these as time progresses I believe.
Wasn't that what got the laborer in riverside a year or so ago? Those dogs are badass, with the right owner and training. They are also one of the few dogs that really scare the crap out of me. You can't tell if they'll shred you, or if they have good training and owners.


Arch Stanton...
Jan 4, 2008
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I've heard that too but never a full on sinking teath bite, more like a really good nip, enough (not barely) to break the skin and draw blood.

I’ve heard the same and maybe my BIL’s was just a rare occurrence but this thing would go from tail wagging to a full blown rabid dog. His bite wasn’t a nip. It was stitches.

Only a couple years old and he got the lethal shot.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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You guys can joke all you want, but that doesn’t erase the 57 dead people from pits just last year in the US alone.
Those people and kids are still dead, and pit bulls killed them.
It doesn’t matter what an owner calls their dog, if it’s a pit bull it’s a pit bull as far as the courts care.

I’ve never called for a ban on pit bulls. lol
But if one is on my property loose I will kill it if it lingers.
I have a small shotgun just for such things.
If I get bit or attacked or mauled by one I will aggressively pursue legal recourse…while their insurance company abandons them and runs for the hills.
With all the data and stats and evidence available, it’s their decision to roll the dice, and I’ll oblige them.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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I find it crazy, some pit bull owners will not admit the breed has a tendency to bite and, in some cases, maul. In my life I've had 4 dogs, each a different breed and all pure breeds. Cocker Spaniel, Bassett Hound, Golden Retreiver and Newfoundland. Each lived a long life. Only one had a tendency to bite. That was the Cocker Spaniel. That dog bit numerous people. I was just a kid. He never bit me. But yes, that breed does/can have a tendency to bite. Bite, but not maul.
Well, pit bull owners speak from an emotional place, not an objective place.
They love their dogs and THEIR dogs have honestly never done anything wrong (truth).
So they tend to carry that position forward despite all the evidence that exists beyond their front door or outside of their chain link fence. Those numbers are out there in the other world, not in their world.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2012
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Our first two dogs were an English Bulldog and Rhodesian Ridgeback. The Bulldog came from the in-laws. They used to lock it in the laundry room or garage when they left. Pitch black, zero light. We got it when it started snapping at them. Took some intense sessions to get him to stop. 😬. The Ridgeback was the kindest, gentle giant as long as you were part of the family. Had to put him down when he bit a neighbor kid.
The last two were a Jack Russell and GSP. Great family dogs. Don’t have to worry about friends, family, workers visiting. I’d never own another “dangerous” dog. Don’t get the attraction or liability. I’m 99.9% sure our GSP would lick anyone that came thru the door.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2014
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I don't understand why anyone with something to loose would take the risk of owning something that has an aggressive characteristic. Reality is animals are an uncontrollable risk factor and can cause big problems out of nowhere in a second.
Think about Siegfried and Roy or Travis the chimp that mauled the owners friend... Shit I've heard more than enough stories of horses kicking people and breaking arms.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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Our first two dogs were an English Bulldog and Rhodesian Ridgeback. The Bulldog came from the in-laws. The used to lock in the laundry room or garage when the left. Pitch black, zero light. We got it when it started snapping at them. Took some intense sessions to get him to stop. 😬. The Ridgeback was the kindest, gentle giant as long as you were part of the family. Had to put him down when he bit a neighbor kid.
The last two were a Jack Russell and GSP. Great family dogs. Don’t have to worry about friends, family, workers visiting. I’d never own another “dangerous” dog. Don’t get the attraction or liability. I’m 99.9% sure our GSP would lick anyone that came thru the door.
It’s funny.
Pretty much everyone on RDP kills rattlesnakes on sight…yet rattlesnakes only cause MAYBE 5-10 deaths a year nationwide, some years they cause zero deaths nationwide. No one’s died from a reported rattlesnake bite in AZ in over 5 years. There a fuck ton more rattlesnakes than pit bulls, yet pit bulls kill 10x as many humans nationwide annually. Why do people defend pit bulls yet kill rattlesnakes?


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
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Pit bulls are the AR15 of dog breeds.
That's pretty true actually. Or rather like any gun. It's a great tool and a lot of fun, but it is not forgiving of mistakes or being in the wrong hands.

I mentioned the story before on here, but my neighbors pit still barks at me 2 years down the line. Either it got the Rona and lost it's sense of smell and eyesight, or it just doesn't like me. Either way, I don't like it. When I'm doing something in the easement area I always have a big sharp knife with me. You never know.

And I know a gun would be better... But I usually work in the yard in basketball shorts.. And my knives are razor sharp and I know how to use them. Although it would suck to get bit on the hand/fingers like one of the poor guys on here, and that's a very likely possibility.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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It’s funny.
Pretty much everyone on RDP kills rattlesnakes on sight…yet rattlesnakes only cause MAYBE 5-10 deaths a year nationwide, some years they cause zero deaths nationwide. No one’s died from a reported rattlesnake bite in AZ in over 5 years. There a fuck ton more rattlesnakes than pit bulls, yet pit bulls kill 10x as many humans nationwide annually. Why do people defend pit bulls yet kill rattlesnakes?
Rattlesnakes aren't warm and fuzzy...Duh!😁

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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Rattlesnakes aren't warm and fuzzy...Duh!😁
.., they’re not???…. I used to try to mash them on my three-quarter mile long driveway at Lake Oroville…. Then I started thinking… They have been there longer than I have… So I started stopping and letting them wiggle across the road …then I would continue on…🤷🏽‍♀️Dunno???…


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2012
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.., they’re not???…. I used to try to mash them on my three-quarter mile long driveway at Lake Oroville…. Then I started thinking… They have been there longer than I have… So I started stopping and letting them wiggle across the road …then I would continue on…🤷🏽‍♀️Dunno???…
No different than a cockroach, black widow or rat. Don’t care how long they’ve been there. They can go somewhere else..


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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.., they’re not???…. I used to try to mash them on my three-quarter mile long driveway at Lake Oroville…. Then I started thinking… They have been there longer than I have… So I started stopping and letting them wiggle across the road …then I would continue on…🤷🏽‍♀️Dunno???…
They are good BBQed

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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No different than a cockroach, black widow or rat. Don’t care how long they’ve been there. They can go somewhere else..
… well yeah… There is that point🤷🏽‍♀️


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2015
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At the dog park that I frequent there are three bull terriers that are regulars there. All of them are pretty well behaved. Two of them are some sort of mix and no more intimidating than any mid to large size dog. Then there is Charlie.
Charlie must have been the model for every scary drawing or AI representation of a pit bull. He is upwards of a 100 lbs with a barrel chest, huge bulging muscles, big teeth and a head the size of a basket ball. Absolutely the scariest looking dog I’ve ever seen. He is also the most docile and lovable dog at the park but you have to know that if that monster ever breaks loose there will be carnage on an epic scale.
I like Charlie and he likes me but I would never have Charlie at my house, let alone be his owner.

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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… went over to NEIGHBOR GIRLS’s aunts house the other day as sort of a precursor to Neighbor girls gender reveal party…this Saturday night… There was a pit mix in the backyard and I went uh oh… the pit belongs to a guy who rents a room from the aunt… sort of right by the swimming pool…
… pregnant neighbor girl kept shoowing him away… he finally came over to me and gently burrowed his head in between my knees…the kindest, sweetest dog interaction I have ever had… Just nothing but love… so there is this… Does that mean I would trust him 24 seven… don’t think so… 🤷🏽‍♀️


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2015
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Dogs are Dogs - Any breed can turn on a moments notice.

We currently have 4 Dogs - Had 5 but the ankle biter passed just before Thanksgiving after a 15 year run.

Have 1 standard poodle, 2 Golden Doodles, and a Lab mix that according to his DNA test is like 8% pit. I told my wife when we got him he had pit in him by the way his jaws looked and how he played with toys - He does the violent head shake with them. - Great outside dog and he keeps an eye on the perimeter of the house and lets us know when something isn't right - He has never bit anyone, but if you show up, he doesn't know who you are, can sense you are intimidated by his presence, he will scare the absolute shit out of you. I get onto him and he will roll over onto his back instantly and show he is submitting. He is a dog and is going to do dog things. Do I trust he will never bite anyone, hell no I do not. I am glad we have him out in the country as I think he presence alone helps fend off the tweakers and others that are up to no good.

Have some friends that have a Pit - Big Badass dog. Scary to look at it and just screams don't F with me. In all honestly, he is probably one of the better dogs I have ever been around. Always excited to see me - Do I trust him to never turn on anyone, Nope, but I am that way with all dogs, even mine. If I was in trouble and needed protection would I trust him? You bet your ass I would.

Over the thanksgiving Holiday while camping at a race in Florida someone next to us had a BullMastiff - I was interested in it as I had never seen one, so when it was outside with it's owners I walked over to introduce myself. Wanted the dog to know I was not a threat and didn't want him to perceive me as one. Everyday after that for a week and a half he would come over and see me when he saw me outside and proceed to Slober everywhere on me while I was petting him. Gem of a dog, but still can't let your guard down with them.

This past weekend while visiting our son, I walked out of our camper at the training facility he is currently living at to 2 black labs with collars on messing around our shed. I said something to them to let them know I was there and they both turned to growl and snarl at me. So I walked back inside and told me wife and son what was going on. Son walks outside and tried to do the same and got the same response, so I grabbed a shovel and proceeded towards both of them telling them to get. They both ran off but that was not what I was expecting from a couple labs with collars.

Our standard poodle likes to lay next to me on the couch in the evenings or on weekends while I am watching TV - If anyone tries to get him up or move he starts growling and you will think he is trying to kill you. One day he may snap and bite as he gets older.

I know this was a long winded post, and you won't find a bigger dog person than me, but my whole point here is it doesn't matter the dog/breed - Be careful with all of them, don't just single out a specific breed. They all are capable of causing harm, some just worse than others.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2015
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Dogs are Dogs - Any breed can turn on a moments notice.

We currently have 4 Dogs - Had 5 but the ankle biter passed just before Thanksgiving after a 15 year run.

Have 1 standard poodle, 2 Golden Doodles, and a Lab mix that according to his DNA test is like 8% pit. I told my wife when we got him he had pit in him by the way his jaws looked and how he played with toys - He does the violent head shake with them. - Great outside dog and he keeps an eye on the perimeter of the house and lets us know when something isn't right - He has never bit anyone, but if you show up, he doesn't know who you are, can sense you are intimidated by his presence, he will scare the absolute shit out of you. I get onto him and he will roll over onto his back instantly and show he is submitting. He is a dog and is going to do dog things. Do I trust he will never bite anyone, hell no I do not. I am glad we have him out in the country as I think he presence alone helps fend off the tweakers and others that are up to no good.

Have some friends that have a Pit - Big Badass dog. Scary to look at it and just screams don't F with me. In all honestly, he is probably one of the better dogs I have ever been around. Always excited to see me - Do I trust him to never turn on anyone, Nope, but I am that way with all dogs, even mine. If I was in trouble and needed protection would I trust him? You bet your ass I would.

Over the thanksgiving Holiday while camping at a race in Florida someone next to us had a BullMastiff - I was interested in it as I had never seen one, so when it was outside with it's owners I walked over to introduce myself. Wanted the dog to know I was not a threat and didn't want him to perceive me as one. Everyday after that for a week and a half he would come over and see me when he saw me outside and proceed to Slober everywhere on me while I was petting him. Gem of a dog, but still can't let your guard down with them.

This past weekend while visiting our son, I walked out of our camper at the training facility he is currently living at to 2 black labs with collars on messing around our shed. I said something to them to let them know I was there and they both turned to growl and snarl at me. So I walked back inside and told me wife and son what was going on. Son walks outside and tried to do the same and got the same response, so I grabbed a shovel and proceeded towards both of them telling them to get. They both ran off but that was not what I was expecting from a couple labs with collars.

Our standard poodle likes to lay next to me on the couch in the evenings or on weekends while I am watching TV - If anyone tries to get him up or move he starts growling and you will think he is trying to kill you. One day he may snap and bite as he gets older.

I know this was a long winded post, and you won't find a bigger dog person than me, but my whole point here is it doesn't matter the dog/breed - Be careful with all of them, don't just single out a specific breed. They all are capable of causing harm, some just worse than others.
That’s really the point. I’ve had dogs most of my life and at some point the wolf in them always surface’s. The problem wits pits is that once the switch is flipped it’s hard to turn it off and when you team that up with the fact that most are very powerful you have a recipe for disaster.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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since the "pit bulls are bad" thread is still going:


was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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Dogs are Dogs - Any breed can turn on a moments notice.

We currently have 4 Dogs - Had 5 but the ankle biter passed just before Thanksgiving after a 15 year run.

Have 1 standard poodle, 2 Golden Doodles, and a Lab mix that according to his DNA test is like 8% pit. I told my wife when we got him he had pit in him by the way his jaws looked and how he played with toys - He does the violent head shake with them. - Great outside dog and he keeps an eye on the perimeter of the house and lets us know when something isn't right - He has never bit anyone, but if you show up, he doesn't know who you are, can sense you are intimidated by his presence, he will scare the absolute shit out of you. I get onto him and he will roll over onto his back instantly and show he is submitting. He is a dog and is going to do dog things. Do I trust he will never bite anyone, hell no I do not. I am glad we have him out in the country as I think he presence alone helps fend off the tweakers and others that are up to no good.

Have some friends that have a Pit - Big Badass dog. Scary to look at it and just screams don't F with me. In all honestly, he is probably one of the better dogs I have ever been around. Always excited to see me - Do I trust him to never turn on anyone, Nope, but I am that way with all dogs, even mine. If I was in trouble and needed protection would I trust him? You bet your ass I would.

Over the thanksgiving Holiday while camping at a race in Florida someone next to us had a BullMastiff - I was interested in it as I had never seen one, so when it was outside with it's owners I walked over to introduce myself. Wanted the dog to know I was not a threat and didn't want him to perceive me as one. Everyday after that for a week and a half he would come over and see me when he saw me outside and proceed to Slober everywhere on me while I was petting him. Gem of a dog, but still can't let your guard down with them.

This past weekend while visiting our son, I walked out of our camper at the training facility he is currently living at to 2 black labs with collars on messing around our shed. I said something to them to let them know I was there and they both turned to growl and snarl at me. So I walked back inside and told me wife and son what was going on. Son walks outside and tried to do the same and got the same response, so I grabbed a shovel and proceeded towards both of them telling them to get. They both ran off but that was not what I was expecting from a couple labs with collars.

Our standard poodle likes to lay next to me on the couch in the evenings or on weekends while I am watching TV - If anyone tries to get him up or move he starts growling and you will think he is trying to kill you. One day he may snap and bite as he gets older.

I know this was a long winded post, and you won't find a bigger dog person than me, but my whole point here is it doesn't matter the dog/breed - Be careful with all of them, don't just single out a specific breed. They all are capable of causing harm, some just worse than others.
All true, with pits and pit mixes about 8x worse than others…statistically speaking, breed does matter.

All dogs bite, all cats meow, and all fish swim.
But, not all dogs have over 300psi jaw strength, not all cats are lions, not all fish are sharks, tuna’s, or barracuda.

I WILL single out that breed of dog because they kill and maim more people than any other breed by multiples of tens.
57 people killed last year by pits.
It’s not even a debate anymore.
There is no argument, no excuse, no defense.
No other breed even comes close to the human damage in any way shape or form. It’s why Pits and Pit mixes are the number 1 dangerous breed…according to the courts and the insurance carriers.
That simply can not be, and is not, ignored when it comes time to assign liability.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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i am not sure of this breed but would love one. I would name this pup Leopard


Mr. C

going back in time
Dec 19, 2007
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Cool. And I have mentally challenged neighbor who is super sweet. Should we let him own a gun or three. Until. He’s not so sweet. 🤷

Again. As I’ve said. Own what you want.
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Inmate #RDP158
Sep 28, 2007
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Cool. And I have mentally neighbor who is super sweet. Should we let him own a gun or three. Until. He’s not so sweet. 🤷

Again. As I’ve said. Own what you want.
Mentally what? Gifted? Challenged? Unstable? ill? Exhausted? The world wants to know.

Mr. C

going back in time
Dec 19, 2007
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Mentally what? Gifted? Challenged? Unstable? ill? Exhausted? The world wants to know.
I went nice and changed it for you. But would it really matter when he loses his shit and it’s your family who takes the brunt of it.
Yes I’m being sarcastic but somewhat serious at the same time.
To with me with a pit. It’s a matter of when.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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I went nice and changed it for you. But would it really matter when he loses his shit and it’s your family who takes the brunt of it.
Yes I’m being sarcastic but somewhat serious at the same time.
To with me with a pit. It’s a matter of when.
Not exactly......


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2015
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All true, with pits and pit mixes about 8x worse than others…statistically speaking, breed does matter.

All dogs bite, all cats meow, and all fish swim.
But, not all dogs have over 300psi jaw strength, not all cats are lions, not all fish are sharks, tuna’s, or barracuda.

I WILL single out that breed of dog because they kill and maim more people than any other breed by multiples of tens.
57 people killed last year by pits.
It’s not even a debate anymore.
There is no argument, no excuse, no defense.
No other breed even comes close to the human damage in any way shape or form. It’s why Pits and Pit mixes are the number 1 dangerous breed…according to the courts and the insurance carriers.
That simply can not be, and is not, ignored when it comes time to assign liability.
I'm not arguing with you at all. Just stating anything can happen, at anytime, regardless of breed.

I always have my guard up a little higher around pits. I get it.

Have also been some of the best dogs I have been around, until they aren't.

Long Way Home

Dog Days of Summer!
Jan 8, 2008
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It’s funny.
Pretty much everyone on RDP kills rattlesnakes on sight…yet rattlesnakes only cause MAYBE 5-10 deaths a year nationwide, some years they cause zero deaths nationwide. No one’s died from a reported rattlesnake bite in AZ in over 5 years. There a fuck ton more rattlesnakes than pit bulls, yet pit bulls kill 10x as many humans nationwide annually. Why do people defend pit bulls yet kill rattlesnakes?
Facts and logic never work on people, it's what you read on the internet..:)
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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🤷. Missing your point or sarcasm. 🤷
every pit is not going to go beserk eventually. thats my point.

I had 2 pure pits and 2 mix pits at the same time. one could be considered odd at times. I did feed them separately.

I kept a close eye on the odd one as he was physically the most intimidating.

nobody was coming in my back yard or house without me there.


Wrenching Dad
Sep 20, 2007
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We carry pepper spray. Discharge a firearm and it’s a long, long time of dealing with the system right or wrong.

Longer than you can imagine if not endless.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2011
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Nothing gets people worked up more on RDP than HTM boats, EV's and Pits.
Never understood the HTM hate. Ours was great except it ride like absolute dog shit in the rough unless you were hauling ass.