Watched Died Suddenly

Chili Palmer

Master of My Domian
Jan 7, 2010
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The wife and I watched Died Suddenly on the Rumble app - this is not tinfoil hat conspiracy shit here, this is the one world order trying to eradicate a good portion of the world’s population by making people think that a deadly disease will kill them unless they get a voluntary injection that the government says it will save them. How ingenious to have people volunteer to kill themselves. They had embalmers on this film that said after about 4-6 months after the covid-19 injections started they started seeing cadavers with blood clots attached to long fiberous blockages sometimes 2-3 feet long. There are cctv videos of people in public areas spinning around and dropping and going into seizures right before they pass. This is really something when the watchdog group who watches the CDC refuses to acknowledge any of this, they won’t even have a discussion even when they are offered up to $100,000,000 just to show up.

Look at the propaganda machine they are using - celebrities, world leaders, governments all telling you that it’s your moral obligation to get the shot, and many businesses, schools, and government agencies were requiring their employees get the shot or be terminated, but there really isn’t any proof that this “vaccine” works. The covid-19 plandemic was just a test run to see how easily the populace could be manipulated. The covid virus was like all flu viruses, the most susceptible will always die, those that have unhealthy or pre-existing conditions (obese, heart ailments, etc.), are right behind them, it happens every winter, that’s why they call it “cold and flu season”. But like all viruses everyone develops antibodies to ward off the infection and that becomes yesterday’s news. But for some reason and almost 3 years later they are desperately hanging on to this propaganda and still continuing to push these injections.

I may have gone off the track here, but if you do get a chance to watch it, do so it will open your eyes how the government is using us all as guinea pigs.

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Old Guy
Dec 20, 2007
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We watched it a while back and it was compelling. I sent it to a few family vaccine champions back east who are heavily in the med field and they were “concerned” but still believed the shots “saved millions of Americans” 😂


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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That's right, come on over here to the dark side (there's cookies and coffee on the back table). Arts and crafts include "hat restoration" and "hat fitting". If possible, please bring extra foil for other new members...

Stuff's scary as hell when you start seeing things through a different prism. I don't know if they want us all dead, but the more compliant ones are going first...bad idea, but I'm no evil genius. When I started to see the healthy older people "die suddenly" I brushed it aside. When I knew guys that started having issues, and need blood thinners, I got worried. When I read about children, sick and dying...including now two in town...well, now I'm just pissed.
We all must answer for our sins...some people need some help getting there.

Todd Mohr

Will Race For Beer
Feb 26, 2019
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What if.... The cure for the blood clots is a bigger money maker than the vax. All part of a plan just to make money, nothing else, just greed. Follow the money seems to be the case with everything these days.


Distinguished Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Watched it with our son when he was here on leave. We are worried because he was made to get 2 jabs in the Navy. His fiance' had to get the jab to be able to work. They will be married this June and are such incredible people. If they are unable to have kids, I don't know what I will do.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2008
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We will learn eventually what the side affects are if these “vaccinations”. I don’t know what they’ll be but if I was a betting man, I would put it all on the fact that there will 100% be major side affects revealed down the road. Of course, since the govt immediately put the caviat that no one can sue big pharma for side affects, there will never be accountability.

Govt- take this shot even though it has not been vetted or proven to help anything. Oh, and we’re basically gonna push mandating it. Oh, and you can’t sue the companies that made it even if it kills you or your loved ones.




Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2008
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So when exactly is 71.8 percent of the worlds population going to die and what are they going to do with 5 billion bodies? Also, do you think Trump was in on it? He put together operation warp speed and still supports getting vaccinated.

That said, I’d rather I never got vaxxed mainly because it was completely ineffective in preventing me from getting Covid (twice).

Chili Palmer

Master of My Domian
Jan 7, 2010
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This shit takes you back to the X-Files, instead of using infected bees to sting and kill people, they use scare tactics to get people to willfully take the jab, no questions asked, and instead of the Cigarette Smoking Man pulling levers, it's now Bill Gates and other overly wealthy people who have some sense of superiority that they know what is best for everyone else.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2013
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What if.... The cure for the blood clots is a bigger money maker than the vax. All part of a plan just to make money, nothing else, just greed. Follow the money seems to be the case with everything these days.
you can't take medication if you're already dead. Different areas got different variations of the vax - for example they shipped pfizer that ends in a 3 to a lot of red states - that is the worst of them all - straight drop dead. Then there's the one with the purple cap - can't remember how bad that was but it is documented in your chart PURPLE CAP. Some areas got straight saline and those are the ones probably barking "it's safe and effective". There were tons of videos on tiktok & telegram but they vanished as fast as they could censor them. It is all by the evil left cabal design - called a softkill - gotta do it in different areas so that the genocide is not obvious to the masses.

Chili Palmer

Master of My Domian
Jan 7, 2010
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We will learn eventually what the side affects are if these “vaccinations”. I don’t know what they’ll be but if I was a betting man, I would put it all on the fact that there will 100% be major side affects revealed down the road. Of course, since the govt immediately put the caviat that no one can sue big pharma for side affects, there will never be accountability.

Govt- take this shot even though it has not been vetted or proven to help anything. Oh, and we’re basically gonna push mandating it. Oh, and you can’t sue the companies that made it even if it kills you or your loved ones.


So when exactly is 71.8 percent of the worlds population going to die and what are they going to do with 5 billion bodies? Also, do you think Trump was in on it? He put together operation warp speed and still supports getting vaccinated.

That said, I’d rather I never got vaxxed mainly because it was completely ineffective in preventing me from getting Covid (twice).
I never took the vax because they called it (and still do) EXPERIMENTAL - that means it hasn't had any of the usual required long term testing to vet out any issues....like sudden death.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2008
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I never took the vax because they called it (and still do) EXPERIMENTAL - that means it hasn't had any of the usual required long term testing to vet out any issues....like sudden death.
Yes but in two years they have vaccinated over 5 billion people. That is a pretty good test sample. The Polio vaccine developed by Jonas Salk was tested for one year then deemed safe. Over 92 percent of the world's population have had it. I have known a few people who died from Covid. I have also known people who died from sudden cardiac arrest before Covid. I don't personally know anyone who did after. I am not a Covid vaccine champion and I strongly feel that nobody anywhere should be required to get it. Especially children. However, I in no way believe that the vaccine was a worldwide intentional attempt to thin the herd.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2008
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I never took the vax because they called it (and still do) EXPERIMENTAL - that means it hasn't had any of the usual required long term testing to vet out any issues....like sudden death.
Dude. AVERAGE new drug clinical trials are 10 years. But many take as long as 15 years.

Not a secret the jab was grossly under tested. People just slamming that shit into them. 🤦‍♂️


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2010
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My daughters undisclosed company required her to get the jab. She interned for this company while attending college and was offered a job upon successful graduation. She is a fast-track employee with one small child already born before deciding to take the jab or loose her career.

Sadly she understands that having a second child is now a known risk in addition to the cost of raising two children in today’s economy. The most uncomfortable opinion I ever stated out loud and wish I could take back is “Yes that is a good idea not to bear another child honey.” The blank stare and pregnant pause still bothers me today. However, my personal opinion has not changed due to no efficacy trial results with the jab.


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2010
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We will learn eventually what the side affects are if these “vaccinations”. I don’t know what they’ll be but if I was a betting man, I would put it all on the fact that there will 100% be major side affects revealed down the road. Of course, since the govt immediately put the caviat that no one can sue big pharma for side affects, there will never be accountability.

Govt- take this shot even though it has not been vetted or proven to help anything. Oh, and we’re basically gonna push mandating it. Oh, and you can’t sue the companies that made it even if it kills you or your loved ones.


This is EXACTLY why me, my wife, and my kids did not get the jab. I even had to get my wife a fake vaccination card to not lose her job, but luckily the CEO of my company was not on board that train. We were prepared to home school if the mandate really started to get that far.

THE Cat Sass

Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2018
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Well....I'll say I'm not for or against the CV vax, that's a highly personal choice and one best left to the individual. I'm also not a conspiracy theorist to this magnitude. I mean could the same not have been said about previous vaccine's throughout history? Small Pox, Typhoid, hepatitis, Rabies, Flu, Polio, Measles....and the list goes on. All of which I'd suggest worked out pretty well for humanity in the long run. MHO.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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Of all the previous "vaccines" parents have given children, I don't believe any of them were like this. Meaning, the early ones were dead or severely weakened forms of the illness fought. This one, we had a scientist develop a fake version of a virus that was, more than likely, also made in a lab. The vax may not be genocide in a syringe, but it surely had lack of testing. The side effects may not be intentional, but there seems to be many reported.


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2013
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My daughter was required to get it for work as well. Her husband too. In August they gave us a beautiful granddaughter. All is well so far, but I admit, it is on my mind.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
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watched that and posted it in the dungeon a few weeks ago! definitely a MUST watch.

anyone still getting boosted is trippin!
The only boost I'm gettin



Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2022
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My Father passed away in his sleep 5 months after his Moderna booster.

He was not young, but he was not in poor health either.

I tried to talk him out of the vaccine. Wish that I had been more persuasive.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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My Father passed away in his sleep 5 months after his Moderna booster.

He was not young, but he was not in poor health either.

I tried to talk him out of the vaccine. Wish that I had been more persuasive.
My neighbor in his 60's died of a heart attack on the 5th tee, had recently within that same month had passed his annual physical. My best friend since childhood, early 60's, had only a week prior completed a physical for his commercial big rig drivers license, died of a sudden heart attack in Havasu Hospital after not feeling well that morning. These were both a couple of years prior to any Covid-19.
Nobody I know who's been vaxed has died, from anything.

What does this mean, nothing, shit happens, people dropped dead before and they'll continue to after.
Sorry about your dad, but a wonderful way to go and I can only hope I'm so lucky.

Given my age and high mortality rate for us boomer seniors, my doc, who's also an old timer advised my wife and I should get them as did he.
No problems for either of us, none.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Thanks. I'm grateful he did not suffer.
My son and his wife are late 40's, they didn't get it either and got through two cases of COVID with real bad flu symptoms. I'm one who damn near requires oxygen for a normal flu and every cold ends up in my chest.
My odds were pretty sucky, so felt the vax was the lessor of the two evils.
Didn't get the VID, so for now, I'm damned lucky in both cases I guess.

Some times there simply are no great choices. I can guarantee you one thing, had you worked hard to convince your dad not to get vaxed and he expired from the VID, you'd be feeling far more guilt.
It's horribly unfortunate, but I believe he still made the right choice. I'm led to believe there were no good deaths from COVID, in fact quite the opposite.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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My neighbor in his 60's died of a heart attack on the 5th tee, had recently within that same month had passed his annual physical. My best friend since childhood, early 60's, had only a week prior completed a physical for his commercial big rig drivers license, died of a sudden heart attack in Havasu Hospital after not feeling well that morning. These were both a couple of years prior to any Covid-19.
Nobody I know who's been vaxed has died, from anything.

What does this mean, nothing, shit happens, people dropped dead before and they'll continue to after.
Sorry about your dad, but a wonderful way to go and I can only hope I'm so lucky.

Given my age and high mortality rate for us boomer seniors, my doc, who's also an old timer advised my wife and I should get them as did he.
No problems for either of us, none.
This is what truly baffles me. I'm into old cars, OLD. Thus, I know a lot of people as old or older than said cars. Out of roughly 50, I'd guess maybe 10 didn't get the vax. All but 2 of the 50 have had covid now. Those 2 were both Navy guys, one thinks exposure to asbestos may be the trick;)
Surprisingly, only have lost 2 through this whole ordeal. One was in his 80s, and just too much for him. The other was early 70s, but was in cancer treatments. Both of them were vaxxed, but no way I'd say that was the issue.

Now, on the flipside, youngsters. I have two friends that are hospital staff. My age, not young or old. One was a jogging type, health nut. The other like me, not in bad shape, but no marathon type either. Both are on BP meds now. Could be genetics, could be luck...

Now, the ones that bother me. We have had 2 "heartattacks" take the lives of 2 young men in high-school up here. One I didn't know, but my wife did. The other was a son of a friend's employee. I had met him, seemed a good kid, didn't look to be a druggie or such.

My wife teaches kindergarten. She had a student start having dizzy spells, and headaches. She has missed quite a bit now, with doctor appointments, as they try to figure it out. This all started after she got her booster. That is according to the parents, not rumored.

This is why I'm happy I didn't have my kids get it. From where I sit, in my sphere of influence, the younger ones seem to be hit harder.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2018
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I had one shot over 18 months ago and I am still suffering from multiple issues. Blood clots, heart inflammation, heart palpitations, small fiber neuropathy, vision loss, neuro issues, skin issues etc... I am on blood thinners and a handful of other meds because of this "safe and effective vaccine". The shit is fucking poison! I just had COVID over Christmas and it was nothing more than a typical flu. The truth will eventually come out about these so called "vaccines" but it will be a while. Fuck big pharma!

Flat freak

Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2022
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I watched it a couple weeks ago. Seeing those three foot long blood clots being pulled from young dead people verified for me all I’ve seen & read. The death jab is for real, I also posted on another thread to watch it. Now if we could only get all our “highly sophisticated “ and “ overly enlightened “ friends & family to pull their heads out of their asses and learn what’s going on. This shit didn’t happen by accident.


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2016
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My father is double vaxed and now has myocarditis that he did not have prior IDK if it caused it or not but I am willing to bet it was. I have had it twice and the second time it was a breeze. I will never get vaxed!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2008
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Well....I'll say I'm not for or against the CV vax, that's a highly personal choice and one best left to the individual. I'm also not a conspiracy theorist to this magnitude. I mean could the same not have been said about previous vaccine's throughout history? Small Pox, Typhoid, hepatitis, Rabies, Flu, Polio, Measles....and the list goes on. All of which I'd suggest worked out pretty well for humanity in the long run. MHO.

This may very well work out okay in the long run but I for one am not getting in line for a poke anytime soon. When you start reading about the spike protein and the unknown reactions that it could have within your body long term it scares the shit out of me, not to mention the testing of effects when interacting with other OTC and prescription medications is non existent at this point. To many unknown variables....simple as that. I agree with you that it is a highly personal decision that I feel should have stayed that way, and unfortunately the knee jerk reaction by the powers at be may have done more long term damage than most of us will ever understand.


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2014
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Watched it this morning, I'm glad it was only an hour.