Did we land on the moon?


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
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The Soviets never put a man on the moon, or even orbitted the moon.

The reason we never went back is it was too expensive and nothing to be gained beyond the experiments we did back then, at that time anyway.

And the Occam's razor proof we went was: it happened during the height of the cold war, if anyone would have the proof it was faked it would have been the Soviets, and they would have used it as the greatest propaganda piece against the west ever imagined.
Just saw this.


was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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I’m the alien MUFON weirdo guy and even I know that the earth is spherical and that we went to (and have continued to go to) the moon.
I could go on with a lot of basic physics stuff about gravity and rotational effects and whatever, but the easiest explanation is this…if the earth was flat you’d have no Direct TV. Plain and simple. Nor would we be able to task surveillance sats to polar orbits.
Even a rudimentary grasp of equatorial orbits vs polar orbit and gravitational effect (not to mention 60 years of visual evidence) sets the flat earth bs aside out of hand.

Moon landing? Lol
The camera is external mounted on an arm.
The same way that it shot the landing approach real time video. (Possibly the best video ever recorded. Buzz calling out telemetry while Armstrong manually drove the thing!)
Jesus Christ people, even today every internet hog in the world has a fucking selfie stick.
But again, the easiest proof is this, in 1969 there was no photo shop or AI. Our IPhones have 100x the computing power of 1969 NASA computers, and can photoshop better than all the Hollywood effects of that era.
It would have, frankly, cost more to fake it than to do it.
Look, I’m all about thinking outside the box and researching the very things that the masses dismiss in arrogant ignorance (a human condition), but I’d suggest applying that energy and time into legit research.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
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Didn’t Neil and Buzz have to set up the broadcast antenna before filming their “first steps”?

plaster dave

Face down A$$ up
Sep 28, 2007
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I’m the alien MUFON weirdo guy and even I know that the earth is spherical and that we went to (and have continued to go to) the moon.
I could go on with a lot of basic physics stuff about gravity and rotational effects and whatever, but the easiest explanation is this…if the earth was flat you’d have no Direct TV. Plain and simple. Nor would we be able to task surveillance sats to polar orbits.
Even a rudimentary grasp of equatorial orbits vs polar orbit and gravitational effect (not to mention 60 years of visual evidence) sets the flat earth bs aside out of hand.

Moon landing? Lol
The camera is external mounted on an arm.
The same way that it shot the landing approach real time video. (Possibly the best video ever recorded. Buzz calling out telemetry while Armstrong manually drove the thing!)
Jesus Christ people, even today every internet hog in the world has a fucking selfie stick.
But again, the easiest proof is this, in 1969 there was no photo shop or AI. Our IPhones have 100x the computing power of 1969 NASA computers, and can photoshop better than all the Hollywood effects of that era.
It would have, frankly, cost more to fake it than to do it.
Look, I’m all about thinking outside the box and researching the very things that the masses dismiss in arrogant ignorance (a human condition), but I’d suggest applying that energy and time into legit research.
There’s video of buzz or Armstrong saying no you didn’t see me walk on the moon that was a set!
Here’s video of him saying we didn’t go to the moon. Forward to 7:15


Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
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It’s called a synchronous orbit.
Have you read or seen anything about the moons “echo” or rather gong effect?
When we jettison the lunar modules after their mission, we measure the moons “vibrations” after impact to judge its density among other things. It actually “rings” for a while after they impact the surface, as if it’s hollow.
Also, if the moon was even a fraction larger or smaller, or like less than a mile different distance from the earth, it could not perfectly create a solar eclipse.
Did you know our earth’s rotation is not 24 hours? It’s 23 hours 56 minutes…give or take.
The reason we have to add 4 minutes to our “day” is because the earth had traveled just barely over 1 degree of its solar orbit during that day. (365 days in a year, 360* in a circle)
So because the earth moved a degree, it takes 4 minutes of extra rotation for the same reference point on earth to straight line to the suns center.
Now who the fuck ever figured that shit out?

The reason the same face of the moon always points towards the earth is due to tidal locking. As the gravity of the moon pulls against the earth stretching the oceans creating tides, the earth does the same to the moon, but with no liquid on the surface to absorb and disperse this force the moon itself is actually pulled into an egg shape.

Since gravity is in lock with mass, the 'heavy' end of the egg shaped moon stays pointed toward the earth.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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The reason the same face of the moon always points towards the earth is due to tidal locking. As the gravity of the moon pulls against the earth stretching the oceans creating tides, the earth does the same to the moon, but with no liquid on the surface to absorb and disperse this force the moon itself is actually pulled into an egg shape.

Since gravity is in lock with mass, the 'heavy' end of the egg shaped moon stays pointed toward the earth.
Hence the synchronous orbit.👍

arch stanton

Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2011
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Does it really matter to your life if we landed on the moon or just another lie the government has told you
Does it change your life if aliens live among us or visited a thousand years ago.
Go pour yourself a drink and turn the steak over don’t burn the meat that’s what really matters


Stop The Steal
Mar 14, 2008
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all Nasa images...

what is behind Door #????

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Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
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View attachment 1306371

all Nasa images...

what is behind Door #????

These are stitched images created by satellites in Low Earth orbit that cannot see the entire earth all at once.

2002: Terra Satellite, Orbital Altitude = 440 miles
2012-2015: Suomi NPP Satellite, Orbital Altitude = 518 miles

Diameter of the earth is 8,000 miles. You cannot see to anywhere near a complete bisection chord from only 500 miles up. Your MOA is only about 1/8th of the surface circumference
You have to stitch hundreds of flat snapshots together and then apply spherical distortion after the fact. They are renderings not actual photos.


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2008
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First off NASA means deceive in hebrew

Lexicon :: Strong's H5377 - nāšā' נָשָׁא​

The KJV translates Strong's H5377 in the following manner: deceive (12x), greatly (1x), beguiled me (1x), seize (1x), utterly (1x).

You may not believe in the bible or a GOD but they do. All the missions and craft names are trubiutes to there gods. Most if not all astronauts are masons. The Genesis 6 angles that came to earth and produced half human half angle giant offspring. Greek mythology is all true. Its was pre flood earth.

James Bond, Dimands are forever 1971, written in 1956 and filmed at the same time of the moon landing.
Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 08.33.47.png

Than there is

Go to your local observatory and ask them to point that powerful as f telescope on the moon landing site so you can see the flag. Cant do it cause it ant there. With AI the deception is now going to get a lot worse.
This stuff used to be so easy to find but they are working hard to scrub the net of it.

Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 09.05.21.png

Here is Bush senior at Nasa command and you can see the f up with the blue screen in the back on the ISS.
Just spend some time looking into it all. you will find tons of daming evidence against nasa,

Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 09.12.13.png

Look at all the worlds space agencies using the same symbol. The are paying homage to something.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2011
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Why haven't we been back in many years...this is the same NASA that retired the only spacecraft they had without a replacement.
Maybe they have a replacement unit, but it is kept secret for numerous reasons. I used to watch the videos of the crazy planes and vehicles they built in the 50's, but those were kept secret until the 2000's. I can only imagine what they have now with the technological advancements.

We are definitely kept on a need to know basis. I was kinda hoping Trump would let some stuff out of the bag, but he didn't. He did tell someone close to him he couldn't release the JFK files because of the massive repercussions. He did state that Ted Cruz's dad was in on it though.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2011
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Once the space station opened, the doors to research opened, all the money headed in that direction. The space shuttle had issues, so the private sector stepped up, and took over. Enter the super rich.

Im not sure what the push is for Mars, but I’m sure someone will build their pyramid, using corporate greed. And claim glory to their gods. 😁
Elon just wants to get home :)


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2023
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First off NASA means deceive in hebrew

Lexicon :: Strong's H5377 - nāšā' נָשָׁא​

The KJV translates Strong's H5377 in the following manner: deceive (12x), greatly (1x), beguiled me (1x), seize (1x), utterly (1x).

You may not believe in the bible or a GOD but they do. All the missions and craft names are trubiutes to there gods. Most if not all astronauts are masons. The Genesis 6 angles that came to earth and produced half human half angle giant offspring. Greek mythology is all true. Its was pre flood earth.

James Bond, Dimands are forever 1971, written in 1956 and filmed at the same time of the moon landing.
View attachment 1307345

Than there is

Go to your local observatory and ask them to point that powerful as f telescope on the moon landing site so you can see the flag. Cant do it cause it ant there. With AI the deception is now going to get a lot worse.
This stuff used to be so easy to find but they are working hard to scrub the net of it.

View attachment 1307352
Here is Bush senior at Nasa command and you can see the f up with the blue screen in the back on the ISS.
Just spend some time looking into it all. you will find tons of daming evidence against nasa,

View attachment 1307353
Look at all the worlds space agencies using the same symbol. The are paying homage to something.


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2008
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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2008
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The thing is nasa is telling you the truth while lieing to you. They tell you they cant go to the moon for mutiple reasons. Radation being the big one, they even said they lost the tecknawledgey to get there. I mean they flew there in a beer can in 1969.

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Vaginamoney broke
May 17, 2011
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I will say the discreet components in the original capsules would have a much better tolerance to the radiation than ic chips.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
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Rogan just had a guy on that effectively said the Vatican has known of alien life for over 100+ years.

Maybe they said fuck off to the moon lol


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2008
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Aliens are just disembodied spirts, otherwise know as demons/demonic spirts. Alien grays are 3d printed bodies inhabited by demons. We print organs, you think bodys are far off? 6000 years of trail and error with fallin angles help they can do just about anything, 6000 years? Yep these spirts came from Genesis 6, angles breeding humans. producing super humans, known as Nepleim. More mainstream story of this is Greek mythology Zeus and Hercules.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Rogan just had a guy on that effectively said the Vatican has known of alien life for over 100+ years.

Maybe they said fuck off to the moon lol
Pssst ---- I'll let you in on a little known real hush hush secret that NASA's keeping a tight lid on 🤫

But, despite RDP member rumors to the contrary, it does seem that NASA, despite having have forgotten how to get there, has plans to return to the moon, possibly in the next two years. :rolleyes: Let's keep this a secret so we don't upset the Meme lovers. 🤣

Project Artemis 😳



Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2008
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Pssst ---- I'll let you in on a little known real hush hush secret that NASA's keeping a tight lid on 🤫

But, despite RDP member rumors to the contrary, it does seem that NASA, despite having have forgotten how to get there, has plans to return to the moon, possibly in the next two years. :rolleyes: Let's keep this a secret so we don't upset the Meme lovers. 🤣

Project Artemis 😳

Sweet, ill watch it with my binoculars. $20 it will be severely overcast so nobody can see it.


Haters gonna Hate
Aug 24, 2008
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Sweet, ill watch it with my binoculars. $20 it will be severely overcast so nobody can see it.
Interesting way of telling everyone that you don't grasp the scale of things...

No googling, scale the earth down to the size of a Basketball, the moon ends up roughly the size of a tennis ball. How far apart should they be to keep the scale correct?


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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Pssst ---- I'll let you in on a little known real hush hush secret that NASA's keeping a tight lid on 🤫

But, despite RDP member rumors to the contrary, it does seem that NASA, despite having have forgotten how to get there, has plans to return to the moon, possibly in the next two years. :rolleyes: Let's keep this a secret so we don't upset the Meme lovers. 🤣

Project Artemis 😳

"With Artemis missions, NASA will land the first woman and first person of color on the Moon, using innovative technologies to explore more of the lunar surface than ever before."



Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
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Go to your local observatory and ask them to point that powerful as f telescope on the moon landing site so you can see the flag. Cant do it cause it ant there. With AI the deception is now going to get a lot worse.

No, it's because the moon is far as fuck away, and huge. It's about 2,100 miles across, and 240,000 miles from earth.

Even if you used Hubbell (which has the benefit of being outside the earths atmosphere so no temperature or atmospheric distorting, the theoretical smallest object you could discern is about 150 feet across, but because the Hubbell Telescope is in low earth orbit hauling ass in relation to the moon (it goes around the earth ever 90 minutes), if you could overcome this with image stabilizing and target locking the smallest thing you could see under ideal conditions is 300 feet across. And Hubbell's power is at least an order of magnitude better than any earth based telescope.

Here is Bush senior at Nasa command and you can see the f up with the blue screen in the back on the ISS.
Just spend some time looking into it all. you will find tons of daming evidence against nasa,

That isn't a blue screen, it's a reference screen used to determine the size and speed of objects in front of it, it's basically a calibration tool to remove optical distortion from a video. They use these same types of screens in situations like behind gun muzzels to measure velocity of a projectile etc here on earth.


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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No, it's because the moon is far as fuck away, and huge. It's about 2,100 miles across, and 240,000 miles from earth.

Even if you used Hubbell (which has the benefit of being outside the earths atmosphere so no temperature or atmospheric distorting, the theoretical smallest object you could discern is about 150 feet across, but because the Hubbell Telescope is in low earth orbit hauling ass in relation to the moon (it goes around the earth ever 90 minutes), if you could overcome this with image stabilizing and target locking the smallest thing you could see under ideal conditions is 300 feet across. And Hubbell's power is at least an order of magnitude better than any earth based telescope.

That isn't a blue screen, it's a reference screen used to determine the size and speed of objects in front of it, it's basically a calibration tool to remove optical distortion from a video. They use these same types of screens in situations like behind gun muzzels to measure velocity of a projectile etc here on earth.

Wise man once said...

"You can't have a reasonable conversation, with an unreasonable person".

In other words...

Stop wasting your time and just enjoy the show! 👍🏼😁


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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"With Artemis missions, NASA will land the first woman and first person of color on the Moon, using innovative technologies to explore more of the lunar surface than ever before."

Yeah well, that there will be the milestone of the mission and key to massive funding. To be far, they should grant a substantial Affirmative Action advantage to colored minority rocket contractors.
I was going to recommend that the other astronaut be a He/She or She/He, and if they've got room for a homeless one, all budget goals are sure to be met. 👍


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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Yeah well, that there will be the milestone of the mission and key to massive funding. To be far, they should grant a substantial Affirmative Action advantage to colored minority rocket contractors.
I was going to recommend that the other astronaut be a He/She or She/He, and if they've got room for a homeless one, all budget goals are sure to be met. 👍

Maybe they are trying to install an alphabet colony there?



Fixes Broken Stuff
Jul 25, 2012
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No, it's because the moon is far as fuck away, and huge. It's about 2,100 miles across, and 240,000 miles from earth.

Even if you used Hubbell (which has the benefit of being outside the earths atmosphere so no temperature or atmospheric distorting, the theoretical smallest object you could discern is about 150 feet across, but because the Hubbell Telescope is in low earth orbit hauling ass in relation to the moon (it goes around the earth ever 90 minutes), if you could overcome this with image stabilizing and target locking the smallest thing you could see under ideal conditions is 300 feet across. And Hubbell's power is at least an order of magnitude better than any earth based telescope.

That isn't a blue screen, it's a reference screen used to determine the size and speed of objects in front of it, it's basically a calibration tool to remove optical distortion from a video. They use these same types of screens in situations like behind gun muzzels to measure velocity of a projectile etc here on earth.
You can't even use the Hubble for viewing like that, it's focused so far out maybe the closest thing you might be able to focus on would be Pluto.

Like hunting scopes and micro scopes are set to focus differently, it's how each refractive lens is made/designed to see a certain view distance.


Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
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You can't even use the Hubble for viewing like that, it's focused so far out maybe the closest thing you might be able to focus on would be Pluto.

Like hunting scopes and micro scopes are set to focus differently, it's how each refractive lens is made/designed to see a certain view distance.

I'm not sure what the focal range is, but it's definitely very long, however yes this would be based on the assumption that the moon would even fall within that focal range. 👍

JJ McClure

Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2022
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Classic diversion. Change the subject. Let’s talk about telescopes and optics. 🤣


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
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It goes back much further.
Not sure if you listened to it but it sure sounds like the cover up (aliens) has a lot to do with people losing faith in religion.

Or more specifically losing members to “their” church. The popes shoes ain’t free lol.

Wave Hi

Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2022
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No doubt it happened. ...


  • 20231201_121250.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
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Just ask 007...
I think it’s an interesting conversation when you really take a step back and look at the whole picture. Meaning what we know today versus the rhetoric that was told 20-50 years prior.

It’s well known today that the US snuck Nazi scientists into the USA via the Vatican and South American countries. Imagine saying that in 1950, you’d look like a crazy person.


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2023
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Yeah well, that there will be the milestone of the mission and key to massive funding. To be far, they should grant a substantial Affirmative Action advantage to colored minority rocket contractors.
I was going to recommend that the other astronaut be a He/She or She/He, and if they've got room for a homeless one, all budget goals are sure to be met. 👍
I thought we wanted to get back...


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Stuff like this always has me scratching my head. How can the earth be illuminated but the moon is “dark”?

I’m assuming it’s a layered photo?

This explains the answer to your question --- and that essentially, the moon appears dark in contrast to how much more brightly the earth is when compared to the grey dirt covered moon.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
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I think this might explain that ;)

" Brightly lit Earth serves as a backdrop for the moon, which is itself illuminated thanks to the sunlight hitting it. "
I guess the question is why is the earth illuminated?

Meaning if I go grab a big light and shine it in one direction, and one object is dim and one is brightly illuminated, you’re going to have questions lol.

Whatever is illuminating the earth should also be casting light on the “dark side” of the moon.