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  • Where can I get these heavy duty straps? I’m on my third passenger door on my X3 once was my fault and once was the dealers. Thanks for any help you can give me
    TPC, I am truly sorry for the mis-spell. I hope I did not bring up any past feelings. Again Im sorry, Tom.
    I just read your post. My name is Ryan and I am the proshop manager and a boat salesman at Tige Watersports in Corona. I am sorry that you didn't receive the service mailer this year; we did send them out after Thanksgiving. If you are in still in need of a service of your boat I will see to it that you get the discount. I would also like to answer any questions you may have about the 2010 Tige boats.

    Ryan@Tige Watersports
    Ross.....love the new avatar.....nothing like bra-less girls bending over backwards for ya!
    Hey Ross. It's Bekky from the Rio. I hear that there may have been an issue or two at the bar this weekend that may have left you with a bad taste in your mouth. I'd really appreciate it if you'd let me know what went on and maybe give me the opportunity to get it right, at least where you're concerned. Anthony and I really appreciate you and your business and hope that we can straighten out whatever problems may have occured. Thanks Ross.
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